4/3/2006 4:33:12 PM
4/3/2006 4:35:52 PM
4/3/2006 4:36:19 PM
So now the main proponents of the government's bogus "official" 9/11 conspiracy theory are those arguing that the Bush Administration did not intentionally mislead the public on Iraq's WMD threat in order to trick the public into supporting war with Iraq?I guess this means that the people still supporting the official 9/11 story are primarily brainwashed hardcore republicans and Bush supporters, who will apparantly support Bush no matter what he does. And FYI, those still supporting the Bush administration are only around 25-30% of the population.
4/3/2006 4:57:40 PM
4/3/2006 5:02:04 PM
Possible explanation for what really happened on 9-11-01:
4/3/2006 5:10:16 PM
Information showing that high-level officials within the U.S. (and British) Governments had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks:BOTH GEORGE W. BUSH AND TONY BLAIR SAY THEY SAW THE FIRST PLANE THAT HIT THE WTCVideo of George W. Bush saying he saw the first plane that hit the WTChttp://www.whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/bushsawfirstplane1.ram30 second audio clip: http://users.adelphia.net/~earthwatch/GW-sayingHeSawPlaneHit1stWTCtowerOnTVon911.mp3Transcript of Bush's comment:
4/4/2006 8:08:05 AM
same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same shit over and over blah blah blah blah blah blah 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4/4/2006 8:43:10 AM
CNN Reported "No Evidence That Plane Hit Pentagon"Here is a video clip from CNN coverage on the morning of 9/11. CNN reporter Jamie McIntyre says he inspected the Pentagon site and it is obvious no plane crashed there.Short CNN Video Clip here: http://thewebfairy.com/911/pentagon/
4/4/2006 8:48:41 AM
FOREIGN GOVERNMENT FOREKNOWLEDGE AND WARNINGS OF ATTACKSRussian Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks"Expert: Russia Knew in Advance, Encouraged Citizens to Cash Out Dollars"http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/9/16/103951.shtml
4/4/2006 9:46:08 AM
Salisburyboy, much props to you. Keep it comin'!The evasive smokescreen is so evident by their one liners and irrelevant posts. Not one of them has debated or stepped up to the challenge.
4/4/2006 8:45:39 PM
theres debate in the other thread, this is just for me to spam
4/4/2006 8:48:21 PM
ya know....if you keep the fakeries and forgeries coming...you might convince someone....the more the better...
4/4/2006 8:49:19 PM
4/4/2006 8:54:21 PM
4/5/2006 12:10:21 AM
The biggest problems with the official story relate to the towers collapsing and WTC7. I don't see how anyone can deny what the owner of the buildings said in the PBS documentary, it's right there for all to hear. Also, the twin towers would not have collapsed as they did as a result of being hit by planes on high floors. The physics just don't add up. There couldn't have been enough heat created by the fuel in 1 plane to sustain a burn and collapse such buildings from the top down.
4/5/2006 1:26:28 AM
I'm sure plenty of experts will agree with youright?
4/5/2006 1:28:45 AM
the twin towers were def. a planethe government plane had extra fuel and possibly explosives, i already posted it a few links about itHere is a photograph of the plane that suposedly crashed into the second tower hit:
4/5/2006 1:29:34 AM
ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE OF PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: HOLLYWOOD ELITE THROWING IT IN OUR FACE"The Lone Gunmen": Pilot episode of X-Files spin off from March 2001"The Lone Gunmen" aired just a few months before 9/11. The show was about terrorists hijacking an airliner and threatening to crash it into the World Trade Center. Except, in this plot, the terrorists were a cabal within the U.S. government itself. In the episode, the commercial airliner was hijacked using high-tech electronic means. But it's all a "huge coincidence" right?Short video clip of scene from the episode: http://prisonplanet.com/multimedia_priorknowledge_lonegumen.htmlPartial transcript of above video clip from show, where 2 government agents are talking:
4/6/2006 11:08:00 AM
man..that is just sad....you are getting more and more desperate...and its obviuos
4/6/2006 11:10:52 AM
klebold and harris, the guys from columbine, had the same idea to fly planes into skyscrapersTHEY SURELY WERE IN ON ITTRENCH COAT MAFIA IS LIKE THE JAYCEES OF THE LOLMINATI
4/6/2006 11:14:07 AM
MORE ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE OF PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: HOLLYWOOD THROWING IT IN OUR FACE1996 action film "The Long Kiss Goodnight"audio here: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/Pages/140404_longkissgoodnight.html
4/6/2006 11:15:57 AM
:roll: :roll:
4/6/2006 11:26:45 AM
4/6/2006 11:31:04 AM
i swear...that quote you love so much is talking right to you man....stop living in denial...come back from fantasy land....you are getting more and more desperate and entertaining....its sad
4/6/2006 11:34:20 AM
4/6/2006 11:34:21 AM
b]MORE ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE OF PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: HOLLYWOOD THROWING IT IN OUR FACE[/b]1996 action film "The Long Kiss Goodnight"audio here: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/Pages/140404_longkissgoodnight.html
4/6/2006 12:14:51 PM
4/6/2006 1:40:50 PM
can we delete this thread please...its a waste of bandwidth
4/6/2006 2:59:50 PM
"its not hurting anybody"
4/6/2006 3:04:05 PM
4/6/2006 3:08:51 PM
4/6/2006 3:10:40 PM
4/6/2006 3:13:43 PM
4/6/2006 3:17:26 PM
MORE ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE OF PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: LITERATURE THROWING IT IN OUR FACE1994 Tom Clancy novel Debt of Honorhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debt_of_Honor
4/6/2006 4:07:50 PM
i shake in my boots everytime i see you post
4/6/2006 4:19:11 PM
4/6/2006 4:20:50 PM
4/6/2006 4:31:39 PM
4/6/2006 5:02:38 PM
4/6/2006 5:17:36 PM
MORE ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE OF 9/11 PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: STEVE JACKSON'S 1995 CARD GAME "ILLUMINATI: NEW WORLD ORDER”Card game inventor Steve Jackson came out with a card game entilted "Illuminati: New World Order" ("INWO" for short) around 1995. The game is remarkable in many respects in regard to prior knowledge of the elite agenda for the future (ie, the "new world order"). The game contains cards which foretold the events of the 9/11 attacks. Information on INWO at official website of Steve Jackson's games:http://www.sjgames.com/inwo/Excellent Analysis of Steven Jackson's Card Game as it relates to the "new world order" agendahttp://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1753.cfmThe following are two relevant cards from Jackson's game with commentary from cuttingedge.org:
4/7/2006 8:36:51 AM
4/7/2006 8:40:59 AM
STRANGE PHOTOGRAPHS SHOWING DEMONIC FACES IN WTC SMOKE AND COLLAPSE I realize that I am going into a “strange” area here, but these photographs and the possible implications are quite interesting. First off, take note of this card from Steve Jackson's INWO card game from around 1995:Commentary from cuttingedge.org:
4/7/2006 8:41:38 AM
it was the dem0nz!1!111oneone!!
4/7/2006 9:03:36 AM
all photos with demon faces were proven to be false notice people...this is more evidence of the lengths that salis will go to to deceive
4/7/2006 9:08:35 AM
salisburyboy: an honest question i would like an honest answer to:(note: i'm making it big so you notice it, not for any effect) how many cards were in this INWO game?
4/7/2006 9:08:55 AM
4/7/2006 9:11:12 AM
In relation to the apparant demonic apparitions in the WTC dust and smoke:
4/7/2006 9:14:43 AM
4/7/2006 9:27:56 AM
if you had to wager a guesswould you say there were 100, 500, 1000? more?
4/7/2006 10:15:29 AM