it better come in the next two weeksor they'll have to push the age back further
8/31/2004 9:49:03 PM
This is [old] now. There would most likely be draft riots. It's not happening anytime soon, if at all.
9/1/2004 6:22:03 AM two bills were introduced into the House and Senate byDEMOCRATS, not Republicans, and certainly don't have the backing of theBush Administration. This rumor is being circulated in order to try toscare young people into voting for Kerry. It's just another dirtyDemocrat trick. The Republicans have made no mention of supporting adraft, much less pushing it "quietly" through Congress.
9/1/2004 11:53:33 AM
9/23/2004 12:39:12 PM
everytime you think or sometimes hope that salisbury is gone for good, he reappears once again.
9/23/2004 12:52:22 PM
9/29/2004 10:31:18 AM
whats your blood pressure like salisburyboy?
9/29/2004 10:32:00 AM
9/29/2004 10:36:05 AM
im sure its been said, but ever notice how this never hits any actual government sites? the military doesnt want a bunch of people who dont want to be there. that aside, this is an insane notion that seems like it is aimed at the supposed "slacker" generation. stupid cranky old men.
9/29/2004 3:16:04 PM
10/10/2004 4:14:01 PM,9171,1101041018-713207,00.html Rangel, sponsor of the bill, voted "No" for the draft resolution himself.Nice try, Dems...
10/10/2004 5:52:35 PM
there will be no draft, stop blowing unbased hot air up everyones ass about it.not that I would qualify anyways.
10/11/2004 10:35:54 PM
10/12/2004 2:38:56 PM
10/12/2004 3:12:57 PM
go jump in a creek...there will be no draft...
10/12/2004 3:16:57 PM
10/12/2004 3:23:05 PM
10/12/2004 5:45:30 PM
Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa says Bush will have to reinstate the draft
10/27/2004 10:31:32 AM
10/27/2004 10:33:17 AM
Hey, someone figure out how to play this for me. It's driving me nuts, but apparently there is a way to do something.
10/27/2004 10:47:34 AM,,Hackworth_100404, says there will be a draft.
10/27/2004 12:18:03 PM
10/27/2004 12:42:47 PM
You are one dumb kid.
10/27/2004 12:48:22 PM
um, I know that it's an opinion page. I wasn't trying to spin anything. You're good at making it look like just because the 100% total situation isn't posted, It's intentionally trying to be spunI thought it'd be obvious that it said OPINION
10/27/2004 1:06:04 PM
You are an idiot if you think there will be a draft. The military doesn't need or want the draft. This was the working of some moronic democrat in DC, trying to impose the draft, before the Iraq war, so the congressman wouldnt vote to go to war. He used the draft because he knows if it was inacted, then no one would want or vote to go to war. He used it to try and scare people. It was on the senate floor since 2002, and it finally got voted on and shutdown a few weeks ago.
10/27/2004 1:09:24 PM
I agree with the draft for the sole purpose that any richer's family should be liable to serve just as any poor person a Republican would want to send over...
10/27/2004 1:15:52 PM
don't try and spin against being called out, George. you tried to spin it by saying " says there will be a draft" instead of "David Hackworth says there will be a draft." the fact of the matter is that no one knows or cares who David Hackworth is, so posting that he said there will be a draft is just as credible as saying, well, YOU saying there will be a draft, so you give weight to your misguidedness by saying "" said it.that's like trying to defend against the flack they received when they aired the ad comparing President Bush to Hitler by saying "it wasn't saying it, it was someone who made the ad and sent it to"
10/27/2004 1:23:11 PM
^ actually, it's not the same as that, since the ads weren't viewed before they were displayed on the site. They were automatically submitted and added to the at least approved and posted this article, so even though they may not agree with it, it's obvious he didn't just enter it into a form and click submit.i mean I could say that you're "spinning" by trying to say that just because doesn't explicitly endorse his opinion that it means they think he's totally wrong and are just posting his article for fun.
10/27/2004 1:46:01 PM
10/27/2004 2:17:55 PM
the problem here, though, is that you explicitly stated that they said there would be a draft, and the bold quote you used said that Hackworth's views "do not necessarily" reflect those so, you are imposing something on that they themselves have not asserted==> Spin
10/27/2004 3:31:29 PM
10/27/2004 3:33:07 PM
Spin? or Flip Flop?Developing...
10/27/2004 3:33:20 PM
So who's going to figure that game out for me?
10/27/2004 3:43:31 PM
I think that you don't have a choice and don't get anything done is the idea.
10/27/2004 3:48:04 PM
I thought so, too, but people have all been asking questions like "How do I get past the al Jazeera film crew" and shit. Maybe they're just making it up. Bastards.
10/27/2004 3:50:50 PM
I will never serve this country. I am not proud of it, nor have I ever been. I want to move out as soon as I get a chance. Maybe, just maybe, I might appreciate what we have once I've spent more that a year in another country; however, I expect not.
10/28/2004 5:42:39 AM
Do you guys think Rivers would still go in the first round?
10/28/2004 6:18:47 AM
damn, missed that one too
10/28/2004 11:23:11 AM
This is gonna sound insane...But what's stopping you from leaving right now?
10/28/2004 11:29:37 AM
Bush's Freudian slip: "We will not have an all-volunteer army":10 second video clip:
10/28/2004 1:43:50 PM
^ oh, cmon. even i know you can chalk that up to his recently poor public speaking skills
10/28/2004 1:45:46 PM
10/28/2004 7:55:22 PM
10/28/2004 7:59:42 PM
um i think the .com gave that away
10/28/2004 8:05:02 PM
10/28/2004 8:05:36 PM
10/30/2004 8:23:41 PM
11/2/2004 10:09:08 PM
maybe they will draft all the rappers and help this country out
11/2/2004 10:11:26 PM
11/2/2004 10:46:52 PM
i hope i get shot in the face
11/2/2004 11:22:18 PM