first thing, them beating the heels tonight isnt that big of a revenge game in my opinion... its not like the championship was on the line... second, i think teams better watch out for the heels and if you all would stop being so biased youd see their tempo wont be matched by everyone... third that game was sloppy and not very fun to watch except when the 4 freshmen were on the court and the uniforms on both sides were terrible, but not as bad as when unc just had the logo on their chest... hansborough > mcroberts
11/30/2005 12:48:11 AM
^ I wouldn't say that McRoberts isn't as good. He doesn't HAVE to score as much on Duke's team this year like Hansborough needs to for UNC.
11/30/2005 8:14:27 AM
their freshman play a looooottttt of minutes.Damn
11/30/2005 11:25:51 AM
11/30/2005 2:59:24 PM
An undisclosed location in Cary with beer specials.
11/30/2005 3:01:09 PM
my damn appartment on my damn 56 inch HDTV while sitting on my damn couch
11/30/2005 3:12:16 PM
^ I'LL see ya around 9:15
11/30/2005 3:12:47 PM
For those of us that don't have cable, where is there a good place to watch a game without having to run up a tab?
11/30/2005 3:26:30 PM
bar -> water -> profit
11/30/2005 3:29:09 PM
^^ Best Buy or Circuit City(do us all a favor though and wear something that says Iowa).
11/30/2005 3:30:24 PM
This is from ESPN's Page 2
11/30/2005 3:47:10 PM
he can't possibly be blaming the schools. nike decides what they wear, end of story
11/30/2005 3:50:19 PM
11/30/2005 3:53:19 PM
Pretty sure the school has some say in what they wear.Otherwise Adidas would have us in light blue North Carolina Wolfpack uniforms.
11/30/2005 3:54:28 PM
i read something on this Swatch Watch on ESPN the other day...they were complaining about the football uniforms and how nike was getting teams to wear the uni sleeve stuff on certain games (national tv games) and they said to look out for them during basketball seasonif i can find the link ill post it
11/30/2005 4:01:26 PM
yea nike has created is new line for the year for all college sports. They started out in football with the high profile high density teams that do alot of sales. Then they went to basketball and did the same thing, its basically their new design so you can pay for the 'latest from nike' right at christmasits just a swatch of grey/silver onthe shoulder, nothing huge
11/30/2005 4:03:16 PM
Here the link Uni watch, my bad... anyway click the underlined stuff for the pics...
11/30/2005 4:11:30 PM
I was waiting on that article to bust out the NCSU unitards.
11/30/2005 4:30:08 PM
11/30/2005 4:41:00 PM
^If that is the case, Im glad we are Adidas and not Nike!
11/30/2005 4:42:44 PM
the school can get out of the contract though or disagree to wear that certain lookremember when we changed shoe contracts mid seasonstill wish we had the oldschool DT jerseys where it just read STATE
11/30/2005 4:43:25 PM
The school signs a contract to wear only <Adidas in our case> uniforms. Adidas makes us black away uniforms for basketball every year - as far as I know, we've worn them once. They didn't force us to wear them.UNC will not be wearing uniforms with a silver shoulder the rest of the year. They didn't have to last night.
11/30/2005 4:58:49 PM
Unc and NC state should have throwback night like the unc uva game last year..Jordan unis vs. DT unis
11/30/2005 5:25:15 PM
Will the ACC come out victorious? If not, I'm going to cry like that Duke kid when Maryland took the ACC tourney in '04.[Edited on November 30, 2005 at 6:43 PM. Reason : blah, formatting]
11/30/2005 6:42:47 PM
I didn't think teams had to wear certain jerseys, I heard somewhere that a Nike rep asks Paterno if they want to change up Penn State's jerseys every year and he wants them plain
11/30/2005 6:54:56 PM
if i ever see penn st. or notre dame or any other old school school wearing a colored sleeve i will burn down nike headquarters
11/30/2005 7:06:23 PM
11/30/2005 7:37:20 PM
hmm. Is espn2 fucking up for anyone else.
11/30/2005 7:40:41 PM
11/30/2005 7:41:47 PM
YesIt better be fixed by 9:30 that's all I know
11/30/2005 7:42:01 PM
god dammitmine is fucked up too
11/30/2005 7:42:32 PM
does anybody else think michigan state has a queer court?
11/30/2005 7:45:06 PM
still amazed UMD is #20
11/30/2005 7:46:31 PM
Still amazed we're not going to be able to watch our gameIs this all over Raleigh or just on campus cable?
11/30/2005 7:55:36 PM
dont worry the game will air on fox. msu has one of the best courts in the nation
11/30/2005 7:59:00 PM
i can see espndos very well, watchin the UMD game where they are down 23-8 right now
11/30/2005 8:00:40 PM
UMD needs to pick it up
11/30/2005 8:01:17 PM
^^^^ not just on campus... regular Time Warner cable is having problems as well.[Edited on November 30, 2005 at 8:01 PM. Reason : ^]
11/30/2005 8:01:35 PM
26-18 they are on a comebackthis is on ESPN2 by the way whcih i can see fine
11/30/2005 8:04:03 PM
shit maryland. this might not be the ACC's year.
11/30/2005 8:05:41 PM
they are comin back, they just couldnt work the paint welland tehy have the retarded jerseys as well with the grey shoulders, must be a acc big ten thing
11/30/2005 8:06:36 PM
JT3 where are you? ESPN2 is the only channel that doesn't work here and it's driving me crazyIt's like they're sharing signal with CNN
11/30/2005 8:07:16 PM
off of western, not havin a bit of trouble
11/30/2005 8:08:24 PM
down by the goattry this, turn off the box, unplug it from the wall, wait 3 seconds, plug it back in a try again[Edited on November 30, 2005 at 8:09 PM. Reason : .]
11/30/2005 8:08:47 PM
WeirdI'm bout to cover this shit in tinfoil if resnet doesn't get in gear
11/30/2005 8:10:00 PM
I dunno if I can get myself to pull for Maryland. Tech is down 46-34 by the way.
11/30/2005 8:10:13 PM
WTG Tech. Morrow is hitting 3s.48-43, MSU. [Edited on November 30, 2005 at 8:14 PM. Reason : .]
11/30/2005 8:13:11 PM
maryland down by 5. they will take the lead in a few possessions
11/30/2005 8:13:20 PM
Gtech is the only team so far in this matchup that hasnt worn the grey shoulder uniforms
11/30/2005 8:15:07 PM
i remember morrow, he used to play for charlotte latin i think. he would come up to this church me and my buddies would play at and make us look bad. dude was good.
11/30/2005 8:16:16 PM