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All American
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oh whatever, like you're gonna be gentle with it...and like it would even flinch from a burnout. the rear diff is the size of a beach ball, and NV4500s are generally super tough unless some asshole like you is apparently inventing ways of grenading them)

I actually am very easy on it, other than making it drag 8000 lbs across 3000 miles of interstate (not that it really cared much about that, either...I'm not sure if it ever dropped below 60 mph GPS (which is 65 or so indicated). if it did, it wasn't by much, and it wasn't for long...and we went through the Cascades, Rockies, Black Hills, and Appalachians). I know it never needed less than 4th gear (or 3rd, as it's labeled on the shifter, since 1st is a granny).

It made the new turbodiesel 26' box Penske truck I drove from FL to WA look like a punk bitch in comparison (that truck/trailer/load combo weighed a couple thousand pounds more, but there were times when it would only maintain like 30 mph going up hills in the Rockies).

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 1:56 AM. Reason : i did downshift another gear on downhills some, as I couldn't get the trailer brakes to work]

8/7/2008 1:55:30 AM

All American
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oh yeah, v10 ain't no joke. people always scream cummins, stock for stock give me the v10.

8/7/2008 2:46:51 AM

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no offense but yall nigs are hate up on slowblack...which makes you "wolfweb" offense of course...just telling it like it is as usual

8/7/2008 3:30:34 AM

All American
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slowblack is the definition of "wolfweb queer". he's by far the dumbest piece of shit to ever post here, and it a drain on society as a whole. just because you've hung out with him a couple times or something doesn't change that. maybe you'll get to bump him out and poke nicklepickle a little though, toyotafj40s did.

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 3:56 AM. Reason : TULIPlovr and sumfoo1 together couldn't equal slowblack]

8/7/2008 3:55:25 AM

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i'm not sure if you think that makes you more or less of a wolfweb offense but it makes you "more" of one

people like you need to get off your fucking high horse ego

and by the way...i dont know what country you come from, but the shit in that post^ makes you a fucking chump...fucked up leg or not

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 4:17 AM. Reason : i can only hope ncsukat talks some fucking sense into you]

8/7/2008 4:14:58 AM

All American
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or, you can just fondle the balls of my horse keep on ridin.

settle down dnl, i've never had any issue with you but i wouldn't want to have to send tripleD4u to chokeslam you again.

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 4:27 AM. Reason : i ride horses, slowblack rides donkeys]

8/7/2008 4:26:53 AM

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lol "choke slam" and him were drunk as fuck and the dude flipped out over me calling his dog stupid...obviously hes not the most stable motherfucker, but you cant expect me to go against some drunk irishman that cares about his dog too much

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 4:30 AM. Reason : "i can only hope that ncsukat talks some fucking sense into you", he apologized

8/7/2008 4:29:07 AM

All American
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8/7/2008 4:40:41 AM

All American
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massive residential neighbourhood burnouts FTW

Quote :
"i wouldn't want to have to send tripleD4u to chokeslam you again"


8/7/2008 6:53:09 AM

All American
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hey, where's ncsukat? apparently dnl thinks she can put bbr in his place LOL

i'm sad that i missed all this fun last night. i was too busy doing burnouts in residential neighborhoods! ooooh nooo the childreeeennnzzz!!!!

8/7/2008 7:46:08 AM

All American
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Whoaaa... WTF did I miss.

DnL, maybe you should just go back to chitchat. Trolling the Garage and defending slowback with BBR is just asking for fisticuffs.

8/7/2008 8:19:11 AM

All American
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What in the hell is dnl going nuts about?

Anyway, when are we going to do burnouts in TULIPtard's front yard?

8/7/2008 8:30:07 AM

All American
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i've got his address

8/7/2008 8:39:14 AM

All American
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8/7/2008 8:45:51 AM

All American
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^^ oh...duuuude.

8/7/2008 8:53:33 AM

All American
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8/7/2008 9:01:45 AM

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8/7/2008 9:04:06 AM

All American
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I owe one of you a great many thanks.

Around 10p.m., way past my bedtime because I'm a hall-monitor, stick-in-the-mud nerdy type, one of you fine gentlemen posted my bike on Craigslist for $200. I assume this was in an effort to inundate me with dozens of phone calls when it is quite obvious I would try to be sleeping.

But, because I worked full-time third shift with full course loads for years in college, I am impervious to sleep deprivation. So, I answered all 30+ calls. Still getting them, in fact.

One of you bright SOB's thought having 30+ opportunities to sell my bike would somehow piss me off. Instead, after explaining to them that a "friend" was just playing a prank on me, and that my real ad was still on Craigslist with a much higher price - 5 of them were still interested.

Now, I have 5 people who didn't balk at my asking price, compared to two serious lookers I've gotten from my real ad. Now comes the time where they get to try and outbid each other, which is a beautiful situation for me.

So, thanks to some special someone out there, it is quite probable I will sell my bike for more than my asking price, which was already well over blue book value. Thanks a million!

The same old thing keeps coming back up. You try to insult me, and then realize that grown-ups aren't bothered by them. I don't need your approval or your good graces. Then, you try and screw me out of some sleep and make me deal with a bunch of inbred neanderthals (the main audience of CL). I didn't even have to turn your lemons into lemonade. It was lemonade. Someone equal to your immaturity would have been pissed off at you, come in here and complained, and then posted your info in a Gay Erotic Services ad on Craigslist to respond. (Oops, did I just give the children an idea?)

Instead, you likely ended up profiting me at least several hundred dollars.

If mcangel is somehow correct about having my real physical address, then well-done on the sleuthing. Feel free to come do burnouts in front of my house all night long. Or any other manner of law-breaking you desire.

I have done absolutely nothing, other than report illegal behavior to the police, and talk to 30 people about selling my bike. You guys on the other hand, broke the law, bragged about it, responded in a very harassing and threatening manner, and then fraudulently posted an ad for something you do not own with malicious purposes. None of that last sentence bothers me, except in a social sense of where our society has gone, including so-called educated persons. If you do any more, maybe the police will give you what you so richly deserve. It is their job to deal with people like you all. I, on the other hand, just have a little fun while doing a good citizen's duty.

8/7/2008 9:48:38 AM

All American
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Jesus, what a nancy-boy faggot you are.

8/7/2008 9:55:20 AM

7284 Posts
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Quote :
"not to mention 10 tons of jet fuel a day"


as well, I must admit - nobody should mess with the Garage crew. We are the most real, do-what-we-say bunch of fuckers anyone could come across on TWW and IRL.

I say twolipslover should be invited to the next garage meet.

8/7/2008 10:00:56 AM

All American
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yep...and if i can't burn it all, i dump it into the ocean when it's time to land.

actually, i guess lots of flights are really more like 7-8 tons.

8/7/2008 10:02:43 AM

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do you fly helicopters? A (civilian) friend of mine took some lessons in a little 2-seater, said it was crazy! hahah id love to try to learn... but the fear of crashing would keep me away

8/7/2008 10:04:53 AM

All American
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also, i've flown over speedboats on the lake at 500' and 500-550 mph while burning a gallon of fuel about every 3 seconds or so, and I've broken the sound barrier over central Washington.

so fuck your retarded a few short minutes, I erase a lifetime's worth of you driving like an idiot.

and don't be a pussy. go do it...but I'd start in fixed wing airplanes and get your private pilot's license, first. helos are very expensive to rent and train in, too.

...although you could hover over this douchebag's house when he's trying to sleep, I suppose.

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 10:15 AM. Reason : asdfasd]

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 10:17 AM. Reason : asdfasd]

8/7/2008 10:06:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I have done absolutely nothing, other than report illegal behavior to the police"

WTF is this shit?

8/7/2008 10:17:47 AM

All American
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didn't you see earlier? he's got the tag number and name and errrything. be skurred.

8/7/2008 10:20:22 AM

All American
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the only solution is to keep provoking him into calling the police until they get tired of his shit.

8/7/2008 10:20:45 AM

All American
6237 Posts
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Found it, two pages of faggotry. Seriously WTF is wrong with this guy?

8/7/2008 10:34:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
"and don't be a pussy. go do it...but I'd start in fixed wing airplanes and get your private pilot's license, first. helos are very expensive to rent and train in, too.

...although you could hover over this douchebag's house when he's trying to sleep, I suppose."

I've never been a fan of the heeeelo's. Fixed wing is a lot better for aerobatics anyway! Extra 300L FTW!

Well, even a J3 is fun, I love to buzz boats on Falls Lake. Haha, we'd find a boat in a secluded area of the lake that was off in a sort of side "channel" and fly over it normally and then get out of sight. Then we'd turn around and descend below the tree line over the lake and come flying "around the corner" of the tree line and then right by them a few feet off the water. We flew with the door open so the view was good. Lots of people would wave, it seems like they always liked it a lot honestly. Like this:

I wonder what TULIPtard thinks of that. People in the garage are even being irresponsible in aircraft. We've got irresponsible use of every type of vehicle around up in this shyte. Shit man, somebody on here needs to get hold of a space shuttle.

Oh and yes, we do need to rent a Helicopter so that we can hover right over his house.

Quote :
"Feel free to come do burnouts in front of my house all night long"

Note that I did not say in front of your house. I said in your front yard.

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 10:58 AM. Reason : ]

8/7/2008 10:56:05 AM

hates 4 lokos
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Ragged told me to come over here. I used to race. hey everyone.

8/7/2008 4:09:06 PM

All American
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Jeepman got to see DZLPOWA fill the parking lot with white tire smoke (and some black diesel smoke) the other night at Betski's. Look for the big circle.

8/7/2008 11:53:55 PM

All American
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sir, i have all of your info and will be reporting it to the propery authorities. you will the arrested. do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to federal pound me in the ass prison for life.

8/8/2008 12:54:15 AM

1227 Posts
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damn you niggers, i'm bored out here

8/13/2008 9:21:03 AM

147487 Posts
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lol "propery"

8/13/2008 9:24:11 AM

1227 Posts
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shut your broke faggot ass up

8/13/2008 9:30:13 AM

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[Edited on August 13, 2008 at 9:49 AM. Reason : i think he meant property]

8/13/2008 9:46:40 AM

1227 Posts
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i think nobody gives a shit you faggot ass faggot

8/13/2008 10:23:22 AM

147487 Posts
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lol "faggot ass faggot"

palindrome insults ftw

8/13/2008 10:24:23 AM

1227 Posts
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i think nobody gives a shit you faggot ass faggot

8/13/2008 10:26:15 AM

All American
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mcangel1218, OptimusPrime, Jeepman, tripleD4u, moparnum5, & a few other notorious tww garage wimmenz last night throwin' down

BigBlueRam was there in spirit through the NEWPORT

Good fun driving lots of new (to me) vehicles

8/18/2008 1:00:35 PM

All American
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in cary. no homo the car sounded good. i guess you had the radio up and the ac on cause i said your name about 5 times at the light at the mall
or it wasnt you

red vert c5 black top cammed auto,on drs with base wheels in the back

8/24/2008 3:36:09 PM

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he heard you. he just didn't want to talk to you.

8/24/2008 4:08:58 PM

All American
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^^yeah, i was in cary earlier but didn't hear anything. it takes a pretty good yell to overcome the exhaust and a/c with the windows and top up. it's not THAT loud though, so you must not have been trying too hard to get my attention. i know for sure i didn't have the radio up loud either because one of the little bose emblems on the front speaker grills has started rattling and is annoying as hell.

underPSI is basically right though. i don't have anything to talk to you about unless you ever come up with a car worth my time. even if i had i noticed you and it happened to register who you were i would have just ignored you anyway.

[Edited on August 24, 2008 at 8:34 PM. Reason : make sure you yell louder next time]

8/24/2008 8:34:13 PM

439 Posts
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niggerja edit? wtf yo

[Edited on August 24, 2008 at 9:10 PM. Reason : ^ we're racing diesels when i come back out there, i've got a little something up my sleeve]

8/24/2008 9:07:44 PM

All American
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i was at an intersection on my bike and wasnt trying to send out smoke signals to you. i gave you your props already sorry you had to be an ass hat about it, how bout washing that thing every once and a while.

8/24/2008 11:11:33 PM

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Quote :
"i think nobody gives a shit you faggot ass faggot"

lol keep posting then

8/24/2008 11:13:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"how bout washing that thing every once and a while."

for what? does that make it faster? if it bothers you, i'll give you a rag and a bucket any time. at least all the paint matches.

it's really too bad you didn't make more of an effort though, i'd have been happy to suck the headlight out of your bike also.

^^^haha, i don't have anything for a lbz/lmm dmax, even if you added 3k lbs. to even out the weights. especially not with the lucas edition 4r100. my dad's truck might would make for an interesting match...

8/25/2008 12:11:10 AM

147487 Posts
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i'm glad i dont have a big ego like u

8/25/2008 12:26:04 AM

All American
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well i was on my bmx bike doing sprints so if anything i would have just bunny hoped on the roof and then fled the watched you scramble to get out of the car. but whatever dude

8/25/2008 12:38:20 AM

All American
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8/25/2008 12:41:17 AM

All American
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Why do I get the feeling he would have had a little problem getting that cloth "roof" (IIRC) to hold the weight of a bike and rider coming down on it. I think he'd have gone nowhere, in a hurry, of course.

[Edited on August 25, 2008 at 12:48 AM. Reason : ]

8/25/2008 12:47:59 AM

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