seemed like the panthers barely made any adjustments throughout that whole game. They just kept running the same shit over and over and couldn't do anything.and given our o-line was the suckage today, but jake shouldn't have thrown those 2 balls up for grabs (not like i don't expect him to do that at least twice a game).
11/20/2005 4:39:22 PM
yeah what the fuck was up with our o-line todaythey gave up more than half the amount of sacks they had in the season todayhad 12 coming in, i think i heard 7 was how many they gave up today
11/20/2005 4:42:44 PM
8 actually
11/20/2005 4:45:30 PM
damn i knew i woulda forgot one of those sacks they had in the last minute
11/20/2005 4:46:54 PM
I was disappointed by everyone, players and coaches. Offense looked like it didnt do anything to try and stop the dlines pressure all game. And if I have to hear anything about Steve Smith being wide open anymore its gonna kill me.
11/20/2005 4:47:45 PM
Yeah, they had a couple on that last failed drive. I say we bring Willig back. He couldn't have done any worse.
11/20/2005 4:48:40 PM
11/20/2005 4:51:59 PM
oh and about the 2 timeouts that steve smith coulda stopped...if john fox wouldnt have challenged a very obvious play they woulda had another time outthen 4:34 comes around and instead of letting them run out the clock to 3:50 and take a delay of game they coulda had an extra like 45 seconds to do something by calling a time outhes usually good about challenges but damn come on foxy
11/20/2005 5:05:53 PM
well he's probably very angry with himself.i mean the man chewed tobacco, you know he's pissed
11/20/2005 6:23:40 PM
i felt like i was watchin a gay porn casue there was a lot of ass raping going on.our O-line played like ass and the defense cut through them like tissue paper. And our Defense played pretty shitty as well. all in all the linemen lost this game for us today. although im suprised that for a complete ass raping, the score wasnt terribly one sided. i mean we didnt score till the 4th but they didnt run up a huge margin.forgive me for being obvious.
11/20/2005 11:55:20 PM
honestly i think our defense played pretty well yesterday, all things consideredcant remember if witherspoon came back, but dan morgan is speed, something we kinda lacked and witherspoons is like second fastestdoesnt peppers have some kinda big ass cast or something...irregardless i dont think we were lucky to not have a one sided score, our d did good enough to keep us in even with a shitty offense
11/21/2005 12:22:16 AM
11/21/2005 2:38:47 AM
yeah when you lose your best 2 linebackers in the same game, that tends to cause a few problems
11/21/2005 9:07:45 AM
i agree thats a big loss (morgan and witherspoon) but the back ups came in and played well. Our offense was the worst I have seen in this year and maybe even last year two.
11/21/2005 10:27:18 AM
next week in buffalo doesn't look too good either. especially if delhomme struggles in the cold as its already snowing up there.
11/21/2005 11:03:05 AM
Buffalo doesn't have nearly the defense the Bears have. Delhomme's first pick was mostly his fault the second pick was caused by a breakdown in the pocket effecting his throwing mechanics. Minus the picks and its a defensive slugfest.
11/21/2005 11:44:45 AM
yea, the first pick was the killer, letting them get to the 8...take it away and it's not that bad. but the bills' run defense is what? third or fourth worst in the league? could be a good day if we work on the run this week.
11/21/2005 11:52:08 AM
i wouldnt say delhomme sucks in the coldhow cold was it in philadelphia for the NFC title game 2 yrs ago? i just remember ricky manning looked like a ninja w/ his mouthcover, which was the origin on this pic
11/21/2005 11:55:31 AM