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The E Man
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Quote :
"At this point it is clear that it is effectively airborne in small, enclosed spaces like vehicles or exam rooms. Any suit without thorough air filtration is inadequate, and any building without isolated HVAC and decon rooms is a other words every hospital in America is unprepared. The very idea of communal waiting rooms at ER's is foolhearty; in all seriousness, they would be better off making the sick wait outside and puke in the street like in Africa."

Is this sarcasm? None of the people living in the apartment with the man contracted ebola.

10/13/2014 2:43:13 PM

26632 Posts
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It's not sarcasm, it's trolling

10/13/2014 2:44:45 PM

All American
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The CDC chief sucks at his job...

He seems to spend more time trying to do damage control and manage optics, than just focusing on disease control.

10/13/2014 2:55:43 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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There's a really weird and interesting catch that the CDC (and really all the governmental organizations dealing with this) are in. On the one hand, they're trying to keep things "calm" and controlled, doing everything they can not to engage in hyping the issue. But on the other hand, they keep acting very coy and then when the do things that appear to come out of no where like changing from "Ebola getting here is a remote possibility" to "Ebola getting here was inevitable") or like in Spain where they decide to kill the dog because it might be a transmission vector. Or they do things like quarantine this guys entire family and put 80 people on a "watch list" but then send deputies to serve quarantine notices without protective gear it gives the impression that they're fumbling around in the dark, not really knowing what to do. And it's possible that maybe they don't, maybe this really is not something they're prepared to deal with, but skulking around and being evasive rather than being upfront with everyone has the potential to make things much worse. Rumors spread in the absence of fact, and it really seems like the CDC is playing catch up rather than staying in front of the issue and the presentation.

10/13/2014 3:44:52 PM

All American
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He advocated for no sodas bigger than 16 ounces to be sold in NYC thinking it was going to do someone some good, what do you expect?

As far as a vaccine for Ebola...there's no money in it, so no drug companies have researched it thoroughly. There's more money in researching boner pills, so I guess that's what they all spend their time doing.

10/13/2014 3:46:45 PM

All American
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I don't know if you're aware of this, but doctors tend to not be fans of too much sugar in ones diet

and what in the world does that have to do with Ebola?

sounds a bit like a talking point to me.

10/13/2014 4:57:15 PM

26632 Posts
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Obesity is one of the top killers, I'd expect the head of the CDC to not be a fan of soda

Quote :
" Or they do things like quarantine this guys entire family and put 80 people on a "watch list" but then send deputies to serve quarantine notices without protective gear it gives the impression that they're fumbling around in the dark, not really knowing what to do."

the CDC didn't do any of those things, they were done at the local level. Apparently the CDC doesn't have a fast reaction team that can fly somewhere and tell people what to do, Hollywood lied about that.

[Edited on October 13, 2014 at 5:17 PM. Reason : .]

10/13/2014 5:15:19 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Quote :
"the CDC didn't do any of those things, they were done at the local level. Apparently the CDC doesn't have a fast reaction team that can fly somewhere and tell people what to do, Hollywood lied about that.

That would be why I said "and really all the governmental organizations dealing with this".

10/13/2014 5:36:00 PM

All American
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It's one thing to advise against drinking more than 16 oz of soda in one sitting. It's another to try and ban it altogether. TGL likes to put words in mouths. I never said soda was good for people.

10/13/2014 7:18:26 PM

All American
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what words did I put in whose mouth?

10/13/2014 7:52:28 PM

26632 Posts
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I can only find where Friedan said that soda should be taxed (it should), where did he say large sodas should be banned? In fact, in regards to the 16oz ban I can only find him refusing to take a position and saying that cities should make the decision for themselves.

10/14/2014 9:24:41 AM

All American
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This picture kinda tells me that I shouldn't really trust what our government is saying about ebola. I realize that things are more complicated than the way I'm about to simply it, but in a sentence

If it wasn't that bad, and it isn't that contagious, then why do you need f'ing full hazmat suits

[Edited on October 14, 2014 at 11:10 AM. Reason : [Edited on October 14, 2014 at 11:03 AM. Reason : can't link to twitter images?]]

10/14/2014 11:03:13 AM

26632 Posts
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Level A and B suits are what most agencies already usually have because of hazmat situations (and post-9/11 bioterrorism fears), but it's true that they offer more protection than is needed for ebola

10/14/2014 11:06:43 AM

All American
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Being infectious and being contagious are different things. Just because you don't wear a live jacket to work doesn't mean it's not a good idea on a boat.

10/14/2014 1:03:44 PM

All American
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I typically don't wear live jackets on boats or at work

10/14/2014 1:22:13 PM

All American
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Second worker tests positive... Already exponential growth in Ebola cases from 1 initially infected person. At this rate, the entire country will have Ebola in about 82 weeks...

I again blame the cdc for not putting boots on the ground and for trusting some Podunk hospital, and the Texas hospital for apparently not doing their research on how to handle this.

At least it's not in the wild yet, in the sense that no one you wouldn't expect to get Ebola has gotten it.

[Edited on October 15, 2014 at 5:34 AM. Reason : ]

[Edited on October 15, 2014 at 5:36 AM. Reason : ]

10/15/2014 5:31:30 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"Already exponential growth in Ebola cases from 1 initially infected person."

You're smarter than that. If that was the actual rate infection, there wouldn't be any Guineans left. For Christ's sake, people, Nigeria managed to get a handle on their outbreak, in a city with 21 million people. No new cases there in weeks. Or is Nigeria somehow managing to stage a massive coverup, also?

10/15/2014 6:22:13 AM

All American
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(that was facetious-- of course i don't think we will be inundated with ebola-- but it would be interesting to see how our country adapted if it somehow against all odds broke out)

[Edited on October 15, 2014 at 6:40 AM. Reason : ]

10/15/2014 6:39:37 AM

The E Man
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Nigerians are immune to ebola by now. Its like malaria. Everyone who could get it died hundreds of years ago.

(joke post)

10/15/2014 7:11:27 AM

All American
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Two infected nurses now. If we don't immediately nationalize emergency medicine and build more well-isolated emergency rooms now, there will be no turning back.

Quote :
"At this point it is clear that it is effectively airborne in small, enclosed spaces like vehicles or exam rooms. Any suit without thorough air filtration is inadequate, and any building without isolated HVAC and decon rooms is a other words every hospital in America is unprepared. The very idea of communal waiting rooms at ER's is foolhearty; in all seriousness, they would be better off making the sick wait outside and puke in the street like in Africa.""

10/15/2014 8:30:33 AM

All American
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I really don't think our government is fully prepared to handle any facet of this situation. From CNN:

Quote :
"Duncan should have been moved to either Emory University Hospital in Atlanta or Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, an official says"

With a quote like that, they are essentially admitting to the public that there are only 2 hospitals in the country that can handle advanced cases of Ebola. Not very reassuring, if they are trying to assure the public that there's no problem.

I'm still of the mindset that I'm worried more about the public response to the virus than the virus itself, but my government isn't instilling in me a sense of reassurance.

10/15/2014 8:49:09 AM

26632 Posts
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It's pretty frustrating when conservatives suddenly want strong, well-funded federal agencies to fix issues when it effects them, but the rest of the time it's all about small government and fixing things at the local level (or with private organizations)

10/15/2014 9:33:14 AM

All American
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I've always viewed the CDC as a well funded national organization. They should have all of the resources they need. The department of education? Not so much.

Hey moron, why are you being so flippant in this thread but seem serious in the chit chat thread? Are you concerned or not, because sometimes you do and sometimes you dont.

10/15/2014 10:30:23 AM

26632 Posts
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(and this is not only because of Republicans, Obama's budget cut this too)

10/15/2014 10:38:51 AM

All American
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I don't care if it's posted on Breitbart, the content is still viable.

10/15/2014 12:32:01 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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Second nurse flew commercial to Cleveland and then back to Dallas, likely while symptomatic.

10/15/2014 1:07:10 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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id say something about the mile high club, but then dtownral would bring up womens rights

especially since shes one of the skinny ones

10/15/2014 1:27:41 PM

26632 Posts
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you think she had sexual relations on her flight? that's a strange opinion to have.

10/15/2014 1:33:54 PM

All American
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I'm not calling for mass hysteria. I'm just calling for common sense here.

1. person is infected
2. person gets monitored by (who? CDC? Texas state health officials?)
3. person has to stay put for 21 days, or however long it takes for symptoms to show
4. America profits

Are those 4 steps above too hard for officials to follow? Christ it can't be that hard.

And sure, shutting down flights to and from Ebola zones might not stop the spread of this disease, but it sure as hell would slow it down. Now there are 2 people infected in Texas, and I can only point the finger at our government for allowing flights in. Their lives are at risk because of some goddamned political correctness.

10/15/2014 1:40:57 PM

All American
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youre going to hurt someones feelings with talk / policies like that

better for us to all just die

10/15/2014 1:43:03 PM

All American
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It will take nothing less than martial law to keep us confined and away from fast food for more than a week. A doctor under quarantine in NY even snuck out to starbucks.

10/15/2014 1:46:31 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"I really don't think our government is fully prepared to handle any facet of this situation.

Our government is very well prepared, they have just been REALLY slow thus far to execute on a solid plan.

Quote :
"1. person is infected
2. person gets monitored by (who? CDC? Texas state health officials?)
3. person has to stay put for 21 days, or however long it takes for symptoms to show
4. America profits

Are those 4 steps above too hard for officials to follow? Christ it can't be that hard.

You're thinking about this from inside your middle-class bubble. The African guy infected was in an apartment with 4 (3?) other people. Without an armed guard, I don't see 4 people staying crammed in their apartment for 21 days. The other aspect of this is that if only 1 of those 4 were actually infected, these type of quarantine conditions would significantly increase the chances of them all getting infected.

However, no one so far has gotten the disease that's been quarantined, it's just been health staff (that were poorly trained). So maybe this is sufficient...

But they should have had response teams from the beginning instead of assuming podunk hospital had it under control. And statements to media shouldn't be arrogantly dismissing the possibility of the disease not spreading because we're a wealthy first world country where people obviously know better, USA #1.

10/15/2014 2:56:03 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not calling for mass hysteria. I'm just calling for common sense here.

1. person is infected
2. person gets monitored by (who? CDC? Texas state health officials?)
3. person has to stay put for 21 days, or however long it takes for symptoms to show
4. America profits

Are those 4 steps above too hard for officials to follow? Christ it can't be that hard."

Did you mean to write "exposed" instead of "infected"

These rules are fine then, although you will need to define what level of exposure mandates 21 day quarantine

10/15/2014 2:57:43 PM

All American
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I was talking about the health care workers exposed to Duncan.

Also, ebola seems like possibly one of the worst ways you can go out.

10/15/2014 3:54:01 PM

26632 Posts
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The news said that first doctor is already recovering.

the CDC even said that she should not have flown

10/15/2014 3:57:30 PM

All American
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I was under the impression that a good health care system could mean the different between life or death. But according to that article I posted above, sounds like it has a lot to do with how your body reacts specifically to the virus. That kinda scares me.

10/15/2014 4:07:15 PM

All American
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yeah the 1918 flu pandemic killed those with the strongest immune systems

cytokine storms

your bodys own immune system overreacting is what kills you

[Edited on October 15, 2014 at 4:32 PM. Reason : TWW will really be dead then]

10/15/2014 4:31:55 PM

The E Man
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Every news headline is that the new ebola patient flew before she had symptoms. I know there is freedom of press but theres also a huge degree of "yelling fire in a public place" going on here and these media outlets should be punished/fined for intentionally trying to mislead the public and cause widespread panic.

10/15/2014 5:05:34 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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Spanish flu was no big deal. A half of a billion deaths is hardly worth the ink.

Also, remember:

[Edited on October 15, 2014 at 6:57 PM. Reason : .]

10/15/2014 6:53:14 PM

All American
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The second nurse got on that plane with a low grade fever.

If she infects anybody that ends up dying, and doesn't die herself, I think involuntary manslaughter charges should be in order.

Dumb stupid person.

10/15/2014 7:17:55 PM

26632 Posts
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where did you see that? the report earlier was that she did not have symptoms

10/15/2014 7:37:12 PM

All American
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From the latest CNN headline:

Quote :
"Before flying from Cleveland to Dallas, nurse Amber Vinson called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to report a temperature of 99.5 Fahrenheit and informed the agency that she was getting on a plane, a federal official said. Vinson was not told she could not get on the plane, the official said. Authorities announced Wednesday that the nurse was diagnosed with Ebola./"

Granted, it wasn't the 100.4 that authorities are looking for...again people should have some common sense. If there was even a hint of fever, she shouldn't have flown.

10/15/2014 8:33:44 PM

All American
39582 Posts
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Quote :
"Now there are 2 people infected in Texas, and I can only point the finger at our government for allowing flights in. Their lives are at risk because of some goddamned political correctness."

it's been brought up elsewhere (and shown on last nights ep of the Daily Show), but it has absolutely nothing to do with "goddamned political correctness"

you stop people from flying here, you risk spreading the disease into other African countries who are unable to treat patients. you would also be unable to track patients which would make it even harder to contain. if they're here, and the correct protocol is performed, you have it contained.

10/15/2014 8:43:37 PM

All American
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I've heard that weak sauce the past couple of days. Explain to me exactly how, in your infinite liberal wisdom that I lack, how stopping flights coming into the US will help spread the disease in Africa. I'm not talking about limiting aid going to Africa, nor am I talking about forcing that aid to stay over there. I just want to know how stopping incoming flights from Ebola zones is going to make it work.

Because you make absolutely no sense.

10/15/2014 8:48:01 PM

26632 Posts
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If what she did is not a criminal offense, it needs to be. That's fucked up as shit.

10/15/2014 8:48:51 PM

All American
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Yea, but then again I'm flabbergasted by the federal official that didn't try to talk her out of it.

10/15/2014 8:49:51 PM

All American
39582 Posts
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Quote :

I've heard that weak sauce the past couple of days. Explain to me exactly how, in your infinite liberal wisdom that I lack, how stopping flights coming into the US will help spread the disease in Africa. I'm not talking about limiting aid going to Africa, nor am I talking about forcing that aid to stay over there. I just want to know how stopping incoming flights from Ebola zones is going to make it work.

Because you make absolutely no sense."

liberal wisdom?

because infected people could flee to countries who aren't able to handle the disease? and it risks spreading throughout an entire continent, most of which is completely unprepared for it?

10/15/2014 8:56:14 PM

All American
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God, you're fucking psychotic.

10/15/2014 9:12:10 PM

All American
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So your solution is to let them come here. I see.

That worked out really well for these two nurses. You can say it isn't a problem with proper containment procedures all day long. But the bleak fact is that we just aren't ready.

And how ridiculous is that explanation anyway? How many Liberians actually have the money to fly over here? They're gonna flee on foot if they are going to flee at all. So stupid. Just a bunch of horseshit to try to feed to the American populace to keep us believing that shutting down flights is a bad idea.

So far, I can only see the results of one infected Liberian coming here, and that is 2 Americans infected, and a large metropolitan area that is probably freaked the fuck out right now. It could have been prevented, but it wasn't. Because our leadership is dickless when it comes to what needs to be done. I'm not coming down on Obama here - there are many more at the top that could be making this decision.

Dickless politicians.

I feel for the 9k that have been infected, and I really feel for what those that died had to go through because ebola seems like one of the worst ways to go. But at the end of the day, Africa is thousands of miles away, and I don't know why we would put them in front of our own country.

10/15/2014 9:15:14 PM

All American
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Invite the infected here; does anyone else besides THEGOODLIFE3 actually think this way?!

Quite a disturbed individual.

10/15/2014 9:24:24 PM

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