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All American
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2/9/2017 3:25:20 PM

26632 Posts
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holy shit, that graphic is fucking real

2/9/2017 3:33:18 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Baghdadi is just winning all over the place. Bannon needs to step his game up.

2/9/2017 3:38:42 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Ha. That's good tv

2/9/2017 4:00:05 PM

45912 Posts
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2/9/2017 7:32:20 PM

4380 Posts
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2/9/2017 8:07:59 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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There's a lot of advertisers pulling their ads from O'Reilly show

4/4/2017 12:09:15 PM

50085 Posts
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I mean why? He has always been an asshat who sexually harassed women. This isn't new.

4/4/2017 12:42:25 PM

All American
39582 Posts
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hasn't been as public/reported on until now

especially the culture at Fox News. they're going to be spending a lot of time in court.

[Edited on April 4, 2017 at 12:56 PM. Reason : Cosby was known as an abuser for years, too]

4/4/2017 12:55:18 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"Allstate, Hyundai, Mercedes, BMW, Constant Contact, T. Rowe Price, GlaxoSmithKline, UNTUCKit, & Sanofi have suspended O'Reilly Factor ads."

4/4/2017 3:43:20 PM

26632 Posts
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THESE COMPANIES - pro extortionists

[Edited on April 4, 2017 at 4:17 PM. Reason : !]

4/4/2017 4:15:55 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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It's official now per Drudge, O'Reilly is gone. This is the beginning of the end for FNC. Hannity's days are surely numbered.

4/19/2017 12:36:42 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"This law firm has uncovered evidence that the smear campaign is being orchestrated by far-left organizations bent on destroying O'Reilly for political and financial reasons. That evidence will be put forth shortly and it is irrefutable

Interested to see if this is anything.

It seems similar to the fake Trump "sexual harassment" claims that came up in October and disappeared after.

4/19/2017 1:31:26 PM

All American
23091 Posts
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He's an opinion piece. Why do we care who is trying to smear him?

4/19/2017 2:06:28 PM

50085 Posts
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^^^ why? As far as I know, Hannity hasn't been dogged by sexual harassment suits for years, has he. Being a hack and crazy isn't grounds for dismissal at Fox

Of course neither is repeated sexual harassment suits and settlements unless your parent company is trying to push through an acquisition of Sky News, I guess..

[Edited on April 19, 2017 at 2:24 PM. Reason : FUCK IT, WE'LL DO IT LIVE]

4/19/2017 2:23:50 PM

All American
28661 Posts
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Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella

[Edited on April 19, 2017 at 3:23 PM. Reason : ]

4/19/2017 3:21:38 PM

26632 Posts
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4/19/2017 3:29:11 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"This is the beginning of the end for FNC. Hannity's days are surely numbered"

Why what did he do?

4/19/2017 3:34:37 PM

All American
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He didn't do anything other than backing Trump and being a conservative. He's just the next target after O'Reilly. Ailes is gone, now O'Reilly - the most "moderate" opinion host on the network, so Hannity will be next.

4/19/2017 4:26:08 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"Ailes is gone, now O'Reilly - the most "moderate" opinion host on the network, so Hannity will be next."

One of these things is not like the others...

4/19/2017 4:33:57 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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Should we lobby to create an IQ test tag for posting in TSB? Not that you have to score any certain level to contribute, but when you do post your IQ would be displayed. Then people can make better decisions about whether to engage in some ridiculous argument.

4/19/2017 4:45:28 PM

All American
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You first.

4/19/2017 4:54:00 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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I'd be happy to submit if we all agree. Do any of your recent comments make you think I was referring to you?

4/19/2017 4:55:32 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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Stop bloviating and just tell everyone your IQ.

4/19/2017 5:07:05 PM

50085 Posts
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So Jason Chaffetz is gonna quit Congress to go to Fox News, isn't he?

Good riddance.

4/20/2017 12:00:53 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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does anyone put any faith in online IQ tests in the first place? and if so, how does IQ directly tie into the relevance of someone's political opinion? Adam Smith and Karl Marx could have been equally intelligent.

4/20/2017 1:46:04 PM

All American
2127 Posts
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^In my opinion the vast majority of online IQ tests are geared towards self flattery bullshit; I don't think it's possible to obtain a low score on some of them. There may be a few that are competent, but I think they're rare.

4/20/2017 2:19:41 PM

All American
2127 Posts
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Here's one I found through Google:

If you get every question wrong, you still get an IQ of 100.

And some of the questions are ambiguous bullshit. Kind of like: What's the next number in the sequence: 3,5,7, ?. The only correct answer is that it's impossible to tell.

4/20/2017 2:31:58 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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It was a joke, not an actual idea, though it would be nice to know ahead of time whether the person I'm about to engage with would understand that if I ask them to rank Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Bret Baier, Eric Bolling, Shep Smith, and Chris Wallace in order of "moderateness" it should come out in somewhat of a logical order

[Edited on April 20, 2017 at 2:37 PM. Reason : asdf]

^ They might not give accurate IQ's but they might be consistent in terms of better vs worse scores at least

[Edited on April 20, 2017 at 2:39 PM. Reason : asdf1]

4/20/2017 2:36:50 PM

5608 Posts
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Don't do IQ, do the political compass. It would be hilarious to see the echo chamber all end up in authoritarian left.

4/20/2017 2:48:06 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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You tickle me when you get your adjectives for the the right and left confused. It's precious.

4/20/2017 3:02:49 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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I thought you weren't referring to me when deciding whether my IQ was high enough to engage with? Someone just got busted! Maybe you should have your emotional sensitivity IQ tested because it would probably be super low because of how insensitive you are to other people on here.

4/20/2017 3:48:47 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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I was asking why exactly you thought I was talking to you. My post simply implied that someone had said something that made me question how smart they were. Good job speaking up?

4/20/2017 4:43:40 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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I always speak up against bullies like you. If we all go to NC State, we can all post in TSB. [insert deal with it emoticon ctrl+v]

4/20/2017 5:18:50 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"You tickle me when you get your adjectives for the the right and left confused. It's precious."

what, you think authoritarians can only come from the right side of the political compass? I'd estimate that at least a third of the active posters in TSB would fall upper left on a good political compass test, with another half libertarian left.

Maybe someone should start a new thread to have the few active posters here complete a political compass test and post the results, and someone could compile them. Then, everyone can bitch about how much everyone else lied on the test to end up where they did.

4/20/2017 5:23:43 PM

26632 Posts
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Have some self respect, stop being such a cuck

4/20/2017 5:59:41 PM

5608 Posts
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Nothing is authoritarian about unconstitutionally forcing citizens to subsidize the healthcare of millions of slow-dying baby boomers.

4/20/2017 11:58:14 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd estimate that at least a third of the active posters in TSB would fall upper left on a good political compass test"

Except I haven't seen a single one of those in the actual political compass thread, much less a third of all active posters.

[Edited on April 21, 2017 at 12:20 AM. Reason : Good effort tho]

4/21/2017 12:20:17 AM

2953 Posts
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You can almost infer the compass postion of the person who made that last meme. Everything on the left is an insult.

4/21/2017 6:40:34 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Everything on the right is an insult too; you must have taken the left side insults personally.

4/21/2017 7:25:50 AM

2953 Posts
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Not all of them are insults which is what I meant by inferring the position of the author. Insult everyone who is different.

-Pro LGBT, stop islamophobia
-Im a different kind of conservative
-Bake the cake you bigot
-Support troops not war! Reagan

You can tell the author is somewhere around there because they are mostly positive.

Meanwhile the ones on the left are all the same tired (and false) insults that are often pushed in far right propaganda campaigns. The middle one doesn't even make sense considering much of the scientific community falls there.

[Edited on April 21, 2017 at 8:06 AM. Reason : alright]

4/21/2017 8:05:17 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Are any of these more to your liking? Or how about some even simpler ones?

4/21/2017 10:58:11 AM

All American
11464 Posts
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Quote :
"Hannity's days are surely numbered."

uh oh....

4/24/2017 9:19:22 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"coordinated effort afoot to now silence those with conservative views"

4/24/2017 10:47:42 AM

All American
23091 Posts
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O'Reilly is def. dirty.

Not sure about Hannity. He's a nutjob to be sure, but this is starting to sound like a witch-hunt

4/24/2017 10:56:00 AM

All American
1801 Posts
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^^^ At least you didn't have your IQ questioned for making the obvious observation about Mr. Hannity. Another article on the end of days at FNC.

Quote :
"“I just don’t see Fox News and Sean having a long relationship."

4/29/2017 6:34:19 AM

50085 Posts
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Lead story on national Fox News website...

5/16/2017 9:18:23 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4967 Posts
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5/16/2017 9:37:50 AM

5608 Posts
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John "Spirit Cooking" Podesta and team #HillDawg don't like loose ends. That is some house of cards shit tho boi

5/16/2017 10:47:27 AM

50085 Posts
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The Ghost of Vince Foster is upon us.

[Edited on May 16, 2017 at 11:04 AM. Reason : Yet Anthony Weiner remains]

5/16/2017 11:03:37 AM

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