Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
im out
I might get some more later, or you can ask some of these guys that got one from me to hook you up. 10/1/2009 10:11:45 AM
YOMAMA Suspended 6218 Posts user info edit post |
Would love an invite please - 10/1/2009 10:20:53 AM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
woot! thxu Ribs 10/1/2009 10:21:16 AM
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
I'm having fun with it so far
When you get 10+ people on a wave all going at once it really shows its value. I'd like to see them add more extensions and integrate google groups in. We have about 50 person google group that comes to my email now that would be perfect for this sort of thing. 10/1/2009 10:58:41 AM
Konami All American 10855 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Would love an invite please" |
10/1/2009 11:56:07 AM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""Would love an invite please"" |
10/1/2009 12:03:55 PM
NCSUsen dc All American 1496 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""Would love an invite please"" |
10/1/2009 12:11:45 PM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
who has some invites??? Ribs ran out of his invites....need an invite  10/1/2009 12:29:47 PM
Grandmaster All American 10829 Posts user info edit post |
@larsras 11pm in Sydney + done with #googlewave invitations for the day. More tomorrow if servers still alive...
Anyone Ribs invited today probably hasn't gotten their email yet. 10/1/2009 12:34:28 PM
1985 All American 2175 Posts user info edit post |
Invite please  10/1/2009 12:48:07 PM
benz240 All American 4476 Posts user info edit post |
thanks Ribs. yeah still no email yet but I guess it takes them a while to "lick the stamps" lol 10/1/2009 3:06:38 PM
confusi0n All American 5076 Posts user info edit post |
not impressed thusfar...its too confusing 10/1/2009 4:02:00 PM
smcain All American 750 Posts user info edit post |
...says the guy with the username of confusi0n.  10/1/2009 4:28:06 PM
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
^^ I agree with you to an extent. It can be a bit confusing, but I am really impressed with it however.
There are a lot of options in how you reply and edit and it can look a bit "messy" if everyone is replying with a new layer instead of replying underneath the actual comment or topic that is being talked about. I believe this has to with folks not really understanding how to use it just yet and will clear itself up once everyone is familiar with what is going on. Option sometimes can cause chaos instead of clarity. Also, I guess I can see how looking at a wave list with a wave open to the right would be intimidating to some people. My father, for example, would be very intimidated looking at wave because he is not computer savvy and emphasizes keeping things simple. I think Gmail is as complicated as he can stand.
[Edited on October 1, 2009 at 6:25 PM. Reason : comment]
[Edited on October 1, 2009 at 6:26 PM. Reason : asdf] 10/1/2009 6:22:40 PM
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
So I am furthering my education here about Wave
Apparently, the new layers I was referring to are called "wavelets" officially. They are the mini conversations inside of one particular wave. The comments and replies under each wavelet are referred to as "blips".
found some definitions
- Wave: A wave, specifically, refers to a specific threaded conversation. It can include just one person, or it can include a group of users or even robots (explained below). The best comparison I can make is that it’s like your entire instant messaging (IM) history with someone. Anything you’ve ever discussed in a single chat or conversation is a wave.
- Wavelet: A wavelet is also a threaded conversation, but only a subset of a larger conversation (or a wave). It’s like a single IM conversation – a small part of a larger conversation and a larger history. Wavelets, though, can be created and managed separately from a wave.
- Blip (BLIP): Even smaller than a Wavelet, a Blip is a single, individual message. It’s like a single line of an IM conversation. Blips can have other blips attached to them, called children. In addition, blips can either be published or unpublished (once again, it’s sort of like typing out an IM message but not yet sending it).
- Document: A document actually refers to the content within a blip. This seems to refer to the actual characters, words, and files associated with a blip.
- Extension: An extension is a mini-application that works within a wave. So these are the apps you can play with while using Wave. There are two main types of extenisons: Gadgets and Robots
- Gadgets: A gadget is an application users can participate with, many of which are built on Google’s OpenSocial platform. A good comparison would be iGoogle gadgets or Facebook applications.
- Robots: Robots are an automated participant within a wave. They can talk with users and interact with waves. They can provide information from outside sources (i.e. Twitter (Twitter)) or they can check content within a wave and perform actions based on them (i.e. provide you a stock quote if a stock name is mentioned).
- Embeded Wave: An embeded wave is a way to take a Google Wave and the conversation within it and place it on your website. Users could use this as a chatroom, as a way to contact you, or for something more.
[Edited on October 1, 2009 at 7:00 PM. Reason : def] 10/1/2009 6:56:10 PM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
come on!!!! somebody 10/1/2009 7:18:57 PM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
^^ http://oreilly.com/web-development/excerpts/9780596806002/google-wave-intro.html has a pretty good intro to what google wave is 10/1/2009 7:44:35 PM
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
^ good read
how the hell do they have a book out already though? lol 10/1/2009 8:34:42 PM
scud All American 10804 Posts user info edit post |
I'm personally pretty underwhelmed 10/1/2009 9:11:52 PM
StateBoyLP New Recruit 35 Posts user info edit post |
I'd also love to have a Wave invite once the people Ribs invited get theirs. Thanks!!!  10/2/2009 11:21:21 AM
benz240 All American 4476 Posts user info edit post |
how long does it take to get the invite? Ribs sent it over 24hrs ago 10/2/2009 4:33:14 PM
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
a plug-in to create 3D building models on the fly, starting right from Google Maps, and upload them to the 3D warehouse. pretty damn slick, and Google is getting pretty good at crowd-sourcing http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2009/10/introducing-google-building-maker.html 10/14/2009 12:53:47 AM
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
finally https://www.google.com/dashboard/ 11/6/2009 11:52:50 PM
gs7 All American 2354 Posts user info edit post |
Google is offering free wifi internet in 47 airports from Nov 10, 2009 to Jan 15, 2010.
Sadly, RDU is not one of them. Nor is Atlanta, or New York ... Come to think of it, can anyone see a connection between the selected airports?

[Edited on November 10, 2009 at 9:01 AM. Reason : .] 11/10/2009 8:58:21 AM
gs7 All American 2354 Posts user info edit post |
This should be interesting. 11/10/2009 10:15:12 PM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
Haha, leave it to Google to choose a name that can't be googled easily...And apparently is already an existing programming language. Here come the lawsuits. 11/11/2009 10:52:50 AM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Google Go programmer needed! (Raleigh) Date: 2009-11-11, 2:54PM EST Reply to: gigs-ny4mg-1461530387@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Looking for senior developer with at least 5 years Google Go experience.
* Location: Raleigh * it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests * Compensation: $9.50/hour
PostingID: 1461530387 " |
I'm waiting for some Indian guy to email with 10 years experience. 11/11/2009 2:56:46 PM
gs7 All American 2354 Posts user info edit post |
All 50 States are in Street View now ... yes, that includes Hawaii:
Nice. 11/15/2009 4:50:43 PM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, they've gone down all the back roads back home now...even the dirt ones.
^^I got three replies to my ad. One guy claimed to have six years Go experience and could start immediately. 11/16/2009 12:20:53 AM
Optimum All American 13716 Posts user info edit post |
Latest innovation from "Google:"

 11/20/2009 2:25:01 PM
gs7 All American 2354 Posts user info edit post |
Universal search features in Google Suggest
Quote : | "What's the weather? Is my flight on time? How many euros can I get for $100? For a long time we've provided answers to these kind of questions in one simple place with universal search features on the results page. Building on the improvements we made to Google Suggest earlier this year, now we're adding these features to the list of suggested search terms beneath the search box ...
Type "capital of belgiu" [...] "weather brus" [...] "delta 140" ...
In total, there are currently 10 universal search features available in Google Suggest: weather, flight status, local time, area codes, package tracking, answers, definitions, calculator, currency and unit conversions — and we plan to add additional features in the future." |

Awesome, I love it when things get easier!
[Edited on December 14, 2009 at 1:26 PM. Reason : .] 12/14/2009 1:24:39 PM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
gg google
Quote : | " Like many other well-known organizations, we face cyber attacks of varying degrees on a regular basis. In mid-December, we detected a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from China that resulted in the theft of intellectual property from Google. However, it soon became clear that what at first appeared to be solely a security incident--albeit a significant one--was something quite different.
First, this attack was not just on Google. As part of our investigation we have discovered that at least twenty other large companies from a wide range of businesses--including the Internet, finance, technology, media and chemical sectors--have been similarly targeted. We are currently in the process of notifying those companies, and we are also working with the relevant U.S. authorities.
Second, we have evidence to suggest that a primary goal of the attackers was accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. Based on our investigation to date we believe their attack did not achieve that objective. Only two Gmail accounts appear to have been accessed, and that activity was limited to account information (such as the date the account was created) and subject line, rather than the content of emails themselves.
Third, as part of this investigation but independent of the attack on Google, we have discovered that the accounts of dozens of U.S.-, China- and Europe-based Gmail users who are advocates of human rights in China appear to have been routinely accessed by third parties. These accounts have not been accessed through any security breach at Google, but most likely via phishing scams or malware placed on the users' computers.
We have already used information gained from this attack to make infrastructure and architectural improvements that enhance security for Google and for our users. In terms of individual users, we would advise people to deploy reputable anti-virus and anti-spyware programs on their computers, to install patches for their operating systems and to update their web browsers. Always be cautious when clicking on links appearing in instant messages and emails, or when asked to share personal information like passwords online. You can read more here about our cyber-security recommendations. People wanting to learn more about these kinds of attacks can read this U.S. government report (PDF), Nart Villeneuve's blog and this presentation on the GhostNet spying incident.
We have taken the unusual step of sharing information about these attacks with a broad audience not just because of the security and human rights implications of what we have unearthed, but also because this information goes to the heart of a much bigger global debate about freedom of speech. In the last two decades, China's economic reform programs and its citizens' entrepreneurial flair have lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese people out of poverty. Indeed, this great nation is at the heart of much economic progress and development in the world today.
We launched Google.cn in January 2006 in the belief that the benefits of increased access to information for people in China and a more open Internet outweighed our discomfort in agreeing to censor some results. At the time we made clear that "we will carefully monitor conditions in China, including new laws and other restrictions on our services. If we determine that we are unable to achieve the objectives outlined we will not hesitate to reconsider our approach to China."
These attacks and the surveillance they have uncovered--combined with the attempts over the past year to further limit free speech on the web--have led us to conclude that we should review the feasibility of our business operations in China. We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on Google.cn, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all. We recognize that this may well mean having to shut down Google.cn, and potentially our offices in China.
The decision to review our business operations in China has been incredibly hard, and we know that it will have potentially far-reaching consequences. We want to make clear that this move was driven by our executives in the United States, without the knowledge or involvement of our employees in China who have worked incredibly hard to make Google.cn the success it is today. We are committed to working responsibly to resolve the very difficult issues raised.
Posted by David Drummond, SVP, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer" |
1/12/2010 6:47:50 PM
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit post |
anyone else notice the visual enhancements today?
Blue buttons Larger font Bolded font in some instances 3d appearance to icons New logo (brighter colors, softer shadow)

 2/4/2010 5:53:39 PM
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit post |
You can kind of see where they got their visual enhancements from… (note: compare the orange “highlighted areas” in bing to the blue highlighted areas in the new google)
 2/4/2010 5:58:45 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
Street MountianView.
2/9/2010 2:28:31 PM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
2/9/2010 2:53:21 PM
ParksNrec All American 8743 Posts user info edit post |
the streetview on the mountain was awesome
google buzz is gay 2/9/2010 2:54:10 PM
God All American 28747 Posts user info edit post |
FroshKiller, stop buzzing everywhere. 2/10/2010 4:41:36 PM
DJ Lauren All American 15721 Posts user info edit post |
The narrator in that "buzz" video is so much like the teacher in south park with Mr. Hand that it was distracting. 2/10/2010 7:58:19 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
lol Ted Taco
[Edited on February 10, 2010 at 8:07 PM. Reason : http://blog.louisgray.com/2010/02/ted-taco-taco-town-buzzs-code-name.html] 2/10/2010 8:04:16 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
is this replacing wave? or i am missing the point entirely? 2/10/2010 9:31:01 PM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
looks like a facebook wannabe 2/10/2010 10:48:37 PM
God All American 28747 Posts user info edit post |
^^ It's like a GPS based facebook status update. 2/10/2010 11:00:04 PM
TallyHo All American 11744 Posts user info edit post |
the integration with everyone you've ever emailed is weird.
i used it for two days and then realized that some guy i emailed about an item he had for sale on craigslist was following me, possibly automatically, creepy regardless. google sure thought that i wanted to follow him too. i know you can block people, but i don't care enough to mess with privacy settings. i just turned buzz off. 2/11/2010 4:22:24 PM
fleetwud AmbitiousButRubbish 49741 Posts user info edit post |

2/12/2010 1:04:58 AM
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
I already disabled it in my gmail
By default when you opt into Buzz
1) Google will create a public profile for you 2) Which includes your entire social graph 3) And anything you say on Buzz is public
 2/12/2010 2:42:34 PM
m52ncsu Suspended 1606 Posts user info edit post |
how do i make sure i have disabled buzz. i think i have but i want to be sure i picked the right thing. 2/12/2010 5:29:50 PM
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
There should be a small link to turn it off at the bottom of your gmail page. 2/13/2010 9:34:31 AM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " U.S. authorities have tracked down the hacker who wrote the code behind the attacks on Google last month.
The man is a freelance security consultant with ties to the Chinese government and military. The Chinese government had access to his work, although the man stated he "would rather not have uniformed guys looking over his shoulder, but there is no way anyone of his skill level can get away from that kind of thing," according to one analyst.
This development makes it even more difficult for the Chinese government to deny involvement in the attacks. The hacker, if he can even be called such, posted bits of his code to a hacking forum as a work in progress. Although this man did write the code, which exploited a security loophole in IE6, he does not work full-time for the government. He didn't launch the attacks himself, and the U.S. cybersecurity team that tracked him down said that he didn't want his work to be used for attacks of this nature and magnitude.
The spyware's launch was traced to computers at Shanghai Jiaotong University and Lanxiang Vocational School, the first of which counts former government cybersecurity experts among its staff. Both institutions have denied involvement in the attacks.
As U.S. officials continue their investigation, cybersecurity folks and others familiar with the situation wonder at how this series of attacks positions China in the international sphere. Does this news signal the beginning of a new East v. West cold war? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. " |
2/22/2010 5:30:30 PM
gs7 All American 2354 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Does this news signal the beginning of a new East v. West cold war? Let us know your thoughts in the comments." |
Oh, please, way to be sensationalist and paranoid. 2/22/2010 6:31:00 PM