12/23/2009 12:07:26 PM
12/23/2009 12:14:49 PM
wow on mac...no graphics issues
12/23/2009 5:07:36 PM
^are you saying there are or there aren't? I have not seen any...
12/23/2009 5:18:02 PM
the graphics problem is only very quicky before the game begins - immediately preceding the login screen
12/24/2009 3:56:29 PM
12/25/2009 1:10:00 PM
yeah it's pretty awesome, too bad my friend that joined lost interest after we hit 60 and the XP was normal mode again .
12/25/2009 5:43:54 PM
^Did you tell him that once you hit 60 and get to Outlands, your XP experience is 75% (or close to it) faster anyway since Blizz wants you to get to Northrend as fast as possible?
12/28/2009 11:11:56 AM
Has anyone used the nvidia 3d world of warcraft stuff? Is it cool?
12/30/2009 6:40:36 PM
Must....resist....thoughts....of......returning..... Okay, so say I want to come back as my feral druid, switch him to horde with all of this Ulduar gear (I quit right before the ToC) would it be possible to play casually - 5-mans, pvp and the occasional 10man or is it all just push push push now? I refuse to join another high-end raiding guild but I miss playing a dr00d.
12/30/2009 7:40:51 PM
you can get full raiding gear from casually playing
12/30/2009 11:25:41 PM
Oh yeah? While I find that kinda sad having spent more than my fair share of time grinding out 16 hours a week for gear it is nice to know that even playing to ones contentment level can still be fruitful.
12/31/2009 12:14:08 AM
Yep chain run heroics, get lots of triumph badges, get 5 piece t9 for nothing
12/31/2009 9:19:01 AM
Wow. . .That's um...very interesting.
12/31/2009 6:01:49 PM
so I left in July, thinking I wasn't going to come back....I had a lvl 80 hunter on Stormrage with semi-decent gear.I sold all the gear, put the $ into the GV, and deleted the toon.I come back a week ago, and seriously regret deleting toon.I got the hankerin' to talk to a GM about restoring the toon, and thankfully they do (AWESOME!!!).Now I have the problem of re-gearing him. My old guild let me back in, and have made some decent starting gear for me.Awesome guild to deal with a bonehead like me.
12/31/2009 7:57:30 PM
You can get 5 piece tier 9 from heroics in a weekend of runnin em.Use the Dungeon Finder tool and profit for a while.
1/1/2010 11:52:40 PM
World of Casualcraft
1/2/2010 2:33:26 AM
I may try that. Thanks!
1/3/2010 12:35:51 PM
hey im debating on coming back, but i want to level up a mage i think... would anyone on stormrage be willing to do the refer a friend with me?
1/3/2010 1:45:43 PM
Mage is the most boring class in the game. Warlock and shadow priest are much more fun to play. Shadow priest is also good because you can dual spec disc/holy and get instant queues for quicker badge accumulation.
1/3/2010 4:29:14 PM
still, i need someone to do it with
1/3/2010 4:54:53 PM
no, you dont. leveling in this game is a joke
1/3/2010 5:02:17 PM
I will, whitwilmboy...wait one
1/3/2010 11:57:36 PM
luv,faber is playing horde side on nordrassil...or you could come to shattered hand and blow me there.
1/4/2010 2:47:56 PM
1/15/2010 3:03:22 PM
Each player who set too much crap item in Auction house that no one buy it and want to be a Noob for gold.. Anyone who can afford it just don't want to buy it and be a freaking selfish. I think Auction house should shut down. Because it is so ridiculous to put that bunch of crap in Auction house with too much price. IF YOU PLAYER CAN'T BUY IT THEN DON'T PUT ANY CRAP PRICE ON EACH ITEM. Tired of player who are such a noob for gold wannabe.I am complaining because every player that put too much gold on blue or purple rare gears or weapon that isn't so much to buy..Like blizzard put in northerend epic flying mount for 4500g's or 5000g's which I can't make it for my hunter lvl 75.. Can't afford it. Unless Blizzard set up for 14.99 USD for 5000 g's would be nice. And I hope blizzard set up the limit price for gears or item if any player put them in Auction house..If any player can't make the proper price for items in auction house then blizzard should close it. I am sick of stupid noob gold wannabe. It TRASH. It only game for that stupid items and gears. It SO HOPELESS. I would be happy to hear if blizzard would close the auction house.Unless you quit being a noob gold wannabe then I won't complain about it.I understand it grammer but you are teen freak that all I can say. TEEN FREAK
1/17/2010 3:46:57 AM
^ What's that from?
1/17/2010 4:45:43 PM
well anyone coming up with a post like that would obviously lack the mental capacity to rack up the $$$$. Where'd you find that one
1/18/2010 8:54:19 AM
I'm actually considering renewing my sub, if for no other reason than to make some gold before Cataclysm. I think I had like 100g when I quit, but it usually doesn't take that long to get rich in WoW.
1/19/2010 3:03:34 PM
The JC daily alone is like 150g. There's a smattering of boring dailies that are close together and make hundreds. Otherwise get an Auctioneer mod, play the AH. Find items people buy a lot of (Belt buckles, leg armors, enchants, gems) and they're all money factoriesIn other news for the new gate opening today, my 2 day raiding schedule just got longer!
1/19/2010 4:02:48 PM
1/21/2010 9:05:13 AM
Ensidia 72 hour ban, lul
2/4/2010 1:22:57 PM
that is kind of crazy they were suspended for something that was discovered and delcared to be a glitch after they had already finished the fight. kinda jacked up but blizz can do whatever they want.anyway, my toons are pretty baller now with their full badge/new ICC gear... just like everyone else's toons.
2/4/2010 2:11:51 PM
I imagine something in the in game logs shows that Ensidia knew they were exploiting. Just because it was declared a bug after they encountered doesn't mean they weren't cheating by using it. Without the log it's impossible to know for sure.
2/4/2010 2:58:03 PM
exodus is probably LOLing pretty hard.
2/4/2010 4:21:24 PM
I'm sure Exodus is loving it due to all the crap Ensidia gave them. The ban is a combination of them knowing something was wrong, and all the shit they have done in the past.
2/4/2010 10:07:38 PM
if ensidia didn't exploit, who else would do the fine QA for blizz and pay them while they did it?
2/5/2010 8:45:12 AM
since I haven't played this game in a couple years...is the C'thun fight reworked for current level cap or what?
2/5/2010 8:49:37 AM
Not really, but it's a boss, so if a bunch of tards try to kill him they'll still get instagibbed.
2/5/2010 8:57:16 AM
ah ok. I was just scanning the page and saw the quoted post above and was curious. I still think that was my favorite boss fight throughout vanilla and BC
2/5/2010 8:59:09 AM
took a random guildmates to AQ40 and it was a breeze until Twin Emps where we were hastily slaughtered. I imagine C'thun would be rough if you didn't know what was going on.
2/5/2010 10:30:37 AM
Bloodscalp. Horde. lvl 60 Warlock. Jersyfresh.
2/15/2010 10:40:07 PM
can you still sell accounts with the battlenet merge?
2/23/2010 9:35:40 AM
Hooray patch notes making tailoring a worthless profession now for making money after removing cooldowns on cloth. I suppose since you can only make a 22 slot bag once every 7 days now thats the only choice left for money
2/23/2010 9:55:42 AM
Well the Lich King took a dirtnap in 25 man last night, a week or two late but still puts us top 1000 in the world
3/12/2010 8:23:15 AM
Woe is me and my shitty progression server. I am recruiting into a guild that's working on Sindragosa 25 though, so there's still hope for me.Regarding tailoring. I think this is good because off-set items like Bejeweled Wizard's bracers will go from "Outrageously Expensive and no one would ever buy them" to "profitable".Also, expect Eternal Fire, Life, and Shadow to value up through the roof. In value descending in the order listed.
3/12/2010 9:15:56 AM
i bought both expansions a couple weeks ago...and ever since, i havent logged on WoW once....ugh! just been so busy and uninterested
3/12/2010 10:59:05 AM
The lich king fight is definitely not for the weak at heart, expect lots and lots of repair bills. This was the only fight during wrath where I actually felt like it was an accomplishment to down the boss. Everything up until that point was just kinda easy mode as far as amount of time required to pull off the fight. Felt a lot like our first Kael or Illidan kill in BC along those lines.
3/12/2010 11:32:10 AM
Our guild signs online tuesday, clears farm content to lich, and never signs on again until next tuesday.I'm leveling a resto shaman. Looking a good guild to gear me up. I'm thinking about transferring him over to Black Dragonflight
3/12/2010 11:34:41 AM
our 1st group got Kingslayer this week. Group 2 is 10/12 (they got blood queen last week). Group 3 and both alt groups are at 9/12. And yet, some how, we are stuck at 7/12 on 25s because no one will show up for the progression night for 25s
3/12/2010 11:42:52 AM