Was at Office Max in Apex and saw this-really liking this shade of blue
12/24/2013 9:35:39 PM
^ There's one locally that AutoX'es with my SCCA club in that color, it's definitely pretty. I'm not a fan of the chrome wheels though, the local one has black wheels and I like that better. If I get one, and I'm seriously thinking about it in a year or so, then I want cyber gray with black wheels like this:I know, gray is boring, but I love gray cars heh
12/25/2013 12:03:03 AM
Saw a white one in Cary yesterday. I thought it was a good looking car when I saw it in magazines, but in person... not so much.
12/29/2013 5:30:34 PM
Definitely starting to see more of these when out and about. Great looking car IMO.
1/2/2014 9:15:41 AM
They look a lot better when you photo shop the brace face out of them.I would prefer just a big open hole in the front end.Other than that... I love the car
1/2/2014 11:02:42 AM
Neighbor got a blue one like the one at the top of this page. I've already seen about 5 in the area. They appear to be pretty popular.
1/2/2014 11:08:54 AM
How does the viper fare against them?I wish I could post the one I "built" and then chopped the grill out of on my phone.Holy shit you can upload from iOS now??![Edited on January 2, 2014 at 11:13 AM. Reason : .]
1/2/2014 11:11:59 AM
The SRT Viper isn't really fair to pit against the C7s. The new Vipers have 200 more HP and are $30-50k more. It will be more fun to compare once the "Z.." Vette models come out.Good explanation here:http://jalopnik.com/why-compare-the-srt-viper-to-the-corvette-stingray-z51-1223518211
1/2/2014 11:39:30 AM
1/2/2014 11:39:51 AM
Dude I meant your viper....96 gts
1/2/2014 1:09:19 PM
97 gts It is pretty similar power-wise with both coming in right around 450HP. The C7 is obviously a lot more refined (has abs, traction control, & cupholders) and surely can brake & corner better. The C7 also has slightly faster 1/4 mile and 0-60 times. I still am very happy that my almost 20 year old car can still keep up with the latest and greatest.I enjoy the looks of the C7, even with the Camaro backend. I like it a lot, but it is going to be soooo common... it is hard to get excited about a car that you see every time you get on the highway. I'm obviously biased and would not trade my Viper for a new C7 - but I would not mind having both and using the C7 as a daily driver, if I could.
1/2/2014 2:09:42 PM
I would (want to) daily drive a 90's vintage Viper.
1/2/2014 2:38:59 PM
Z06 will have620 hp650 lb-ft http://www.worldcarfans.com/114010768404/chevrolet-accidentally-leaks-the-specifications-for-theSo will there even be a ZR1? If so, will it go the hypercar route similar to the Enzo to LaFerrari transformation, which jumped from 650 hp to 900+ hp?Or it just might be a bit more 'manageable' 720 or so hp, if they do make it.
1/7/2014 2:56:28 PM
1/11/2014 5:10:13 PM
Lord have mercy... that looks automobicidal I wonder if it will even beat out the previous ZR1 in performance... probably yes. Bet it slaughters the viper and most other super cars.
1/11/2014 9:56:31 PM
Best looking corvette chevy has ever made imo. I just wish they had put a fraction of that aggressive styling into the SS sedan.
1/14/2014 8:28:59 AM
that looks pretty bad ass
1/14/2014 3:43:01 PM
Put me down for one
1/14/2014 5:33:31 PM
Still don't like it. Looks like a refugee from Transformers.
1/14/2014 10:06:26 PM
1/15/2014 12:49:15 AM
Early C3 > C2 > C1 > C6 > Late C3 > C7 > C4 > C5
1/15/2014 1:41:00 AM
1/15/2014 6:00:52 AM
As I suspected, gm confirms zr1 won't happen, and also says the z06 will beat the previous zr1.
1/15/2014 11:44:46 AM
I figured as much, that kills any chance of the zr1's price dropping to an affordable level.
1/15/2014 5:32:31 PM
did any of you really expect a zr1 to happen?That's not how GM plays...
1/20/2014 3:04:15 PM
^I didn't.
1/20/2014 4:36:52 PM
Once the base model came out, yes I did, but once I read that the Z06 would have 620 hp, I knew the ZR1 was probably going back into hibernation, probably forever this time.
1/20/2014 4:55:27 PM
Up until today I'd never been on the road behind a C7. This car is the most ass ugly car I've ever followed. Its beautiful in the rear view, but good god when it passes and you see that ass.
3/22/2014 9:25:12 PM
See I completely dis agree I like every angle except the head on... If I got one the first thing I'd do is take a dremel to the grillAll I see isBraces[Edited on March 23, 2014 at 6:12 AM. Reason : .]
3/23/2014 6:05:35 AM
Just had this thought looking at Z06. Is 635 hp, 625 tq too much for the average joe? I wonder if this car will end up like the Carerra gt.
4/3/2014 11:10:50 AM
^not necessarily.You've got to consider the power delivery, which I feel like is the problem. Non-linear acceleration rates (Jerk, amirite?) are what get people. But a well-engineered production vehicle with decent tires shouldn't be anything more than just being 'faster' than a 500hp car
4/3/2014 11:54:45 AM
I'm still a bit bummed that, for all it's newfound speed and awesomeness, the new C77 Z06 is departing from it's hardcore ways.-no longer hardtop only (hallmark of previous Z06s)-no longer manual only (never offered with an automatic till now. and yes it has a torque converter)-projected to be 400lbs heavier than C6 Z06...that one's a bit tough to accept Yeah it'll be insanely fast and faster than the last one. But still, I wish they'd call it something else
4/3/2014 12:56:55 PM
I didn't know about the weight. Wow 400lbs is alot for a sports car. I'd love to have a C6 Z06. Once they tank into the 20's I'll go get one
4/3/2014 1:10:02 PM
The Carrera GT wasn’t just an every day car, it was a prototype track car adapted to the street without stability control. A car that was conceived to turn in fast lap times, which typically means a set up that leans towards oversteer under steady state cornering. Far from how they design/test/market, etc. Corvettes. All the Z06’s are amazing cars for what they are, and I enjoy them including on track, but there isn’t much like a Carrera GT (or 996 GT2) out there. On a related note, I really want a GT2!
4/3/2014 4:37:12 PM
I've also heard that the new spec Michelin tire made for the Carrera GT makes it much easier to drive aggressively.(FYI the one that crashed with Paul Walker in it had on 9 year old tires - should be criminal!)
4/4/2014 10:20:57 AM
I did a bad job of stating my question, the Carrera GT prices itself out of the hands of most idiots. This car with 625+ HP will one day be cheap enough (30-40k) for a normal guy to own. By normal I mean the guys you see driving Mustangs, Camaro's, etc. Its one thing to mod your car until you get to those power levels, its another thing to just hop in a car with that kind of power. People are idiots.
4/4/2014 10:40:51 AM
I think your argument applies even better to the 2013+ Shelby GT500 with it's 668hp engine.
4/4/2014 11:08:34 AM
Yeah it should be .. R compound rubber doesn't usually like age... They are made to be used up and tossed.That being said I didn't know the new z06 was going to be that heavy...Little pissed that they didn't make a new code for the automatic/convertible version likeZo-retired vagina wants to have expensive vette-5The 600+ cars bother me less than the base mustang having over 300hp...V6 for kids and women gt+ for balls and badass women...[Edited on April 4, 2014 at 11:26 AM. Reason : .]
4/4/2014 11:24:33 AM
Chevrolet reveals final figures:650 hp650 lb-ft
6/6/2014 11:58:37 PM
strong...to quite strong.
6/7/2014 1:46:16 AM
As a guy that has a GM car with active fuel management, I'll pass on a 650 HP car with that crap in the engine. They will be dropping lifters, grenading cam shafts etc before 50k miles.
6/7/2014 7:21:57 AM
400+ lb-ft at idle....skeptical.
6/7/2014 6:08:13 PM
Wondering if it can hang with the F12, 650S, GT2 RS, and the Aventador.
6/8/2014 12:04:57 AM
Why would you wonder something so stupid. Hmm lets ponder if anyone will care if a 90k corvette can hang with 300-500k Euro Exotics.
6/8/2014 7:43:56 AM
400ft-lb @idle is a waste of gas.Assuming idle is around 800rpm... That's 60hp at idle...That's about 1 gallon per hour to sit still.Nuts.
6/8/2014 9:24:10 AM
The idle ratings are surely not taken at idle w/a closed throttle and no load. A more apt statement may be “it’s able to produce X power at Y RPM” - where Y = a near idle or idle RPM. It does imply without load/throttle application.Also, that’s a lot of power. That said, I still don’t want one.
6/8/2014 2:14:09 PM
I know, they should have said "just off idle".
6/8/2014 9:59:24 PM
6/8/2014 11:51:30 PM
Had a chance to AutoX a C7 w/Z51 package yesterday. Its a hell of a machine. I'm not familiar with high horsepower cars nor a particularly good AutoX'er, but I managed 14th/68 overall raw time and edged out the owner of the car on our 4th runs after I got somewhat comfortable with it.I love the ergonomics of the car, the driver's seat feels like a fighter jet cockpit and I even fit in the car comfortably in terms of headroom with a helmet on and stock seats (a problem for me in many sports cars, especially with sun roofs). Although the car feels somewhat bulky on the street it really doesn't feel large at all when racing it. The steering feel was great, I think way better than the C6 Z51 I've had a chance to race. The shifter was improved over a C6 as well, and quite pleasant overall although still not quite up to the level of the best shifters I've experienced.The power was incredible, although of course constrained by the fact that it was an AutoX and not a track event. In terms of raw power its the most powerful car I've driven, although I suppose the Cobra kit car I took on a fun run once was more powerful in terms of power to weight. The only problem I had was that because of the high power numbers, I was trying to roll into the throttle slowly, but the power delivery had a weird delay that felt almost like a turbo spooling up. I ended up just putting the pedal to the floor at the apex in order to get the power delivery I wanted when I wanted it. As far as the electronics mode, we were in Track Mode - Sport 1 (track mode has sub settings of wet, dry, sport 1, sport 2, and race listed in order of decreasing intervention). I think the delay I felt might have been the electronics, and I should have tried one run in race mode with smoother throttle application...but then again it was someone else's brand new $60k car so I wasn't going to get crazy with it Overall I really liked it and still think I'd like to end up in one eventually when they get cheap enough to track within my budget.
6/9/2014 9:14:28 AM
6/11/2014 7:28:27 PM