11/13/2024 10:17:30 AM
i believe it all hinged on an fbi informant who was later found to have lied
11/13/2024 11:28:38 AM
okay, that sounds familiar.so there never was any evidence and nothing was ever proven?but conservatives/republicans still state it like it's fact?
11/13/2024 1:26:50 PM
no, there was literally never any evidence to it. Hunter was a crackhead. people went to him thinking they could get to Joe, the same way they go to all major politician's children. Hunter took advantage of others expectations to feed his crack habit.'pubs just had Biden Derangement Syndrome because they needed to deflect from Trump's provable, obvious crimes. The FoxNews crowd ate it up, because that's what they do.
11/13/2024 2:59:38 PM
That's pretty much exactly what I think happened, too.
11/13/2024 6:32:37 PM
He and maga drove me away from republicans entirely.
11/14/2024 10:25:48 AM
Same. I'm done. Unfortunately this seems to be the minority reaction.
11/14/2024 1:28:58 PM
You guys are definitely the majority here.
11/14/2024 1:39:54 PM
We aim to displease.
11/14/2024 2:38:05 PM
I tend to aim for the eyes, but ok
11/14/2024 3:00:41 PM
https://x.com/justin_hart/status/1856722404996755526?s=12One option if you're really disappointed.
11/14/2024 7:52:45 PM
A large portion of trump voters this pass were literally low information voters. how/why they are that way may vary, but they are low information.A large portion are evangelical pedophile enablers.A portion are racists.A portion are just gullible / washed by endless rightoid pandering and propaganda telling them the world is terrible and only trump can fix it.A portion are just angry, again, anger ginned up via rightoid media playing into "they are replacing what you have" fears.And a portion are the grifters whom are just taking advantage of it to make money.I've yet to meet a trump voter that doesn't fall into one or more of these.He's a rotten piece of shit that has corroded the GOP so badly that I hope they never win another national election with this kinda crap rhetoric. He's a garbage person and a terrible politician. Idiots allowing him to have any sort of say over things the last 8 years will deserve to get every single thing coming to them.
11/15/2024 10:39:56 PM
I will never actually respect serious trump supporters.
11/15/2024 10:42:04 PM
11/15/2024 10:48:24 PM
I dunno if there is a adequate demagogue left on the right that can replace him to the point of getting that kind of turn out.After all, that's all he is.[Edited on November 15, 2024 at 11:18 PM. Reason : a demagogue]
11/15/2024 11:17:31 PM
Did anyone disinvite Trump voters from Thanksgiving dinner?
11/27/2024 1:03:32 PM
Not I, 'tis the time o' year to bury the hatchet
11/27/2024 1:49:42 PM
we skipped Thanksgiving this year because we aren't fucking thankfulno needthis is not to say I'm not grateful - I try to practice gratitude dailyI have it pretty good and I'm happy for thatbut I'm not thankful that this country is swamped with "low information voters" (code for "low IQ idiots") and child molesting Christians -- nor am I thankful that we're on the precipice of some kind of mass atrocity that might lead to me and mine getting rounded up, imprisoned, maybe killedno thanks[Edited on November 29, 2024 at 11:25 AM. Reason : -]
11/29/2024 11:22:26 AM
Hot take!
11/29/2024 1:31:06 PM
And to cancel your hot take out, The exact number of thanksgiving goers are thankful that murderous illegals may not steal their tax dollars for transbortins[Edited on November 29, 2024 at 8:14 PM. Reason : Ya dig?]
11/29/2024 8:13:04 PM
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/31/us/fbi-explosives-virginia-farm.html?unlocked_article_code=1.l04.K3Kw.neI1yQXKaJ0J&smid=url-shareI bet this person is a trump voter!These are like the scariest type of white people!!!
1/1/2025 3:07:00 PM
^Thats disturbing…
1/1/2025 3:36:30 PM
Sentenced to unconditional discharge in the hush money case
1/10/2025 11:32:43 AM
10 more days to enjoy Chinese electronics and avocados from Mexicoafter that we're going to make America the Great Depression again
1/10/2025 11:42:36 AM
I'm trying to determine if I'm a bad person for hoping he gets assassinated in the worst possible way
1/12/2025 2:40:08 PM
You're a bad person for not wanting it in the best possible way.
1/12/2025 3:01:18 PM
I hope the no tax on overtime thing happens. Would help offset the increased cost of produce
1/12/2025 3:05:15 PM
How so?
1/12/2025 3:29:24 PM
The additional money from not being taxed on overtime could go to the increased cost of produce?
1/12/2025 3:50:24 PM
Are you saying that people who work overtime will more easily be able to afford costly produce?
1/12/2025 4:03:14 PM
If Trumps no tax on overtime thing happens, the people that work overtime will have more discretionary income to purchase things such as produce lol
1/12/2025 4:13:21 PM
OK. I thought at first you were saying that not paying taxes on overtime pay was going to somehow materially reduce the cost of produce.
1/12/2025 8:16:48 PM
Sure would be a shame if some boomer who gets rug pulled on his meme coin decides to pull a Butler PA
1/19/2025 1:01:07 AM
1/19/2025 2:13:45 PM
has the price of eggs dropped yet?
1/19/2025 2:21:11 PM
The trump coin and his other recent grifts had turned him from a flagging businessman squandering his fathers wealth, to possibly the 20th wealthiest man in the country, and rising[Edited on January 19, 2025 at 3:01 PM. Reason : ]
1/19/2025 3:00:37 PM
President Trump saving TikTok will go down in history as one of the greatest presidential moves, probably beats out Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and FDR’s New Deal. God bless President Trump and god bless the US of A
1/19/2025 3:09:28 PM
Abraham Lincoln was a vampire hunter and Trump saved Tik Tok. Preserved on TWW for the history books!
1/19/2025 3:57:22 PM
First Trump sends me $1500, then he saves tiktok?!
1/19/2025 5:09:11 PM
Serious question, what was up with Melania's outfit? Why?
1/21/2025 10:55:50 AM
Charlie Kirk is a stupid fucking liar. Backpfeifengesicht.
1/21/2025 10:58:28 AM
^^The hat was clearly designed to be just the right diameter to stop trump from being able to kiss her
1/21/2025 12:05:57 PM
I know Google is my friend, but I would like a TWW explanationwhy is he taking us out of the Paris agreement and the world health org?what kind of statement is he trying to make?
1/21/2025 12:38:13 PM
^science and health and the environment are "woke" and dumb
1/21/2025 12:45:34 PM
That he doesn't care about these things and that we pay too much while others who might otherwise be capable pay too little.
1/21/2025 12:46:03 PM
What about people that were involved in Jan 6 but have not been identified or charged?
1/21/2025 8:01:16 PM
Why is Trump pardoning antifa and the other Soros plants who false flagged January 6th?
1/21/2025 8:03:26 PM
^^They get away with it? I don't get the question^ seriously. 1500 is a lot of planted people ]
1/21/2025 8:05:30 PM
1/21/2025 11:42:39 PM
1/22/2025 7:59:50 AM