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All American
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Quote :
"So you're saying they did buy their way out of this situation?"


Clearly, there were no implications in this quotation of yours.

6/19/2007 3:46:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"at the time of the article, they had not been found innocent."

guilty until found innocent? i've had it backwards this whole time.

6/19/2007 4:15:47 PM

All American
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^^ reread the post. once again, you failed in reading comprehension.

^ You ignored the context. And that only applies to a court of law anyway (which they were treated fairly), but it's a good practice to follow IRL too.

6/20/2007 2:07:34 AM

All American
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I'm going to have to say that they were not treated fairly by the law. I say this because the law (Nifong) has had his ass dragged through the coals.

6/20/2007 5:39:53 AM

All American
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yep, you can't have it both ways.

the fact that the judge in durham has suspended Nifong immediately and ordered the Sheriff to forcibly confiscate Nifong's office keys is proof that Nifong did some shit wrong

6/20/2007 7:26:06 AM

All American
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Quote :
""I will grant that this is not a liberal/conservative issue in total, but you cannot deny the willingness for Duke to basically side with the accuser early on. They should have had those student's back better, I cannot help think it had something to do with liberal white guilt. If you deny the existence of said phenomenon then try watching some Seinfeld then get back to me."

This is ridiculous. It could very well have been because prosecutors do not often come right out and proclaim the guilt of those accused - that was a very strong statement. One of his ethical violations was tainting the jury pool...

"liberal white guilt"

it really makes your argument laughable when you pretend to find such a well stated point to be rubbish

6/20/2007 7:40:54 AM

All American
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^^^^ You fail in life.

6/20/2007 11:38:13 AM

All American
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this thread is epic

6/20/2007 1:21:16 PM

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RALEIGH, N.C. — One of the defense lawyers in the Duke lacrosse rape case has taken over as president of the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers.

Joseph Cheshire became the organization's 33rd president on Monday.

Cheshire was one of two attorneys who represented Dave Evans, one of three Duke lacrosse players who was falsely accused of rape last year. Cheshire is a fifth-generation lawyer who graduated from Wake Forest School of Law. He has practiced criminal law since 1973, and is a founding partner at the Raleigh law firm Cheshire Parker Schneider and Vitale.

The 4,000-member academy provides information and assistance to lawyers across the state.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

7/2/2007 3:16:17 PM

All American
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he also represented tim johnson if i remember correctly

7/2/2007 3:26:45 PM

All American
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peace out Nifong, assmuch!

7/3/2007 1:01:14 PM

All American
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Nifong finally apologizes and admits that there was no credible evidence that the stripper was raped.

7/26/2007 2:35:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nifong learned in April 2006 the laboratory found genetic material from multiple males on and about the accuser, but none from the lacrosse players. He didn't provide that information to the defense until October, and only then in the form of nearly 2,000 pages of raw DNA test data."

i didn't know that part before. What a douche

7/26/2007 2:49:25 PM

All American
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Nifong is a tool.

7/27/2007 8:25:28 AM

All American
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Quote :
"When former Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong mailed in his law license last week, he also included a note bemoaning "the fundamental unfairness" of the North Carolina State Bar's handling of his ethics case."


He is such a looser.

8/15/2007 8:59:05 AM

All American
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Who cares the guy will get like 60 grand a year in retirement from the state.

8/15/2007 9:03:29 AM

All American
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100% passive leisure!

8/15/2007 10:08:53 AM

All American
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It'd be funny if he tried to start teaching on Law somewhere, imagine the heckling.

8/15/2007 10:58:00 AM

All American
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The Lacrosse players and Micheal Vick are on teh same page...Innocent until proven guilty!

8/15/2007 1:28:46 PM

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8/15/2007 4:29:08 PM

All American
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here is the letter he sent to the state bar with his law license. funny

8/16/2007 1:13:47 PM

All American
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bitter to the end

8/16/2007 1:15:50 PM

All American
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"further evidence of fundamental unfairness with which the entire procedure was conducted"

Hypocrite much?

8/16/2007 8:05:21 PM

All American
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is it me or does it look like he has aged a lot since this whole deal started?

8/16/2007 8:23:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nifong also noted in his letter that his middle name was misspelled on his law license and that a puppy had chewed on part of the document. "Consequently, it has never been framed or displayed," he wrote."

translation... "I piss on your institution. I never had respect for it in the first place."

man, is he bitter

8/16/2007 8:24:25 PM

Scuba Steve
All American
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Why hasn't there been any talk of a case against the accuser? I mean, theres definitely a lot to prosecute: making false statements to police officers, falsely accusing men of rape (a felony which could have landed them in prison for years) defamation of character etc.

[Edited on August 16, 2007 at 8:40 PM. Reason : .]

8/16/2007 8:40:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nifong Ordered to Pay Nearly $9K to State Bar
Mike Nifong

Posted: 25 minutes ago
Updated: 17 minutes ago

Raleigh — Former Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong must pay nearly $9,000 in costs associated with the June hearing that led to his disbarment.

Nifong has 90 days to pay to the North Carolina State Bar $8,897.91, which covers the five-day hearing, depositions and transcripts surrounding the Bar's complaint that he violated rules of professional conduct in his nearly yearlong prosecution of three Duke lacrosse players on false rape, sexual assault and kidnapping charges.

In June, a three-member disciplinary commission decided Nifong committed at least two dozen violation of the state's rules of professional conduct, including lying to the court and withholding DNA evidence in the case.

North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper, whose office took the case from Nifong in January, dismissed kidnapping and sexual assault charges against David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann in April and declared them innocent victims of a "tragic rush to accuse."

Nifong dropped the rape charges against the three men in December after the accuser, Crystal Mangum, wavered in key details of her story.

In a preliminary hearing last month related to possible criminal contempt of court charges against Nifong, he apologized to the players in an effort for all parties involved to "begin to move forward."

Superior Court Judge W. Osmond Smith has set a tentative hearing date for Aug. 30 and Aug. 31 to move forward with that preliminary hearing.

If Smith finds Nifong in contempt, he could have to pay a $500 fine and spend at least 30 days in jail."

8/24/2007 1:03:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Why hasn't there been any talk of a case against the accuser? I mean, theres definitely a lot to prosecute: making false statements to police officers, falsely accusing men of rape (a felony which could have landed them in prison for years) defamation of character etc."


Why don't the LAX players sue her? Why doesn't the state prosecute her?

8/24/2007 3:58:19 PM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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^ Sue her? Honestly, why? It would cost more money than she is worth.

As for legal ramifications, her defense can just be that Nifong pressured her into continuing her lies also I some how doubt the state of NC is going to want to send the message that if there is no proof for a rape and you accuse someone of it, even if it happened, you will be prosecuted. Morally, she should be prosecuted. Realistically, more trouble than its worth.

8/24/2007 4:06:35 PM

All American
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Lumberg Fucked Her

8/24/2007 5:19:29 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Why doesn't the state prosecute her?"

My understanding is that she 'believed it' and for that reason they weren't going to pursue charges against her.

8/24/2007 7:50:50 PM

All American
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bbehe is retarded

why? because it'd fucking make a point.

as for legal ramifications that is the worst argument I've ever heard. could she prove that beyond reasonable doubt? no.

8/25/2007 3:39:16 PM

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I hope he gets tossed in jail for a couple of week.s

8/30/2007 10:11:28 AM

All American
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Nifuck to serve ONE DAY in jail. Ya srsly.

Quote :
" DURHAM, N.C. -- The prosecutor who led the now-discredited rape case against three Duke University lacrosse players was held in criminal contempt of court Friday for lying to a judge when pursuing charges against the athletes.

Superior Court Judge W. Osmond Smith III sentenced Mike Nifong to a day in jail. The former Durham County district attorney, who was already stripped of his law license and had resigned from office, had faced as many as 30 days.

"If what I impose with regard to Mr. Nifong would make things better or different for what's already happened, I don't know what it would be or how I could do it," Smith said.

Nifong showed no visible reaction when Smith handed down the sentence, and he left the courtroom with his wife, Cy Gurney.

Reading his decision from the bench minutes after the end of two days of testimony, Smith said Nifong "willfully made false statements" in September when he insisted he had given the defense all results from a critical DNA test.

Smith found that Nifong had provided the defense with a DNA testing report that he knew to be incomplete. The omitted data contained test results showing that DNA of multiple men, none of whom were lacrosse players, was on the accuser.

Smith said his decision was aimed at "protecting and preserving the integrity of the court and its processes." He said truthfulness is especially important when it comes to the rights of the accused to a fair trial.

When Nifong reports to jail at 9 a.m. next Friday, it will bring an end to the criminal case that began when a woman told police she was raped at a March 2006 party thrown by Duke's lacrosse team.

The team was initially vilified as Nifong -- in his first political campaign for district attorney -- told voters he wouldn't allow Durham to become known for "a bunch of lacrosse players from Duke raping a black girl."

Nifong went on to win indictments against three players -- Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty and Dave Evans. But as the case against them progressed, it became clear Nifong's evidence was pitifully weak.

A state bar disciplinary committee later concluded Nifong manipulated the case to boost his chances at the ballot box, and he continued to pursue it even when it became clear the defendants were innocent.

State prosecutors eventually dropped all charges against the three men and declared them innocent victims of Nifong's "tragic rush to accuse."

Nifong recused himself after the state bar charged him with ethics violations, and he was disbarred in June for more than two dozen violations of the state's rules of professional conduct. He resigned a month later as district attorney.

Taking the stand in his own defense, Nifong insisted Friday he didn't intentionally lie about whether he had turned over the DNA evidence. But he acknowledged the report he gave defense attorneys was incomplete.

"I now understand that some things that I thought were in the report were in fact not in the report," Nifong said. "So the statements were not factually true to the extent that I said all the information had been provided."

A defense attorney found the omitted data amid 2,000 pages of documents Nifong gave the defense months after the initial report. Nifong said that by the time he realized the information wasn't in that report, "it had been corrected. The defendants already had it."

"It was never my intention to mislead this or any other court," Nifong said. "I certainly apologize to the court at this time for anything I might have said that was not correct."

Earlier Friday, the director of a private lab who prepared the DNA testing report said the omissions were a misunderstanding.

Brian Meehan said Nifong asked him to test DNA samples from lacrosse players to see whether any matched genetic material found on the accuser.

Although male DNA was found, no sample matched a lacrosse player. Results from the other unidentified men was referenced as "non-probative" material in the report given to defense attorneys, Meehan said.

Charles Davis, the attorney appointed to prosecute the contempt charge, asked Meehan whether Nifong's statement to the court -- that the report encompassed everything he had discussed with Meehan -- was true or false.

"It would be false because we don't include discussions in our reports," Meehan answered.

On Thursday, Meehan said he was the one who decided how to prepare the report stating no lacrosse player had been linked to the accuser. When Meehan was asked whether Nifong had asked him to leave anything out, Meehan answered, "No."

Defense attorney Jim Glover declined to comment after the hearing.

Finnerty's father, Kevin, said, "It's not a happy day for us, but we're thrilled the system works, that justice has happened, and we're moving on."

Joseph Cheshire, an attorney for Evans, said he felt sorry for Nifong's family, but not Nifong.

"I think what he did was willful and intentional and damaged seriously this state and the lives of these boys and their families," he said. "I don't feel sorry for Mike Nifong. Sorry if that sounds cruel, but I don't.""

[Edited on September 1, 2007 at 3:35 AM. Reason : source]

9/1/2007 3:34:44 AM

All American
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Reminds me of the time I gave a waiter a nickle tip because he was a complete dickhead.

See, the trick is that I DID tip him, but it was only in order to let him know just how much I thought of him.

I mean, ANYBODY can refuse to tip, but that always brings up the possibility that you simply forgot to tip. Actually letting him know that I was recognizing his right to a tip and then shelled out a whole nickle, now THAT's insulting

Quote :
""I don't feel sorry for Mike Nifong. Sorry if that sounds cruel, but I don't."""

"I never apologize Lisa, I'm sorry but that's just the way I am"

[Edited on September 1, 2007 at 5:41 AM. Reason : ehe]

9/1/2007 5:37:58 AM

All American
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THEY RAPED HER. thats all I got to say about this thread.

9/1/2007 11:10:22 AM

All American
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she raped them

9/1/2007 11:36:35 AM

All American
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^^ if you are serious that is very sad.

9/1/2007 8:21:00 PM

Shivan Bird
Football time
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I think he should've gotten years. His actions are an outrage to justice.

9/2/2007 11:12:54 AM

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Quote :
"Reminds me of the time I gave a waiter a nickle tip because he was a complete dickhead."

Yeah I think thats what he was trying to do but 24 hours in jail is a joke. At least 5-7 days so he has to spend some time in there.

9/2/2007 11:23:33 AM

All American
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If I were a lawyer and I had a client brought up on perjury charges I think I'd bring up Nifong's sentence when and if my client was found guilty. Clearly its no big deal if you lie to get your way in NC's courts.

9/2/2007 10:58:51 PM

All American
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but what is the maximum/minimum sentence for the crime?

and what percentage of those are dropped to just probation given the non criminal history of nifong

i personally think the 1 day in jail was to set an surprised he got that - i thought he would have gotten probation

9/3/2007 7:54:58 PM

All American
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I heard the max sentence was 30 days.

Doesn't seem like a small matter to me, I mean I've not really heard of a more clear cut case of misconduct on the part of a prosecutor, if this doesn't warrant some nontrivial portion of the maximum punishment then what does ?

9/3/2007 9:32:57 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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9/7/2007 11:44:06 AM

All American
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^^i believe he should get the same treatment as anyone else who is convicted of such crime

i am not a fan of preferential treatment or the opposite
just because he is a prosecutor does not mean he should be made more of an example than the common man, or just because this case had a ton of media attention, he should not be made more of an example than the common man

but if this sentence was a result of the extreme damage nifong caused, i think that is fair

9/7/2007 3:38:12 PM

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9/7/2007 4:06:55 PM

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Quote :
"By Matt Dees, Staff Writer
DURHAM - Three former Duke lacrosse players are asking the city of Durham for $30 million to stave off a civil suit, two media outlets reported today, citing unnamed sources.
The Herald Sun of Durham and the Associated Press said the players' lawyers presented the terms during a private meeting Wednesday with the city's legal staff.

Barry Scheck, representing former player Reade Seligmann, and Brendan Sullivan Jr., representing David Evans and Collin Finnerty, seek $10 million for each of their clients, according to the reports.

If a settlement isn't reached, the players likely would file a federal civil rights suits, saying the botched investigation that led to false rape charges against them violated their constitutional rights.

The News & Observer had been unable to independently verify the accounts. Scheck and Sullivan could not immediately be reached for comment.

City Council members met for more than two hours Thursday to discuss the potential settlement or lawsuit.

Councilman Eugene Brown said he was "very upset" about today's disclosure.

"I think we need to have an investigation" into the leak, he said this morning.

"This is the sort of thing you handle behind the scenes."

If Durham does decided to settle, $30 million would well outstrip the city's $5 million liability insurance policy. Taxpayers would be on the hook for the remaining $25 million.

9/7/2007 6:56:15 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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How the hell does Durham only have a $5 million liability policy? My Dad has a business with 5 employees and he has a $5 million liability policy.

9/7/2007 8:38:08 PM

All American
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probably the same way that all the roads in Durham suck, the tax money is for friends and relatives of the local politicians, duh man where you been?

9/7/2007 10:24:51 PM

All American
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welcome to every city.

9/9/2007 9:13:55 AM

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