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All American
2176 Posts
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I like the addition of Darryl, Merle, and TDogg, but I wonder if we are missing out on any great characters from the comics. If the comics never existed, and there was nothing to compare to, then I feel his show stands on its two feet just fine.

Concerns about s3e2:
- I understand Rick's decision to leave the last two prisoners, but after the gradual loss of manpower over time, I would have taken them into the group. They could be trained to be better fighters. Also, power in numbers will help prevent confrontations with any larger groups they come across. Since the prisoners have lived in that prison for a while, they would be assets for prison navigation.
- Carol's timing to play doctor on a zombie is understandable, since she fears Herschel can die any second, and Lori is ready to queef out her love child any second. However, hanging out outside by herself is still ballsy. Even if she is behind a secure fence, she will still attract zombies that see her, they moan and attract more zombies, etc. it would be smarter to bring the body over to the building, or inside, rather than right next to the fence.
- that's honestly about it. Everything else pretty much played out like it had to for Rick and his people. The prisoners were just idiots, but it is almost expected for anyone with no real zombie experience at this point.

10/23/2012 1:59:48 PM

All American
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Jacqui was the lady who remained inside the CDC with Jenner when it was destroyed.

10/23/2012 2:37:17 PM

All American
1527 Posts
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tomas went out like a bitch. bad reflexes. is it that hard to sidestep a giant machete? or is rick just ninja quick?

10/23/2012 2:53:01 PM

148898 Posts
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so Daryl wasn't in the comics? he's pretty much the most badass dude in the show

10/23/2012 3:01:22 PM

no u
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TDogg might be a super shitty version of a comic character

10/23/2012 3:12:06 PM

Byrn Stuff
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I'm sure part of it was "You wouldn't dare...." He doesn't know anything about Rick's will power or scruples, and he probably thinks of himself as a convict/murderer.

[Edited on October 23, 2012 at 3:37 PM. Reason : .]

10/23/2012 3:37:19 PM

5052 Posts
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I was hoping we would see some zombie poontang.

I was let down.

10/23/2012 3:58:48 PM

All American
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10/23/2012 4:45:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"or is rick just ninja quick?"

rick is ninja quick.

10/23/2012 6:13:36 PM

All American
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Rick was pretty quick on the draw in the bar in season 2 as well so it isn't just completely out of left field. I can't really argue with them putting the two remaining prisoners in a different area either. They don't know what they were in jail for, the group of prisoners as a whole wasn't too trustworthy, and these guys have been behind bars for who knows how long. Bringing them into a group that has 4 women would just be asking for trouble seeing how they probably haven't seen a woman in a long time.

As for the question of are there people in the comic that aren't on the show, yes there are. I won't go into any detail because they've already pulled one of them (Michone) into the show. There's nothing saying they won't do the same with others and there are a few that would be pretty interesting to see show up.

10/23/2012 7:02:19 PM

All American
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I'm not interested in comic book characters that are not in the show, but rather tv show characters not in the comic book. Possibly the show's best character, Darryl, is made up by the tv show, which shows great creativity and character development.

I agree that pulling all of the prisoners into the group would have been wreckless. Since now there are only 2, I see it as less of a risk, especially with their leader cut in half by Rick.

10/23/2012 8:56:48 PM

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i think the dumb redneck prisoner says the black prisoner who doesn't die was in for B&E, can't remember what the dumb redneck said he was in for but I think he mentioned it when he was pleading for their lives

10/23/2012 8:57:09 PM

All American
28661 Posts
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^he said likes pharmaceuticals

10/23/2012 9:04:31 PM

7062 Posts
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Could've been a dirty liar though.

10/24/2012 12:03:32 AM

All American
10406 Posts
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Yeah.... Maybe I read into things but I think they were trying to make the redneck guy seem way too insignificant. That threw up a flag in my mind that he would be a big deal down the road... Maybe since he said pharmaceuticals he has somethng to do with the virus?
Or, he is lying about it and will become a problem for the group down the road... Something is fishy about him though.

10/24/2012 5:48:37 AM

All American
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Best moment of the entire show has to be the prisoners watching Rick and company very carefully and tactfully take out a couple zombies via brain damage...and all of the sudden decide to go straight prison riot on the walkers. Kicking, stomping, baseball bats to the ribs, etc.

I laughed audibly.

10/24/2012 7:26:52 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Quote :
"something is stalking Carol thank God for that."

I think it's Merle.

Another quality episode, looking forward to ep3

10/24/2012 7:29:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"so Daryl wasn't in the comics? he's pretty much the most badass dude in the show"

No, he is an entirely new creation for the show. Unlike some other characters, he doesn't have any kind of analogue in the books.

10/24/2012 8:14:35 AM

All American
43431 Posts
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Quote :
" Maybe since he said pharmaceuticals he has somethng to do with the virus? "

I took it to mean he was a drug addict.

10/24/2012 8:37:28 AM

All American
19640 Posts
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So after watching just the TV show up to this point and never being exposed to the comics, but after all the discussion on here about the source material, do you think I should start reading them and catch up, or wait and let the show surprise me? I have kinda done the same thing with Game of Thrones, as I had never read any of A Song of Ice & Fire series, but after season 1, I read book 1 and 2. I have checked out the first few comics and they seem pretty good and easy to get to. So thoughts on watching it/reading it/or both?

10/24/2012 10:47:59 AM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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Read them. It's essentially a different story, and the comics are oh so good.

10/24/2012 10:56:07 AM

7062 Posts
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binge read them. i'll go back every now and then and re-read them all.

IMO, it is one of the most consistently good comic books being produced.

10/24/2012 11:05:00 AM

All American
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I'd definitely read them. It certainly doesn't hurt anything by becoming more familiar with the source material. The story between the two has become quite a bit different, so don't expect to know everything about the show just because you've read the books. There are still some major plot elements and settings shared, but many of the characters have different experiences/motivations/losses between the two.

10/24/2012 11:43:03 AM

All American
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where would one go to read the comics anyway? i don't want to actually purchase them.

10/24/2012 12:30:39 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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They have compendiums on Amazon you can pick up that have several books bound into one volume

10/24/2012 12:32:56 PM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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Barnes and Noble has all the trade paperbacks. If you're not morally opposed, you could probably find a .cbz/.cbr torrent.

[Edited on October 24, 2012 at 12:34 PM. Reason : meaning read them in the bookstore, not purchase them]

10/24/2012 12:33:49 PM

All American
19640 Posts
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^If you have a tablet, the easiest way would be to purchase online or download them. Looks like TPB has the first 90 all in one package and then view it on a CBR reader. I have used Stanza for comic book reading in the past on my iPad.

10/24/2012 12:38:38 PM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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Ya, I used comicrack to convert to pdf and read on my Nook Color

10/24/2012 12:43:04 PM

All American
19640 Posts
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^Yea I don't like reading them as much on my Nook. It is good enough for text and all, but for graphic novels & comic books, I just prefer the extra real estate afforded from the larger screens. Plus the color seems more vibrant to me on the iPad 3 screen. But any of the larger form factor tablets should have similar performance I would imagine.

10/24/2012 12:51:51 PM

All American
6276 Posts
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(You'll need a .cbr reader for some of these.)

10/24/2012 2:38:55 PM

301 Posts
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What happened to the guy was butt-hurt about comic book talk in his TV Show thread? I would think he'd be all over the thread degenerating into not only a comic discussion, but how to obtain the comics both legally and illegally.

10/24/2012 7:48:34 PM

37776 Posts
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^ first part: he's busy typing up his manafest. Second part is neons fight

10/24/2012 8:08:48 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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It's cool. It's already been decided that we can talk about the comics here.

10/24/2012 11:29:16 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Just got around to watching the latest episode. Enjoyed it. I lol'd when the big black guy was named "Tiny"

10/24/2012 11:35:28 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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no, there is a SEPARATE THREAD for comic discussion.

10/24/2012 11:36:01 PM

All American
10855 Posts
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Yeah but they only just wanna talk about the show there, so it's all good.

10/24/2012 11:40:40 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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Don't care. Mods said we could. Eat it.

10/24/2012 11:40:48 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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you people just be a blast to hang out with in real life.

10/25/2012 12:04:43 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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aha buncha miltons

10/25/2012 12:21:45 AM

All American
19640 Posts
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I have now read the first 20 comics. So far it has some very similar parts to the TV show, but it also has a LOT of major differences. You can tell that they drew from the source for the basis of a lot of characters and settings, but it has diverged quite a bit from the comics. I am not a big comic book person but so far all of these have been fantastic. I can't put my iPad down whenever I get to the end of one, I just want to keep going.

10/25/2012 5:50:09 AM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Quote :
"i don't want to actually purchase them."

10/25/2012 10:10:03 PM

148898 Posts
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10/25/2012 10:20:11 PM

All American
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^^I guess you roll your eyes at every person who goes and checks out a book from the public library too.

10/25/2012 10:37:43 PM

148898 Posts
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so it looks like there are about 103 comics, and that they're currently in the 18th volume (i'm guessing about 6 comics per volume)

can someone who is up to date on both the comics and TV show give me an idea of approximately what # comic corresponds to the current place in the TV series?

if i read any of them, i'd rather read enough to catch up to where they are in the prison but not read past where they are in the TV show

10/25/2012 10:57:33 PM

All American
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I'd say read up to #25, but don't go beyond that yet.

10/25/2012 11:20:45 PM

301 Posts
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[Edited on October 26, 2012 at 10:29 AM. Reason : .]

10/26/2012 10:27:46 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"^^I guess you roll your eyes at every person who goes and checks out a book from the public library too. "

Then make a friend and borrow them. Equating stealing with checking it out at the library is pretty nonsensical.

10/26/2012 11:05:34 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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what are you babbling about? who's stealing what?

10/26/2012 11:47:11 AM

All American
23091 Posts
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45 minutes into ep. 3 and nothing?

I know I don't like the governor. I haven't read the comics and know he's supposed to be an antagonist, but something just seems fishy about that community.

10/28/2012 9:45:19 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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I think that answers your question

10/28/2012 9:50:07 PM

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