7 points since halftime Cal is up on Stan which is good[Edited on March 8, 2012 at 11:06 PM. Reason : xs]
3/8/2012 11:04:06 PM
9 mins left, up by 11 = game out of reach
3/8/2012 11:05:25 PM
i suppose it's possible might GT might turn it on for the last 8 minutes
3/8/2012 11:07:48 PM
GD this is painful to watch
3/8/2012 11:08:43 PM
you're painful to watchsick in-bounds play alley-oop
3/8/2012 11:14:19 PM
http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaab-the-dagger/officials-acc-tournament-honor-ref-ejected-n-c-190637077.htmlof course they are missing pieces of the story, but close enough i guess.
3/8/2012 11:16:14 PM
3/9/2012 12:18:29 AM
I know it may have gone unnoticed yesterday because overall things went our (State's) way in round 1, but the officiating otherwise was pretty poor.The officiating in the Clemson vs VT game was horrendous.
3/9/2012 9:18:13 AM
we got a lot of bullshit calls go our way yesterday
3/9/2012 9:20:56 AM
If he is referring to the elbow to the face in the post, I thought the refs made the right call. I casually watched the game while doing some woodworking in the garage so I can't really speak for the rest.
3/9/2012 9:21:55 AM
^^yes, we did.i specifically remember CJ Leslie driving to the bucket, seemingly lowering his shoulder, and the BC player go flying...that would normally have been an immediate charge call. i was shocked it wasnt...not to mention, how many continuation calls did we get for and 1's? it seemed a bit sketchy, in my opinion...[Edited on March 9, 2012 at 9:31 AM. Reason : .]
3/9/2012 9:26:42 AM
^^Agreed. The guy clearly swung elbows. The refs were debating Flagrant 1 and Flagrant 2 on that, not whether or not it was flagrant at all. The announcer (if you give any credence to that drivel) wanted him thrown out of the game.[Edited on March 9, 2012 at 9:29 AM. Reason : ]
3/9/2012 9:29:11 AM
i was listening on the radio yesterday and will be again today. it's a shame i'm missing out on all the "land where andrew jackson camped" tv spots
3/9/2012 10:38:07 AM
This first game is going to be unbearable with the amount of baby blue in the stands.
3/9/2012 11:55:18 AM
Let's go Turtles
3/9/2012 11:58:49 AM
I like turtles.
3/9/2012 12:00:42 PM
Anybody watching this ESPN bullshit?"The theory of elevation: First discovered by a freshman in Chapel Hill"because jordan was the first person in ACC history to have remarkable jumping ability
3/9/2012 12:03:58 PM
and henson looks like he might have just broken hist wrist
3/9/2012 12:16:36 PM
Holy shit that could be huge. Henson looks like he hurt his left arm pretty bad
3/9/2012 12:17:01 PM
Did the announcer really just compare him to Payton Manning
3/9/2012 12:17:10 PM
I actually like Henson, easily the least objectionable UNC star in years.
3/9/2012 12:17:56 PM
Didn't look that bad. Hope I'm wrong.
3/9/2012 12:19:00 PM
3/9/2012 12:19:05 PM
don't think it's broken, but crazy they were even discussing flagrant with that. He hurt himself because he braced his fall with one hand.
3/9/2012 12:19:11 PM
Well it's clear that he can't really use that left hand. Favoring it a lot
3/9/2012 12:20:35 PM
Why did Roy wait so long to get Henson out? What a dick.
3/9/2012 12:21:06 PM
Yay, keep that up maryland
3/9/2012 12:21:15 PM
I think Turgeon is gonna fill Sweaty Gary's shoes nicely. I already dislike him. I can't even really put my finger on why.
3/9/2012 12:24:36 PM
sad part is mcaddoo is more dynamic offensively
3/9/2012 12:26:57 PM
Henson is a fucking pussy.
3/9/2012 12:27:28 PM
god i hate stillman white
3/9/2012 12:30:08 PM
the real question is will henson be able to give 110% during the postgame team circlejerk
3/9/2012 12:30:29 PM
3/9/2012 12:30:46 PM
They need to just do away with the charge call.
3/9/2012 12:32:58 PM
Player went straight up. Zeller launched himself.
3/9/2012 12:33:26 PM
lets just hope maryland keeps inflicting pain
3/9/2012 12:34:44 PM
Yeah, I think if a player flops, he shouldn't get the call.
3/9/2012 12:35:13 PM
Zeller is the worst. He's the stereotypical Duke player that UNC bitches about: tall, white, flopper.[Edited on March 9, 2012 at 12:39 PM. Reason : not to mention ugly]
3/9/2012 12:37:51 PM
3/9/2012 12:38:29 PM
That wrist is gonna swell, will likely be worse tomorrow than it is right now.And Henson is a good player who's fun to watch. I guarantee you our players would act like dicks in UNC's building if they could ever win a game there.
3/9/2012 12:41:58 PM
^^ love the Obama mask/suit between CJW and Henson
3/9/2012 12:44:00 PM
he acts like a dick in many buildings
3/9/2012 12:44:15 PM
Sure wish we could get away with playing UNC as physically as Maryland is right now. At this point half of our starters would have fouled out.
3/9/2012 12:45:18 PM
UNC surely looks vulnerable without Henson in there on defense. Would love to see Leslie against McAdoo
3/9/2012 12:45:31 PM
everything is a charge today
3/9/2012 12:45:56 PM
It's amazing that Marhsall and Barnes never get called for the push-offs
3/9/2012 12:47:33 PM
Legal guarding position should no longer be standing there like a tree.
3/9/2012 12:47:41 PM
they mosley come at nightmosley
3/9/2012 12:47:48 PM
fuck gary williams
3/9/2012 12:48:58 PM
If they're calling Hairston for that travel, Austin Rivers is fucked.
3/9/2012 12:50:32 PM