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All American
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9/10/2007 12:18:34 AM

All American
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A few quotes from the high Dukey,

Quote :
""Given the complexities of this case, getting the communication right would never have been easy," Brodhead said. "But the fact is that we did not get it right, causing the families to feel abandoned when they were most in need of support. This was a mistake. I take responsibility for it, and I apologize for it.""

taken from

took long enough.

10/1/2007 2:03:36 PM

All American
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Annnnnd we got a movie!

Quote :
"HBO has acquired the rights to a book about the Duke University lacrosse team sexual assault case, with plans to create a movie for the cable channel.

Variety, an entertainment industry magazine, reported that HBO plans a movie from the book "Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case," which was written by KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr."

10/4/2007 11:05:35 AM

All American
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Meh. Sounds like a documentary. I'm waiting for the drama version that will eventually appear on Lifetime.

10/4/2007 11:48:10 AM

All American
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I'm waiting for the Showtime version.

10/4/2007 11:51:57 AM

All American
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I heard on the news that the Mayor of Durham has input into the investigation before the arrest of the Duke boys. Man, the term "Duke boys" has forever been corrupted, sad really.

10/4/2007 11:53:09 AM

All American
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Where can I volunteer to be an extra on the set at the party scene

I want to see what really happened

10/4/2007 11:56:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm waiting for the drama version that will eventually appear on Lifetime."

You can already tell how that will play out:

-the stripper will be made to look as sympathetic as possible
-the lacrosse players will be portrayed as assholes in everything that they do
-when the stripper gets raped, everybody will turn against her
-when the players are found not guilty, it will be portrayed as a tragedy

10/4/2007 12:01:32 PM

All American
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Yeah, too bad this guy is gone.

10/4/2007 12:06:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Annnnnd we got a movie!"


There already is such a movie and a novel--both titled The Bonfire of the Vanities. Though writer Tom Wolfe's story was fictional, it appears that through the Zeitgeist he anticipated the real-life Duke lacrosse case in 1987. Such a literary "premonition" is not unheard of, you know.

[Edited on October 5, 2007 at 5:12 AM. Reason : .]

10/5/2007 5:12:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
"GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) -- Three former Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of rape filed a federal lawsuit Friday against disgraced prosecutor Mike Nifong, the city of Durham and the police detectives who handled the investigation.

The lawsuit calls the criminal case against Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty and Dave Evans "one of the most chilling episodes of premeditated police, prosecutorial and scientific misconduct in modern American history."

The lawsuit seeks unspecified punitive and compensatory damages, attorneys fees and numerous reforms to the way the Durham Police Department handles criminal investigations. "

Article contains more ...

10/5/2007 5:05:52 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I'm not comfortable with giving some Yankee douchebags thirty million right out.

Don't seem right.

10/5/2007 11:46:02 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^ Let me falsely accuse you of rape and spend the better part of a year working hard to take away every freedom you have and destroy your life all while ruining your reputation via the national media. Maybe then you'll have some sympathy.

10/6/2007 12:07:40 AM

Zinc Saucier
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^^That they're douchebags is largely irrelevant. It's whether or not 30 (or whatever) mil is a sensible amount to compensate for what they went through.

10/6/2007 2:36:53 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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You're right the fact that they're douche bags is largely irrelevant.

It's the fact that they're Yankees that bothers me.

I think they've taken enough already.

10/6/2007 6:22:41 AM

All American
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i dunno $10 million might not make me forget, but it would sure as hell ease the pain a bit

10/6/2007 3:21:27 PM

All American
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I think they should go after jesse jackson and al sharpton next. they did nothing but instigate shit.

10/8/2007 7:08:08 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You're right the fact that they're douche bags is largely irrelevant.

It's the fact that they're Yankees that bothers me.

I think they've taken enough already."

you are a stupid redneck hoe.

[Edited on October 8, 2007 at 8:56 AM. Reason : you people]

10/8/2007 8:55:56 AM

Shivan Bird
Football time
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Quote :
"I'm waiting for the drama version that will eventually appear on Lifetime.

They're guilty on Lifetime. All men are rapists on Lifetime.

10/8/2007 11:57:06 AM

All American
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^ LOL.

10/9/2007 12:45:37 AM

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2/18/2010 9:05:31 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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This girl just can't stay out of trouble when bathrooms are involved.

2/18/2010 9:11:42 PM

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Duke lacrosse accuser charged with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating threats, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, injury to personal property, identity theft and resisting a public officer

Quote :
"Durham, N.C. — Durham police late Wednesday arrested the woman who four years ago falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players of raping her.

Crystal Mangum assaulted her boyfriend, set his clothes on fire in a bathtub and threatened to stab him, investigators said.

She was in the Durham County jail under a $1 million bondMangum, 33, has been appointed a public defender and is scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 22.

Police charged her with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating threats, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, injury to personal property, identity theft and resisting a public officer.

Shortly after 11:30 p.m., police received a 911 call about a domestic dispute at 2220 Lincoln St. Authorities said they believe the call came from one of the three children inside the house.

When officers arrived, they found Mangum and her boyfriend, Milton Walker, 33, fighting. According to police documents, Mangum scratched, punched and threw objects at Walker and told him, "I'm going to stab you, (expletive)!"

She then went into a bathroom and set his clothes on fire in the bathtub, police said. Officers called the fire department to put out the flames. No one was injured.

Milton was not charged, police said. The three children inside the house, ages 3, 9 and 10, were not injured.

Officers said Mangum gave them a fake name, "Marella Mangum," and age, prompting the identity theft charge. She also resisted the officers who responded to the scene, according to police documents. She has been ordered to have no contact with Walker.

Mangum – who penned her memoir, "Last Dance for Grace," in 2008 – was a student at North Carolina Central University in 2006 and also worked as an exotic dancer when she performed at the now-infamous Duke lacrosse party.

It was there, she claimed, that three white members of the team trapped her inside a bathroom and raped and sexually assaulted her.

The three players were indicted on rape and other charges on the basis of her allegations and were eventually exonerated after North Carolina's attorney general dismissed the charges.

The case ultimately cost former Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong his job and he was later disbarred. He also spent a night in jail for lying to a Superior Court judge.

Several players in the Duke lacrosse case, including Duke Unviersity and the North Carolina Attorney General's Office, declined to comment on the case.

Nifong could not be reached for comment.

"My heart goes out to her," Joseph Cheshire, who represented one of the accused lacrosse players. "Mostly, I worry about her children."

Authorities say the children are in the care of other family members.

"We hope that the courts will adjudicate this case with fairness and without bias," Vincent Clark, Mangum's publisher, said in a statement. "Nevertheless, we support Crystal in her effort o heal from abuse and past injustices," "

2/18/2010 9:12:38 PM

New Recruit
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2/18/2010 9:33:57 PM

37776 Posts
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Taking notes from Lisa Lefteye Lopez I see....

2/18/2010 10:45:31 PM

All American
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come defend this wrongly accused, stand up citizen of the US....

and you know as soon as the police chief found out who this was they were like "hit her with every charge possible"

2/20/2010 4:14:13 PM

All American
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Goddamn she is ugly... she used to be an 'exotic' dancer?


Quote :
""We hope that the courts will adjudicate this case with fairness and without bias," Vincent Clark, Mangum's publisher, said in a statement. "Nevertheless, we support Crystal in her effort o heal from abuse and past injustices," "

What is he talking about? Are any past abuses and injustices towards this great upstanding citizen known to the public?

Or is it all about "oh she is black, born to a poor family, her father abused her, she couldn't finish school because she is poor etc" kind of stuff?

P.S. I never knew she published a book and still claimed/claims that she was attacked So is she pretty rich now or what?

She might be rich... but she is still trash.

I also did not know that she had children, let alone 3! Poor kids. So this bf of hers. Is he the father of those kids? Of one of them? None of them? Did she have this bf when she was going around dancing for men for money?

[Edited on February 20, 2010 at 4:51 PM. Reason : ]

2/20/2010 4:34:45 PM

All American
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she was appointed a public attorney, so i highly doubt she has any money.

2/20/2010 5:24:27 PM

red baron 22
All American
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Just because she wrote a book doesnt mean she is now rich...people actually have to buy the book first

2/22/2010 1:17:16 PM

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Quote :

DURHAM -- Crystal Gail Mangum is in police custody under $150,000 bond after court officials accused her of violating a condition of a previous pre-trial release agreement.

An arrest warrant issued Wednesday charges Mangum with not complying with visitation hours detailed in her release agreement.

Mani Dexter, the attorney representing her, is consulting with the district attorney's office with hopes of scheduling a hearing later today.
Quantcast Quantcast

Mangum, the discredited accuser in the Duke lacrosse case, was in court in July, on the day Duke University demolished the house where the 2006 lacrosse team held its infamous party, asking to be treated like anyone else fighting charges in the court system. At that time, court officials outlined an agreement through which Mangum could see her children.

On Feb. 18, officers responded to a domestic violence call at the Lincoln Street home that Mangum shared with a one-time boyfriend. Police say Mangum started a blaze by setting her boyfriend's clothes on fire in the bathtub. Her children, who in July were 11, 9 and 3, were present, according to police reports.

In April, a grand jury indicted Mangum on charges of first-degree arson, three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, injury to personal property, and resisting an officer. Her three children, ex-boyfriend Milton Walker and the officers are named as victims in the case.

When she went to jail in February, Mangum signed a consent order granting custody of the three children to the father of the two youngest, and that remains in force.

With consent from the district attorney's office in July, Morgan agreed to let Mangum see her children with supervision from the custodial father or an appointee of the court.

The children were to continue to live with the father, and Mangum had planned to move in with her ill mother.

The judge allowed the move and downgraded Mangum to electronic monitoring with a curfew, rather than 24-hour house arrest."

8/26/2010 8:57:29 PM

All American
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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but they just bulldozed the house on Buchanan Blvd., that the whole Duke lacrosse thing happened in. It's sat empty as long as I've lived in Durham- I walk or run past it pretty much every day with the dogs, and I noticed it wasn't there anymore.

Little wonder they didn't raze it sooner because of all the publicity surrounding the case.

8/28/2010 1:35:34 PM

best gottfriend
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it was actually mentioned in the post directly above yours.

8/28/2010 1:54:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"P.S. I never knew she published a book and still claimed/claims that she was attacked"

"If they would have done it to me"

8/28/2010 1:56:07 PM

All American
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Dude,this thread is pretty long, and I'm not going to sit and read 40 pages of it.

8/28/2010 2:06:39 PM

Rat Soup
All American
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my uncle rented a townhouse in the DC area to one of the guys involved with the rape scandal a couple months after it happened. the kid moved out and left a bunch of shit, and i think my cousin took all of it. welp, that's my claim to fame. see ya.

8/28/2010 2:38:09 PM

All American
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it actually just required you to read the very last post, as that was the one immediately before yours

8/28/2010 2:38:11 PM

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4/3/2011 10:03:05 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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when i wore my duke lacrosse shirt on spring break i had like 10 girls say "do you go to duke?!" and only one of them say "duke lacrosse? we better be careful with him"

Girls dont even know about duke lacrosse anymore.

4/3/2011 10:49:53 PM

All American
6652 Posts
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jesus christ, someone please kill this bitch

4/3/2011 11:31:20 PM

All American
6606 Posts
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Hey this "bitch" served her country honorably in the UNITED STATES NAVY!!! TRUE STORY omg



4/3/2011 11:38:47 PM

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CNN Front page!!

4/4/2011 3:36:25 AM

All American
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[Edited on April 4, 2011 at 8:33 AM. Reason : :]

4/4/2011 8:33:38 AM

Bobby Light
All American
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Quote :
"In a June 2010 interview with the station, Mangum said her boyfriend had attacked her, and that her involvement in the Duke lacrosse case had influenced police handling of the case.

"I do feel that I am being unjustly treated because of preconceived notions about my character in the media," Mangum said at the time."

Or maybe it's because you're a POS hoodrat who cant act as a responsible adult.

4/4/2011 8:42:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"found a 46-year-old man who had been stabbed in the torso, police said. He was taken to Duke University Hospital "

i dont know why i found that funny

[Edited on April 4, 2011 at 8:47 AM. Reason : not him getting stabbed. the duke part.]

4/4/2011 8:46:04 AM

All American
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the comments in the article are actually spot on

4/4/2011 8:46:30 AM

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We have a murder!!!!!

Duke lacrosse accuser's boyfriend dies after stabbing

Quote :
"DURHAM, N.C. — Family members of a man who was stabbed in his home April 3 say he died Wednesday evening. Crystal Mangum, the Durham woman who falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players of rape in 2006, has been charged with assaulting him.

Durham police could not be reached for comment Wednesday night on whether her charges would be upgraded.

Police said Mangum, 32, stabbed Reginald Daye, 46, in the torso with a kitchen knife during a dispute at 3507 Century Oaks Drive early on April 3.

Daye was taken to Duke University Hospital, and Mangum was arrested in a nearby apartment.

A man who said he was Daye's nephew called 911 to report the stabbing, saying it occurred while Daye and his girlfriend were arguing about rent money. The caller said police came to the apartment complex earlier while the couple argued, but the stabbing occurred after the officers left.

When asked for a description of the girlfriend, the caller said, "It's Crystal Mangum. THE Crystal Mangum."

He then added, "I told him she was trouble from the beginning."

Mangum was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury and was being held in the Durham County jail on a $300,000 bond.

In March 2006, Mangum claimed three white players on the Duke lacrosse team trapped her inside a bathroom at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd., where she was performing as a stripper at a team party, and raped and sexually assaulted her.

Her story about the incident was so inconsistent that state officials later declared the players innocent, saying there was no credible evidence against them.

Former Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong was later disbarred for withholding DNA evidence from defense attorneys in the case.

The three lacrosse players and some of their former teammates are suing Nifong and a police investigator, claiming their rights were violated during the case.

In February 2010, police arrested Mangum after an altercation between her and a different boyfriend. In that incident, she was accused of assaulting the man in front of her children and setting some of his clothes on fire.

She was later convicted of child abuse, injury to personal property and resisting a public officer in the case, but prosecutors dismissed an arson charge after a jury couldn't reach a verdict."

4/13/2011 11:25:11 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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4/14/2011 1:57:21 AM

bonerjamz 04
All American
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Quote :



4/14/2011 4:20:44 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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This is horrible.

4/14/2011 6:09:22 AM

37776 Posts
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Bitches be crazy

4/14/2011 7:50:40 AM

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