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All American
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So you should be able to own an Abrams?

5/25/2006 5:03:06 PM

60006 Posts
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I can own an abrams if I buy it at an auction

I don't want one

it's small arms that are my issue

^ so you don't mind your phone call being tapped since you're not a terrorist right?

[Edited on May 25, 2006 at 5:08 PM. Reason : s]

5/25/2006 5:08:10 PM

147487 Posts
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according to george w bush he is not getting wire tapped

5/25/2006 5:09:59 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Of course I mind my phone being tapped. I think it's a travesty that this shit is happening, and that we're basically powerless to stop it. The NSA is completely unchecked at the moment. I do not, however, argue that my possession of small arms will actually do this.

5/25/2006 5:10:37 PM

60006 Posts
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rights are rights dumbass

it doesn't matter how you're getting fucked, it's the fact that you're... well, we are getting fucked

5/25/2006 5:42:13 PM

All American
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5/25/2006 5:45:48 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"rights are rights dumbass

it doesn't matter how you're getting fucked, it's the fact that you're... well, we are getting fucked"

Now I'm a dumb ass

Rights are rights, sure. I agree with the right to bear arms! How many times do I have to tell you this?

5/25/2006 5:49:56 PM

Starting Lineup
55 Posts
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Close this thread. None of this news is new since the 1970's. Why randomly pick on Bush now for something that's been happening for decades.

5/25/2006 7:06:03 PM

All American
18758 Posts
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Quote :
"Why randomly pick on Bush now for something that's been happening for decades.

nice. you get that from the White House Talking Points?

the answer is, because he expanded the breadth and depth of it expoentially. wiretappings used to require warrants. now the Chief Executive can tap at will. or worse, delegate subordinate agencies to wiretap carte blanc.

and never mind the fact that the Chief Decider can still decide to lock you up without any charges, and deny you access to lawyers or any communication with your family for years.

5/26/2006 1:03:11 AM

All American
34517 Posts
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This thread is from 2006... wow.

So google's using leading edge machine learning techniques to read emails and prompt responses. The same tech could be used to read any communications and search for threats, with a very high level of accuracy.

Google's saying they can develop the tech without ever having a human see any emails.

I think it's a safe bet the NSA is using or looking to use this same technology (it's not exactly secret how to recreate this)... does it make a difference if a human can't access the raw content and never touches it?

11/3/2015 2:39:16 PM

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