why do they have to announce which actors sign contracts to be on next seasoni mean spoilers
12/6/2021 8:31:41 PM
I'm not generally a big complainer of shows I'm watching, because, why watch? But this and World Beyond have got just some awful acting and writing. I stopped watching this just before Morgan came on the show, then picked it back up, and loved it. The addition of Dillahunt and later Dwight, combined with a big deemphasis on the original core characters made for a really great couple of season that roped me back in. Now with the movie in the works and all these worlds connecting I'm so invested I kind of have to watch, but...it's hard. I'm glad World Beyond is ending, it's definitely worse than Fear, which isn't easy to do
12/9/2021 2:07:31 PM
yeah, this is pretty much dogshit now
5/11/2022 10:11:40 PM
It is actually impressive to me that a group of professionals can come out of the writer's room after finishing the episodes so far this season and say, "Yeah, we like what we've done here"
5/12/2022 11:30:53 AM
5/31/2022 10:43:47 PM
Fear the walking shitshow renewed for 8th and final season.I wonder what they will build up to, and then when it looks like it has potential, they will just shovel a load of elephant shit on top of it.Rick will probably cameo, and maybe some of the world beyond brats.
1/19/2023 9:15:07 PM
Fear the walking shitshowanyone remember how good this used to be, when people turned SNF off to watch shows about zombies?
6/5/2023 9:54:07 PM
There’s a lot of crap on TV I don’t watch that’s just awful, so I won’t go so far as to say this is worse than everything, but of the things I do watch this is far and away the worst, but basically I have to watch it because who knows what I’ll need to know for the other shows.This season, I mean good god, how many times are we going to have the same conversation about “padre is good, no they’re not, yes they are, I have to do this, no you don’t, are you with us? Yes, no, maybe, who knows”And I hate to ask a for real question within this ridiculous writing, but they’re in coastal Louisiana now right? But last episode Morgan just quickly pops over to Georgia and all those people follow him, then they all just pop back over to the coast no problem? Do I have the locations wrong?
6/7/2023 10:49:46 PM
Ok I did some reading and even though Morgan met Madison in Louisiana we don’t actually know where Padre is or how far they travelled to get there. People are speculating it’s in Savannah, which would answer my last question, though definitely opens up a lot more questions about how the hell long did it take them to get to Padre, why was Madison so far from Padre finding children, and if Morgan needs help seems like he’s awfully close to a bunch of friends he knows why not ask them?
6/7/2023 11:33:13 PM
how is PADRE that widespread and not even encountered the CRM?and no mention of the nuclear fallout in Texas?and the Commonwealth seems to be oblivious to both, because what, plot convenience? I think the "who did Negan kill" cliffhanger between seasons was the "fingerpoke of doom" it didnt go to shit that day, but thats when it started
6/8/2023 8:16:17 PM
I won't contest it hasn't been as good since then, but I also don't even really think it's fair to equate the two shows. The writing on the main show has been at least "fine" for the most part at a minimum, this show is laughably bad almost every episode.
6/9/2023 9:03:55 AM
That was slightly better, but nothing greatdo we need a new thread for the spinoff shows?
6/18/2023 11:53:48 PM
I’m glad the whole storyline of kids not wanting to see their parents or maybe they do or maybe they don’t or maybe they want to kill then or maybe they want to find them is over, hopefullySo, maybe I’m just not remembering the end of the main show correctly, but my recollection is that Negan and Maggie were on slightly better terms than they seem to be in this show?
6/20/2023 11:05:49 PM
so yeah, um..... noThis aint it chief
10/23/2023 10:32:17 PM
I just got through the opening scene to the credits and it's so bad I had to come here to say so. I mean...wow...just horrible writing
10/24/2023 2:20:14 PM
we have the zombie survival guidehowever for instructions on what not to do, just watch these people.
10/29/2023 10:10:36 PM
Tonight's episode didn't suck, I can't say it was great, but it didn't suck.That's something.
11/5/2023 11:48:03 PM
Well what the fuckThere were enough plot twists and shit for a whole season there.You know, if only some good writers had been able to do this, if only...But I guess it's all over now.
11/20/2023 11:27:52 PM