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All American
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There have been some drops in wifi when trying to load my library wirelessly to my mac mini since using this OS. Some graphical issues demonstrating some kind of false artifacting when doing graphics heavy stuff that never happened with Snow Leopard. Tried cooling with cooling mat... which worked in cooling but no difference in the artifacting. It all clears right out when I restart though... so I know it's not a bad card or an overheating issue.

At this point, I'm going to go ahead nip Jbaz in the bud and say save your anti-mac comments.

9/11/2011 4:54:36 PM

All American
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Okay, so now that iCloud and iOS 5 are here, I think I'm going to get Lion.

I've got Time Machine for my machine, but I'm pretty sure I need a better backup than that. My reading has suggested I use SuperDuper to clone my HDD onto my external HDD.

Should I then install Lion on a clean (fully wiped) hard drive?

I'm thinking "NO," but I want to know what you all think.


10/12/2011 5:18:03 PM

6218 Posts
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I just upgraded from the app store and I have not had any issues with speed or general wonkiness.

10/12/2011 5:21:20 PM

All American
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Earlier today Lion in Safari wouldn't let me click on links on TWW.

One of the odder things I've run into.

10/12/2011 5:25:14 PM

All American
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^^^If you use a third party NAS with time machine don't "upgrade" to Lion unless you're sure the NAS manufacturer has released a firmware update to enable DHX2 authentication on the NAS, otherwise it will break the shit out of the compatibility. I've been unable to use my NAS with time machine for 3 months now.

10/12/2011 6:35:47 PM

All American
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edit post just to be clear...all of that talk about NAS and Time Machine means, if I have a 1TB External HDD connected via USB to my Airport Extreme that I use Time Machine for my iMac (yes I still have one of those) and my Macbook, I won't be able to?

10/13/2011 12:04:05 AM

All American
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I believe the problem lies only with a NAS (networked storage). A plain USB external shouldn't have a problem.

10/13/2011 7:36:20 AM

All American
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Roger. Thanks.

Additionally, finally finished DL'ing Lion this am, and it's installed now. Going to set up iCloud, but I have a question. My wife uses our Macbook mainly (I'm going to get a MBP when they refresh), and it doesn't have Lion on it. Should I wait to set up iCloud until we install it on that, or can I install Lion later and set up iCloud on it after?

10/13/2011 8:17:41 AM

All American
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Okay...who here has ever Face-Time'd with themselves to figure out how it works?

10/13/2011 9:56:45 AM

56200 Posts
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bought my dad an iMac today and set it up for him (I have never used a Mac for longer than 20 minutes so it took me a while)... a few questions:

1. how/can you rename items on the dock? The term "safari" doesnt mean shit to him, I would like to call it THE "Internet". Is that possible?

2. when you close an app (the red X) but its still listed as the current application in the toolbar at the very top of the desktop, what does that mean exactly?

3. Is there a way to make the OS fonts bigger? like the toolbar at the top for example. I have looked everywhere. Also, same thing with the text in the address book.

4. How do you get widgets like the weather thing and clock on the desktop? I see them on the screen that I cant think of the name of but if you have that up you cant see the desktop...

Thanks...I am sure there will be more to come...

[Edited on December 29, 2011 at 2:45 AM. Reason : d]

12/29/2011 2:44:53 AM

The Stubby
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1. Go to Finder > Applications, right click Safari and make a shortcut for it. Select the new shortcut, hit Return and rename it. Drag the shortcut to the Dock and drag the old one off.

2. The "x" is different in OS X. You are only closing windows. Cmd + Q, or right click the application in the Dock, or ... to actually close an application.

3. Apple Menu > System Settings > Accessibility

4. The screen you see them on is the Dashboard. They are meant to stay there. There is a way to get them on the Desktop but the last I checked they will be "always on top". If you absolutely must have them, this and everything above can easily be Googled.

12/29/2011 8:55:34 AM

56200 Posts
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I went under Accessability and changed all the option but none of them affected the items I mentioned

12/29/2011 9:00:12 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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1) You apparently can't rename some of the Apple applications directly. The easiest way to accomplish what you want would be to make an alias for safari (click safari in the applications folder then File->Make Alias) and rename that alias to be whatever you want and stick it in the dock.

2) Closing all the windows of an application does not necessarily close the application itself. In the mac OS windows are not the application. This is so that you can do things like open iTunes and start some music and then close the window so you don't have it lying around, or open the mail application and have it continue to check your mail for you without having the window open. Think of it like those applications in windows that you could open and just leave an icon in the task bar. To close an application completely, your dad should always use File -> Quit or the keyboard shortcut.

3) There's no good way to do this unfortunately. Try using some of the options available in tinker tool found here:

4) The dashboard widgets aren't designed to be desktop widgets, but if you really want them on the desktop, follow these directions to make it possible.

12/29/2011 9:07:04 AM

56200 Posts
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12/29/2011 10:07:52 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Upgraded my GF's 6.5 year old MacBook Pro to the latest mac OS on a new SSD, and need to migrate her old shit from her old HDD. What's the best way to do that?

Tried plugging it in via external case and a dock over USB, but can't mount the drive for some reason, and all the software that purports to help costs like $100.

Any advice?

9/1/2017 11:37:42 PM

All American
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I did this with my GF's laptop as well. I backed up her old stuff via Time Machine to an external. Maybe swap the old drive back in, back up to external via Time Machine, swap drives, restore from Time Machine?

9/2/2017 12:55:12 PM

play so hard
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^ thx I'll give that a shot

Also her function keys don't work (to manage brightness, volume etc) and the right shift key is non-functional. Is that a bad keyboard or potentially a software/config issue?

[Edited on September 2, 2017 at 1:19 PM. Reason : ]

9/2/2017 1:18:34 PM

All American
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That sounds like a bad keyboard. I haven't looked into whether you can replace the keyboard on those or not.

9/4/2017 6:32:30 PM

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