Unbelievable... Apparently that func needs to be defined in stubby.
7/9/2010 11:41:55 PM
7/10/2010 12:18:00 AM
Here I fixed these two functions for you:
// This function basically does the same as parseMessageBoardList() for a list// of threads within a section. It does a lot more work, though, since there is// much richer data to start with and an appalling lack of hooks to use it.function parseThreadsList() { // Which section are we viewing? sectionNum = (location.search).match(/section=\d+/)[0].split("=")[1]; GM_setValue("current_section_id", sectionNum); GM_setValue("current_section", document.title.substr(6)); console.log(GM_getValue("current_section_id")); $(window).unload(function () { GM_deleteValue("current_section_id"); GM_deleteValue("current_section"); }); // Again, we identify the TABLE we're interested in and build a new THEAD to // separate the column headers from the thread rows. // // TODO: Replace the header row's TD elements with TH elements. threadTable = $('table.inbar').attr('id', 'tww_thread_table'); threadTableBody = $('#tww_thread_table > tbody').attr('id', 'tww_thread_table_body'); threadTableHeaderRow = $('#tww_thread_table_body > tr:first-child').attr('id', 'tww_thread_table_header_row'); threadTableHead = document.createElement('thead'); threadTableHead.setAttribute('id', 'tww_thread_table_header'); threadTableBody.before(threadTableHead); $('#tww_thread_table_header_row').remove().appendTo($('#tww_thread_table_header')); // And again, we add classes to each of the rows we're actually interested // in to reflect that they contain thread information. threadRows = $('#tww_thread_table_body > tr').addClass('tww_thread_row'); threadListing = []; // Just like with the message boards list, we're going to just break down // each cell, take what we need, and build on to the document. This run of // code takes the longest to run. $('.tww_thread_row').each(function() { threadRow = $(this); threadCells = $(this).children(); threadCells.eq(0).addClass('thread_status'); topicLink = threadCells.eq(1).addClass('thread_topic').children('a:first').addClass('thread_link'); threadNum = topicLink.attr("href").split("="); threadTopic = topicLink.text(); topicLink.parent().parent().attr('id', 'thread_' + threadNum[1]); threadCells.eq(2).addClass('thread_author'); authorLink = threadCells.eq(2).children('a:first'); userNum = authorLink.attr("href").split("="); userName = authorLink.text(); authorLink.parent().parent().addClass("thread_by_" + userNum[1]); threadReplies = threadCells.eq(3).addClass('thread_replies'); threadViews = threadCells.eq(4).addClass('thread_views'); threadCells.eq(5).addClass('thread_last_post').children('a:first').addClass('user_link'); threadListing.push(new ThreadListing(threadNum[1], threadTopic, userNum[1], userNum[1], threadReplies.text(), threadViews.text()));/* // Remember topicRegExp? Now, we use it to test for the words we want // to follow and apply those words as classes to matching threads. for (var regExp in topicRegexp) { if (threadTopic.match(topicRegexp[regExp], "i")) { threadRow.addClass(topicRegexp[regExp]); } }*/ }); // See the image handling in parseMessageBoardList() for more. threadStatusImages = $('.thread_status img'); threadStatusImages.filter("img[src*='new']").each(function() { $(this).parent().parent().addClass("new_posts"); }); threadStatusImages.filter("img[src*='old']").each(function() { $(this).parent().parent().addClass("old_posts"); }); return(threadListing);}
function ThreadListing(threadid, topic, author, authorid, replies, views) { this.id = threadid; this.topic = topic; this.author = author; this.authorid = authorid; this.replies = replies; this.views = views;}
7/10/2010 9:33:02 AM
okay the "click on the Wolf" to see the blocked users list is fucking cool
7/12/2010 2:40:50 PM
7/12/2010 4:15:05 PM
Highlighting/hovering over a mysterious looking TWW link, iemessage_topic.aspx?topic=327923shows the title of the thread, similar to alt-text for a picture.Eliminates the need for following the link in a post that otherwise has no valuable input to the current thread besides the title of the thread. In practice, it eliminates having to click on a link to load a thread and get the joke before closing the loaded thread. Example:message_topic.aspx?topic=598120#14151718
7/18/2010 3:49:51 PM
Probably a dumb question, but what the hell... any ideas if this would work with Chrome's built-in Greasemonkey support? I never really used Greasemonkey w/ Firefox.
7/18/2010 6:02:20 PM
ThePeter said:
7/18/2010 10:13:20 PM
Fuck, I was going to but then I spent all my votes before finding out you need 1 vote to make a suggestion.
7/19/2010 6:10:00 AM
Well, I liked it well enough to use my last vote on it: http://thewolfweb.uservoice.com/forums/41449-feedback-forum-2/suggestions/920837-add-thread-titles-to-thread-links
7/19/2010 7:33:13 AM
I've taken the script down for now.Because I'm reworking it.Because there's a new version coming.It has a new feature.That feature is a community-driven NSFW tagger.You gonna love this shit.
7/30/2010 2:09:17 PM
7/30/2010 4:03:29 PM
All right, I don't have any snazzy visuals to show you, but the results look identical to this right now:I'll tell you what happens behind the scenes.When the page for a message board loads, the script grabs all the thread IDs on the current page and sends a request to my database asking whether any have been reported NSFW. The server replies asynchronously, so you're not waiting for the response—the page continues loading. Once the script receives a reply, any threads identified NSFW get classed and styled.If you're viewing a thread, each post has a link that tells my database to record an NSFW vote for that post. These votes are used to determine which threads are NSFW.I thought I'd have something ready to release today, but I've decided that I want the voting mechanism to report which page of a thread the post is on and what section the thread is in. That will help me keep performance high, and it'll let me warn you when a particular page is NSFW when the thread itself is relatively innocuous.This infrastructure will have applications beyond NSFW warnings. I hope to do some really cool stuff going forward.
8/2/2010 9:06:26 AM