ElGimpy All American 3111 Posts user info edit post |
well right now I hate Nintendo for not making 5 million consoles to start with...actually I just hate them for not making one and selling it to me without standing on a line 12/28/2006 4:30:41 PM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
i have both WEP and MAC filtering setup on my wireless...
i just entered the WEP and put in the MAC address of my Wii on the router works perfectly 12/28/2006 4:45:48 PM
Nerdchick All American 37009 Posts user info edit post |
anybody know when they're coming out with more colors of systems 12/28/2006 6:04:32 PM
HaLo All American 14327 Posts user info edit post |
has anyone used the controller gloves? any comments on them? 12/28/2006 6:08:17 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
ya i bought some. pretty neat, feels odd out of the package but not bad on the controller. durable and fit my wiimote perfect. good investment so far Ive whacked it off a few things and the silicon was fine. hopefully it adds at least a modicum of shock protection. looks nifty eitherway 12/28/2006 6:20:42 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
I bought one of the madcatz sets. It feels a lot thinner than the other ones I've seen and it came with a matching glove for the nunchuck. I would reccommend it if you're looking for one. It's pretty nice as far as pieces of plastic go.  12/28/2006 7:44:25 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
ya my gloves didnt come with a nunchuck cover ... poop. 12/28/2006 8:45:56 PM
JonHGuth Suspended 39171 Posts user info edit post |
well im about to buy a tv and microwave, so i might hold out on the wii but if you see one and get it my offer to pay $30 over the asking is still good
(well hopefully i can find a decent used one)
[Edited on December 28, 2006 at 10:01 PM. Reason : .] 12/28/2006 9:57:54 PM
Wraith All American 27291 Posts user info edit post |
Anyone who has Raving Rabbids... have you gotten any of the simultaneous multiplayer games to work? I have only unlocked a few multiplayer games but I can't seem to play any 4-player games simultaneously... 12/29/2006 1:52:13 AM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
no one is mingling with my wii and it makes me cry inside 12/29/2006 1:54:09 AM
Rofeletan All American 1495 Posts user info edit post |
There aren't many minigames that let you play 4 player at one time... check to the right of the game selection picture when you hover over them... if all the controller icons are lit up then it is a simultaneous game, if not it is a turn game 12/29/2006 2:56:23 AM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
if anyone happens to see any wiimotes while they're out today post ? Im going to call the bb's and eb's aroud where i live but incase I turn up nothing tht'd be much appreciated 12/29/2006 9:51:11 AM
mdaldrich All American 1564 Posts user info edit post |
i went to walmart way late last night. they had a classic controller, 3 wii remotes, and 3 nunchucks.
oh that reminds me, last night i got a classic controller, 3 wii remotes, and 3 nunchucks. 12/29/2006 9:59:26 AM
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12778 Posts user info edit post |
bb in gboro has wiimotes but no nunchucks systems or classics
I still can't locate one this system has become my white whale 12/29/2006 11:27:50 AM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
controllers are the bane of my existance.
[Edited on December 29, 2006 at 11:55 AM. Reason : .]
12/29/2006 11:43:10 AM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
Quit trying the usual suspects like best buy, eb, babbages, etc. Go for department stores like Wal Mart, Sears, and Kmart. I found nunchuks and controllers at WalMart in Sanford during Thxgiving weekend and I didn't even show up early in the day. 12/29/2006 12:01:26 PM
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12778 Posts user info edit post |
yeah I'd like to be searching places like those but I have bb gift cards  12/29/2006 12:22:29 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
fuck excite truck is fun ;x I keep getting distracted from Zelda cause i wanna play excite truck lol. does kmart carry wii stuff ? 12/29/2006 12:48:33 PM
hotwire3485 Starting Lineup 56 Posts user info edit post |
i just saw a couple of classic controllers in BB at crabtree. 12/29/2006 1:43:08 PM
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
As a side note, just got my shipping email for my replacement wii straps. 12/29/2006 3:14:48 PM
crickey All American 2269 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if anyone happens to see any wiimotes while they're out today post ? Im going to call the bb's and eb's aroud where i live but incase I turn up nothing tht'd be much appreciated" |
Went to the Crossroads and Capital Blvd Best Buy and the only Wii stuff that had early morning / mid afternoon were Wii memory cards and all games sans Zelda. 12/29/2006 3:17:24 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
I fucking hate when they put boxing challenges in the wii fitness test of the day.
^thanks a lot bud. feared as much, a friend from greensboro is going to go to their best buy tonight, so if they have them ima get him to buy me one there I suppose 12/29/2006 3:21:20 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
buwahahah MOODY's two Mii's just hit two bombs back to back for me in the baseball game that sent me pro.
[Edited on December 29, 2006 at 7:00 PM. Reason : d] 12/29/2006 6:52:22 PM
DamnStraight All American 16665 Posts user info edit post |
whats current availability like right now i dont wanna run all around lookin for one if theyre still really sold out 12/29/2006 6:55:18 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""For anyone still looking for a Wii:
Various deal sites are reporting that the next "big day" will be this Sunday, December 31st. Most Best Buys and Walmarts are holding their shipments for sale that day. Best Buy will hand out tickets 1 hour before opening (like they have in the past). I'm not sure about Circuit City and other retailers."" |
a rumor, take it for what that's worth I suppose 12/29/2006 7:02:43 PM
johnny57 All American 624 Posts user info edit post |
Has anyone had a problem with the wii remote staying on. I just changed the batteries and synced the remote and now the thing turns off every 10 seconds or so. Highly annoying.  12/29/2006 7:04:19 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
mine doesn't turn off but every once and a while it will dsync and just blink blue in the player lights. 12/29/2006 7:08:00 PM
Pupils DiL8t All American 4967 Posts user info edit post |
Has anyone else had trouble purchasing wii points with a credit card? I tried both a Visa debit card (which I thought would work) and a Master Card credit card. It gives me an error stating that I submitted my billing information incorrectly, but I could just be entering United States incorrectly or something.
I don't know how many times I tried entering the correct country.
[Edited on December 29, 2006 at 7:44 PM. Reason : COUNTY DURRR] 12/29/2006 7:32:49 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
yay to my 2 miis hitting homers...ssclark, which 2 miis hit the homers?
Quote : | "Has anyone had a problem with the wii remote staying on. I just changed the batteries and synced the remote and now the thing turns off every 10 seconds or so. Highly annoying. " |
unplug the wii's power for a minute or two and then plug it back in...that's the fix all that i found online. it happened to me the other night and since then it's been perfect. 12/29/2006 11:39:09 PM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
A quick fix is to go into the home menu and click "Reconnect". 12/29/2006 11:50:29 PM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
question... i transferred my "mii" to my wiimote tonight. I'm going to 93formula's place tomorrow and taking my wiimote. when we play wii sports and i use the mii on my wiimote, will my skill level be correct or is that not saved? 12/29/2006 11:52:09 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
CMoody and Santa are the only ones that migrated over to my wii. so they hit back to back behind my 3 wii's in the order.
no clue, but I assume it's saved or what would be the point? asthetics i guess
other fags in the wii codes thread need to add people so my mii parade isnt a barren waste land lol
[Edited on December 30, 2006 at 12:17 AM. Reason : .] 12/30/2006 12:16:15 AM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
haha my gf made santa...i have about 10 mii's so i'm not sure how it decides who goes where  12/30/2006 12:17:44 AM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
hahah good call. did you get any of mine then ? 12/30/2006 12:18:27 AM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
i'm gonna get on the wii in a bit...i'll check it and see.
am i the only one who doesn't know what the "wii message board" is? i don't know if it's the email center or what, but when i go to the pictures channel it says "nothing downloaded from the wii message board" or something like that. 12/30/2006 12:21:24 AM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
it seems like it's a wii to * message server but ya the picture thing vexes me 12/30/2006 12:27:15 AM
johnny57 All American 624 Posts user info edit post |
Not sure how many of you have played Trauma Center but its damn fun. I rented it using my trial of gamefly because I didn't really trust the reviews but so far I think it's a more enjoyable game than Excite Truck or FarCry. 12/30/2006 3:29:22 AM
tracer All American 13876 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "question... i transferred my "mii" to my wiimote tonight. I'm going to 93formula's place tomorrow and taking my wiimote. when we play wii sports and i use the mii on my wiimote, will my skill level be correct or is that not saved?" |
i did this once and it did not save, it just put the image on there. 12/30/2006 4:52:04 AM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
I guess cause you need "two blocks" of space to save wii sports data, I guess the wiimote doesn't have the blocks ! 12/30/2006 10:49:14 AM
Wraith All American 27291 Posts user info edit post |
Hahaha I have like 50 Mii's. My roommates and myself made a bunch for all of our friends that play occasionally as well as some easily distinguishable figures like Michael Jackson and Ghandi. 12/30/2006 2:16:55 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
I need to start making some more mii's for shits and giggles. lol wraith add me and send some of those bitches over. 12/30/2006 2:46:15 PM
Wraith All American 27291 Posts user info edit post |
As soon as my roommates wireless router stops messing up I'll add everyone. I can get through some things but others I can't. I'll go ahead and try and add people now though. 12/30/2006 4:20:16 PM
Polojal All American 656 Posts user info edit post |
isnt there a site where you can DL miis from? i thought i saw one before but i cant find it again
oh and i bought trauma center this week played it for 2 days and beat it on easy. i tried hard and was quickly frustrated/lost interest. it was fun but i shoulda rented it instead. sold it back to gamestop for $25.. so essentially i paid $25 for a 3-day rental
[Edited on December 30, 2006 at 5:26 PM. Reason : tc] 12/30/2006 5:23:27 PM
ssclark Black and Proud 14179 Posts user info edit post |
why didnt you just return it to where you bought it ... ?
Has anyone else had trouble purchasing wii points with a credit card? I tried both a Visa debit card (which I thought would work) and a Master Card credit card. It gives me an error stating that I submitted my billing information incorrectly, but I could just be entering United States incorrectly or something.
anyone figure that one out ? I'm having the same problem
[Edited on December 30, 2006 at 6:52 PM. Reason : .] 12/30/2006 6:33:34 PM
Cif82 All American 10455 Posts user info edit post |
I heard a couple of people having problems with the credit card so I didnt even try and just bought some wii points at ebgames. 12/30/2006 7:11:18 PM
Polojal All American 656 Posts user info edit post |
i asked ebgames (where i bought it) if i could return it and they said no you could only trade it in for the same game if it was an opened piece of software... 12/30/2006 7:34:40 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
has anyone posted this yet? http://www.redkawa.com/mediacenters/wiimediacenterx/ 12/30/2006 8:49:04 PM
Officer Cat All American 931 Posts user info edit post |
does it work? 12/30/2006 9:44:19 PM
bbehe Burn it all down. 18460 Posts user info edit post |
you're converting a video file to flash and then broadcasting it over the internet..you will get lag and quality won't be great. 12/30/2006 9:45:19 PM
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
Because of security changes in IE, almost all video sites have to use a flash player to broadcast video, you just dont know it.
The media center thing works fine. 12/30/2006 9:56:05 PM