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All American
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Quote :
"you nerds keep typing words. It's a FUCKING ZOMBIE SHOW BASED ON COMIC BOOKS."

What Byrn said. And that pic Klatypus posted.

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 12:37 PM. Reason : 44 pages of zombie show, comic book action.]

3/22/2012 12:36:51 PM

All American
43431 Posts
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hahaha, love the gif

3/22/2012 12:52:17 PM

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Sorry that I'm participating in a thread for a show that I like. I really Don't see what's so hard to understand about my point of view. I just kick back, turn off my brain and enjoy the show. Sorry you can't do the same. You will never enjoy it if you try to analyze this shit. I laugh at the silly inconsistencies-- INFINITE SHOTGUN FTMFW! These actually make it even more enjoyable, in a "campy" kinda way. I really don't know how to make it any simpler for you ladies, but I see I've got your panties wadded up, so I'm done now... carry on with your analysis of something that it's idiotic to analyze...

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 1:08 PM. Reason : .]

3/22/2012 1:05:41 PM

All American
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So does that make you super idiotic for analyzing those analyzing things which are idiotic to analyze? This is getting meta.

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 1:24 PM. Reason : ic]

3/22/2012 1:15:06 PM

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3/22/2012 1:28:14 PM

All American
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I think it's more constructive to bitch about the dialogue, shitty characters etc.

Watched the pilot again last night. I didn't realize Darabont was the mind behind Shawshank Redemption. I'm guessing he got shit canned because he was too ambitious with the budget of a cable TV show.

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 2:17 PM. Reason : .]

3/22/2012 2:15:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Sorry that I'm participating in a thread for a show that I like. I really Don't see what's so hard to understand about my point of view. I just kick back, turn off my brain and enjoy the show. Sorry you can't do the same. You will never enjoy it if you try to analyze this shit. I laugh at the silly inconsistencies-- INFINITE SHOTGUN FTMFW! These actually make it even more enjoyable, in a "campy" kinda way. I really don't know how to make it any simpler for you ladies, but I see I've got your panties wadded up, so I'm done now... carry on with your analysis of something that it's idiotic to analyze.."

well first, sorry if you felt attacked. You are welcome to contribute. However if you just want to kick back and laugh at this stuff, then you really don't have much reason to come into the thread and read all of this. It is going to happen because everyone is different, some people get tripped up on the shitty writing, some people think the writing is great.... there is a discussion right there that will continue for a few pages. Lack of realistic weapon use bothers other people, so again... few pages discussing and usually they either accept it or shut up...

If you just want updates, no offense to you at all, just go to the walking dead's fan site. It is not like nc state alumn will bring anything to your viewing experience if you don't check on this thread.

Quote :
"carry on with your analysis of something that it's idiotic to analyze.."

now this... is just too easy. You just gave us a paragraphs worth of analysis on the prev. page (and on this one) dissecting our analysis', so you are in fact doing what you are accusing us of, you are idiotically over-analyzing our over-analysis of this show. It is like someone on twitter making fun of someone on facebook for being an attention whore.

3/22/2012 4:19:12 PM

301 Posts
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1) I don't need your permission to participate in the thread... sorry to burst your bubble.

2) WTF are you talking about? What's too easy again? I never wrote any paragraphs analyzing anything.

3/22/2012 5:13:41 PM

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3/22/2012 5:56:20 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"Sorry that I'm participating in a thread for a show that I like."

Wait, so you're "participating" in this thread somehow? I must have missed that. All I see is you bitching about people discussing the show. Which, by the way, is the entire point of this thread, and message boards in general.

It seems to me, the only one missing that point, would be you sir.

3/22/2012 6:16:01 PM

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Well I stated my point quite clearly, multiple times. It's a comic book zombie show, it's not supposed to be "realistic"... it's supposed to have a "campy" element to it. I enjoyed the first 20 pages of the thread until the over analysis started.

I Sure am glad you "overanalysts" aren't writing the show, it would be boring as fuck. It would be nothing but people scavaging around from house to house, car to car, taking a dump, putting their pants on in the morning. Wow that would be tons of fun to watch! I like the show just fine as it is, that's my point. Just because you disagree and want to nit-pick and shit on the writing is not me missing the point, it's you being a propeller-head who can't enjoy the show for what it is.

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 11:27 PM. Reason : fixed a typo]

3/22/2012 11:26:59 PM

El Nachó
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As I've stated many many times now, I do enjoy the show quite a bit. Actually, I don't think a single person in here has stated otherwise.

If you're not going to actually READ what you're commenting on, then I'd suggest you shut the fuck up. You're only making yourself look stupid. I even said at least twice that the characters had to be stupid, or it would be boring. Your "points" have already been made by the people you are "arguing" against.

The show is off the air for several months. There's nothing left to do but talk about the show/analyze it discuss what we like/don't like and ways we'd like to make it better. If that's not something that interests you, you're more than welcome to go fuck off.

3/22/2012 11:31:44 PM

301 Posts
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I skimmed it, that's all it took to see it was a waste of my time. So yeah, TL DR. You can fuck your mother by the way

I ordered this off amazon (great deal):
Started reading it a couple of days ago.

3/22/2012 11:40:29 PM

El Nachó
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It's such a waste of your time to read it, but you don't mind commenting multiple times on what you think it says, eh?

Yeah, we got a serious genius on our hands here, folks. At least now we all know all the rest of your posts can safely be ignored.

3/22/2012 11:43:24 PM

All American
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In other news, it's safe to say none of the characters have ever siphon'd gasoline... I was almost half expecting Darryl to say "Chill, I got this."

3/23/2012 12:17:20 AM

All American
3088 Posts
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Quote :
"Well I stated my point quite clearly, multiple times. It's a comic book zombie show, it's not supposed to be "realistic"... it's supposed to have a "campy" element to it."

What makes you think that this show is meant to be campy in any way? Or, which parts of the series have contained campy elements?

Maybe i've missed something, but I don't recall anything being campy really. I do recall a lot of dramatic parts. The network views it as a dramatic series (which is rarely ever mixed/or confused with camp).

[Edited on March 23, 2012 at 12:46 AM. Reason : /b]

3/23/2012 12:45:33 AM

Byrn Stuff
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Ya, I don't think you understand campy. Dead Alive and Planet Terror are campy.

This show has none of that silly, over-the-top vibe: It's pretty much straight drama/thriller like other zombie fiction (Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later).

[Edited on March 23, 2012 at 7:56 AM. Reason : ibt OMG NOT ZOMBIE]

3/23/2012 7:55:54 AM

El Nachó
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Maybe he meant to say the show is supposed to have a camping element to it.

3/23/2012 8:39:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
" I was almost half expecting Darryl to say "Chill, I got this.""

I laughed so hard when I read this!

3/23/2012 8:48:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"1) I don't need your permission to participate in the thread... sorry to burst your bubble."

I never did give you permission, I was letting you know that if you felt attacked, then I am sorry and I hope that in the future if you want to contribute you will not be shy.

[Edited on March 23, 2012 at 8:54 AM. Reason : sorry for the double post]

3/23/2012 8:54:38 AM

Byrn Stuff
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probably [old] but:

3/23/2012 9:26:48 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Maybe he meant to say the show is supposed to have a camping element to it."

3/23/2012 12:16:38 PM

All American
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Damn there is a lot of heated discussion about this show. To me it seems that the show has done it's job well

I can't wait for next season.

3/23/2012 12:19:07 PM

All American
12512 Posts
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Quote :
"I skimmed it, that's all it took to see it was a waste of my time. So yeah, TL DR. You can fuck your mother by the way

I ordered this off amazon (great deal):
Started reading it a couple of days ago."

I already read the compendium. I have always been confused by what the compendium contains. Because there are also the walking dead books 1,2,3 etc. For example, the description of the compendium

Quote :
"Introducing the first eight volumes of the fan-favorite, New York Times Best Seller series collected into one massive paperback collection! "

Ok, so it has the first 8 volumes. But there are also the "books" 1,2,3,4 etc. Are these the same thing?

I guess my question is, what is the structure to the comic series. If I picked up one of the comics how would I know where it stood with the other books in the time line? Do other books follow other characters or are they all based around Rick?

mmm it seems there are just 1-75 issues, and the volumes and books just group them together differently.
In terms of houses vs camping. Clearing a house might not be an option. If they are short of ammo, they are, they could only spend so much ammo clearing. Not to mention attract walkers to the place they are clearing because of the shots fired. And it always seems like clearing unknown places is always a problem with those sneaky zombies.

[Edited on March 25, 2012 at 1:10 PM. Reason : issues]

3/25/2012 1:04:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you nerds keep typing words. It's a FUCKING ZOMBIE SHOW BASED ON COMIC BOOKS.

3/25/2012 1:09:52 PM

7062 Posts
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TWD's default format is a monthly comic, they're on around 93-94 now (can't remember what i got last) if you want to stay up-to-date monthly, read this. issue list here:

compendium collects the first 48 issues/8 volumes (volumes = books = trade paperbacks).

you could start reading with issue 49 or volume 9 to catch up to present (as the newer ones are collected into volumes... the trade paperbacks lag behind the monthly issues obviously)

i'd imagine compendium 2 will come out shortly after 96

[Edited on March 25, 2012 at 1:15 PM. Reason : .]

3/25/2012 1:12:57 PM

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I have not seen any of the main characters miss a single shot against a zombie thus far. I probably missed something but its fair to say their combined accuracy is running above 90%. The only misses I've registered are Andrea grazing Daryl and Shane missing Rick. WTF

[Edited on April 2, 2012 at 5:55 PM. Reason : .]

4/2/2012 5:54:49 PM

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Y'all are some nitpicking folks

4/2/2012 7:02:22 PM

El Nachó
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Be careful not to use words when discussing this show. Some people tend to get angry about that sort of thing.

[Edited on April 2, 2012 at 7:53 PM. Reason : maybe it's just the typing that bothers them. I guess copy and pasting is ok? ]

[Edited on April 2, 2012 at 7:54 PM. Reason : or like a voice dictation program maybe?]

4/2/2012 7:53:26 PM

All American
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I really, really, can't stand a single female character in this show - including Carl.

4/3/2012 1:53:00 AM

El Nachó
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Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

4/12/2012 12:08:11 PM

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that is nicely done.

4/12/2012 2:35:54 PM

Duke is puke
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As a distraction from the arguing, can someone educate me on who the samurai is?

4/12/2012 2:48:02 PM

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4/12/2012 3:12:12 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"As a distraction from the arguing"

You mean the oh so distracting arguing that took place three weeks ago?

I kind of wonder what it's distracting you from exactly. This is a discussion thread about the show, and we were doing just that. But then you people started whining about it so now the thread will probably sit idle until next season starts up. I'd really hate for anyone to get their panties all bunched up again because people were using WORDS to talk about a show on a discussion forum.

4/12/2012 5:39:58 PM

1136 Posts
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OMFG spoilers!

4/12/2012 5:47:59 PM

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i don't think anyone is stopping anyone from discussing anything in here except the comic book spoilers. including discussion of the discussion

4/12/2012 7:02:19 PM

All American
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zombies hate fags

4/13/2012 12:56:25 PM

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[Edited on April 13, 2012 at 2:36 PM. Reason : ]

4/13/2012 2:35:38 PM

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4/13/2012 9:25:31 PM

Status Name
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^I wish I knew someone in the special effects makeup industry... that's one of the most awesome Halloween costumes I can imagine.

4/13/2012 9:56:16 PM

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that is awesome...but it'd probably get you killed. some crazy person who's been waiting for the zombie apocalypse to arrive would think his day had come. lol

4/13/2012 10:32:05 PM

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Hah you're probably right. That said, Halloween would be a terrible night for the dead to start walking.... " best costume ever! Wait why are you biting me?"

4/14/2012 7:53:31 AM

Save TWW
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^community did it

4/14/2012 1:08:26 PM

All American
5084 Posts
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this thread is frustrating to read.

4/15/2012 12:07:41 PM

100 Posts
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edit post is frustrating to read. Also, disconcerting.

5/2/2012 2:07:03 PM

37776 Posts
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The show should be call The Walking Dumb.

5/2/2012 5:01:00 PM

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5/2/2012 6:39:55 PM

35781 Posts
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This page sucks.

Just watched the last 8 episodes. Mainly to make room on my DVR.

So do we know who the hooded highlander is and what fortress lies beyond the woods?

5/10/2012 11:20:04 PM

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michonne and a prison.

5/10/2012 11:30:36 PM

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