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All American
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it's not like it was done in 5 o clock traffic down the beltline. jeez get off your soapbox. this has nothing to do with drunk drivers or "scum" or endangering people's lives. sound like you need to pull that stick out of your ass...

8/6/2008 3:22:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"it's not like it was done in 5 o clock traffic down the beltline. jeez get off your soapbox. this has nothing to do with drunk drivers or "scum" or endangering people's lives. sound like you need to pull that stick out of your ass..."

Translation: "I'm guilty of the same thing, but take solace in the fact that there are many worse things I could do."

I already said I don't care what time of day or night. Doing that in a residential area, with poor visibility (trees/cars blocking view of potential pedestrians in the street) is reckless, stupid, and he deserves to have his license revoked. And good visibility, if you're going to argue there is, doesn't really help the case at all.

You sound just like the morons arguing that 90+ mph on a motorcycle (highway or not) can be done in a safe and responsible manner. Bullshit.

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 3:33 PM. Reason : a]

8/6/2008 3:30:37 PM

All American
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if the person doing it was actually posing a danger to someone, then i know him well enough to safely say he wouldn't have done it. and the people that witnessed it could, i'm sure, vouch for the fact that he wasn't endangering any lives.

and your translation? are you fucking SERIOUS? hahahahah someone please set this kid straight.

8/6/2008 3:38:40 PM

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hes being a giant negative nancy

8/6/2008 3:39:55 PM

All American
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for once josh, i'm going to have to agree with you.

8/6/2008 3:40:29 PM

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thats gotta be like at least the 3rd or 4th time ever but i dont wanna ruin a good thing

8/6/2008 3:41:24 PM

soup du hier
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don't feed the troll

8/6/2008 3:41:56 PM

All American
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Look, regardless of whatever fucked up worldview you're coming from, it is objective fact that 50+ yard burnouts in a residential neighborhood, at any time, are completely reckless and dangerous to others. Period.

BTW, I do have RPD's contact info, a license plate #, a name, a street name of home address and pictures of vehicles owned, a picture with his face.... and perfectly satisfactory evidence (pictorial, physical, and a confession) of serious law-breaking.

I wonder what should I do with this information?

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 3:46 PM. Reason : a]

8/6/2008 3:44:15 PM

All American
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so do i, want a cookie?

8/6/2008 3:45:30 PM

All American
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nope, just accountability.

8/6/2008 3:47:56 PM

147487 Posts
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yo hook me up with your stalker skillz

8/6/2008 3:49:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You sound just like the morons arguing that 90+ mph on a motorcycle (highway or not) can be done in a safe and responsible manner. Bullshit."

Honestly, 90+ MPH can be done safely on a motorcycle. 90+ can definitely be done safely on the track, hell you can even do it on the streets if you do it in the right place. What about exceeding the number 90 in particular makes it all of a sudden "unsafe" or "irresponsible?"

GTFO with your "poor visibility" sob story, there's one fucking tree next to the road, lol. You can go up and down a road to scan the surroundings and then do a burnout. Note that burnout /= high speed. You can do a burnout at a CRAWL, or even, *GASP*, 0 MPH!!!!!!!


[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 4:13 PM. Reason : ]

8/6/2008 4:10:01 PM

All American
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8/6/2008 4:16:58 PM

All American
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Hey buddy, I did the burnout. Come and get me!

8/6/2008 4:33:59 PM

7284 Posts
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Quote :
"Look, regardless of whatever fucked up worldview you're coming from, it is objective fact that 50+ yard burnouts in a residential neighborhood, at any time, are completely reckless and dangerous to others. Period.

BTW, I do have RPD's contact info, a license plate #, a name, a street name of home address and pictures of vehicles owned, a picture with his face.... and perfectly satisfactory evidence (pictorial, physical, and a confession) of serious law-breaking.

I wonder what should I do with this information?

hows about you get the fuck out of the garage before someone does a burnout on your face?

8/6/2008 4:35:50 PM

All American
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and we will do that shit too!! sydewayz!!

8/6/2008 4:56:07 PM

All American
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AHAHA bring it on, flower boy. you have legal proof of jack shit, eat a dick. tattle to rpd or anyone else all you want. RAWR RAWR RAWR CITIZENS ARREST!!11

8/6/2008 5:13:14 PM

All American
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hey guyz, burnoutz iz dangeruz!!11

watch out dude, i'm going to report you for operating a vehicle without shoes and no helmet!

don't forget who you sold your broken ass pontiac to either, think i can't have all your info?

how's that job at ups going? do you think they'd be interested in any of your activity on tww? or maybe your potential future employer? i bet your wife wouldn't be real happy about you being out of a job.

still want to play internet badass? you're threatening the wrong person.

8/6/2008 5:44:52 PM

All American
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Oh wow, that squid was talking to y'all about being irresponsible?!

8/6/2008 5:47:25 PM

All American
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yeah... what a stupid faggot. what's dangerous is any retard out riding a 150cc "motorcycle" in raleigh traffic. risking his own life and other people's because he pulls out in front of them and takes 30 seconds to get to the speed limit.

8/6/2008 5:54:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"watch out dude, i'm going to report you for operating a vehicle without shoes and no helmet!"

Feel free. I wasn't breaking any laws. The engine was off, as evidenced by my dead battery - and a kickstart with bare feet would have broken a bone or at least hurt me badly. Sitting on, and standing up, a motorcycle in a private parking lot, with the engine off, requires no helmet nor shoes.

Unlike you, I am a responsible person. It's been years since I've gone over the speed limit, and never been in an accident. I ride responsibly and defensively.

Quote :
"don't forget who you sold your broken ass pontiac to either, think i can't have all your info?"

Haha, you have no idea who I sold it to. Here's a hint though: IT WAS NOT YOU. And if you cannot even remember that you did not buy it, then you've got some major issues. I sold it off of craigslist to a dude that drove 200+ miles to pick it up, who was black and in the military. Buddy, that ain't you.

Quote :
"how's that job at ups going?"

Going, going....gone.

Quote :
"do you think they'd be interested in any of your activity on tww? or maybe your potential future employer?"

Haha, so you think an employer would fire me if they found out I reported someone who broke the law and posted pictures of it? Or because I cursed in this thread? What exactly would they be mad about? I've done nothing illegal. And I've not harassed anyone. Nor made any threats, other than to report law-breaking. Very few others in this thread can say that.

Quote :
" i bet your wife wouldn't be real happy about you being out of a job.

still want to play internet badass? you're threatening the wrong person."

Is this a threat? I have threatened nobody. A "threat" to report illegal behavior does not, in any universe, count as justifiable provocation for violent response.

Quote :
"yeah... what a stupid faggot. what's dangerous is any retard out riding a 150cc "motorcycle" in raleigh traffic. risking his own life and other people's because he pulls out in front of them and takes 30 seconds to get to the speed limit."

A) I don't live in Raleigh.
B) Proper, defensive driving means I don't put myself in situations where I have to gun it to get up to speed in front of someone. If it takes 10 minutes at a stop sign for there to be room, I will wait 10 minutes.
C) Even if I did have to, for whatever reason, get up to speed quickly, it does accelerate faster than pushing my 99 F150 as hard as it'll go. You gonna go after pickup drivers for the same reason?

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 6:09 PM. Reason : as]

8/6/2008 6:01:30 PM

All American
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Oh and we dont know ANYBODY in the military who is more than 200 miles away.

8/6/2008 6:07:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"yeah... what a stupid faggot."

8/6/2008 6:10:22 PM

All American
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There are many people like that. I'm sure you know some. Basic reading skills would inform you that I did not assert you didn't know anyone matching the description. I asserted you didn't know him. Which is a darn good bet.

At least BBR should know that he didn't buy it. And if he turns out to be a 40+ year old married black guy with 3 kids who went to Shaw and is in the military, well then that would be quite the coincidence.

Duke, with your accident record on a bike, I'd back out of the thread. Just the other day you went through 4 or 5 major/minor accidents you've been in. Credibility ->gone. You are a bad driver and a bad rider, no matter what "skill" is there.

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 6:14 PM. Reason : a]

8/6/2008 6:12:19 PM

All American
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oh, you're right I COMPLETELY FORGOT WHAT KIND OF CARS I'VE BOUGHT.use those basic reading skills to find where i said i bought anything, dumbass. that alone proves your level of complete ignorance if the rest of your dumbass comments havent.

i'm still waiting for the police to get here, what's the hold up? do i need to give you/them directions?

you're gayer than aids, gtfo.

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 6:38 PM. Reason : .]

8/6/2008 6:37:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"don't forget who you sold your broken ass pontiac to either, think i can't have all your info?"

Hey brainfart, this means one of two things. You can "get all my info" because either:

A) I sold it to you. OR
B) You know who I sold it to, and thus can get the information.

If you meant getting my information in any other way, then your sentence is a complete non-sequitur. I am the literate one here.

You directly asserted either A or B. And both are wrong. So, either you cannot formulate your thoughts into coherent sentences that accurately convey your meaning, or you really did forget you didn't buy it, or you just plain lied. It's one of those.

8/6/2008 6:43:12 PM

All American
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^ You sir are a fag

8/6/2008 7:01:09 PM

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yeah we figured that out on the last page

8/6/2008 8:14:58 PM

All American
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Honestly his "argument" isn't making any sense.

8/6/2008 8:36:02 PM

All American
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It does if you wish your cock was a pussy so you could put other cocks inside of you.

8/6/2008 8:38:15 PM

All American
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TULIPlovr, age 8:

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 8:46 PM. Reason : he's obviously forgetting the tww people he tried to scam by selling his car with a fucked up title]

8/6/2008 8:44:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Honestly his "argument" isn't making any sense."

That's because you do not, or cannot, read anything other than magazines and cereal boxes.

Push yourself. Pick up a non-fiction book without pictures. Then, slowly, attempt to read it.

Over time, you may be able to understand my use of elementary logic.

^Fucked up title? How about title-in-transit, and I openly said I would not accept any money until I could put the title in the buyer's hands. Yep, big scary scam.

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 8:50 PM. Reason : a]

8/6/2008 8:48:45 PM

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lol "tulip lover"...i just picked up on that

8/6/2008 8:49:37 PM

All American
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8/6/2008 8:53:18 PM

All American
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I am well aware of the social stigma surrounding jorts. I also don't give a rat's ass if someone believes my comfortable, and functional, clothing is funny. I agree they look silly most of the time. I just don't care.

I am perfectly secure in my wife, family, career, etc. and I have no reason whatsoever to care what even my friends think, let alone the mental midgets inhabiting this place.

I actually remember just before that picture, making fun of myself with my wife, and singing "My jorts, My jorts, My awesome manly jorts."

That you care about such things says much more about you than it does about me.

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 9:02 PM. Reason : as]

8/6/2008 8:58:13 PM

266 Posts
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^ if you don't care why are you explaining your case?

8/6/2008 9:08:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"That's because you do not, or cannot, read anything other than magazines and cereal boxes.

Push yourself. Pick up a non-fiction book without pictures. Then, slowly, attempt to read it.

Over time, you may be able to understand my use of elementary logic."

Your "logic" = FAIL

8/6/2008 9:09:40 PM

All American
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Because I hold out this small, impossible hope that someone here might learn to grow up. Possibly, they might start doing crazy things like: obeying the law, judging people by their actions and words rather than clothes, and realizing that in a conversation with an actual adult, insulting someone's clothing choice will be of no effect.

He attempted to make me feel embarrassed and insulted, because he assumed I am as immature as he is. He erred in assuming I care. I corrected his error.

8/6/2008 9:15:54 PM

32613 Posts
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What the fuck is wrong with you?

8/6/2008 9:21:42 PM

All American
2380 Posts
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I'm going to do burnouts in residential areas tomorrow morning just in honor of this homo. Come take my picture and report me please.

8/6/2008 9:39:15 PM

32613 Posts
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I'll be happy to join you

8/6/2008 9:51:22 PM

All American
5882 Posts
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my street is not a "residential neighborhood," it's more of a thoroughfare between two main roads in Raleigh. Don't move here if you have a family

8/6/2008 11:02:47 PM

266 Posts
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^ whats up with people toting guns around shooting beer cans around your place?

8/6/2008 11:17:17 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Quote :
"judging people by their actions and words rather than clothes"

Oh, we're judging you by that, too.

If you were not a douche by every indication, we might even let the jean shorts slide. as it is, though, it's just one more part of the picture that's starting to shape up.

8/6/2008 11:49:16 PM

All American
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dude, it's been shaped up. did you miss his brilliant hypermiling thread in the lounge?

8/6/2008 11:50:38 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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oh, and:

(it was powersliding, i promise)

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 11:53 PM. Reason : ^ oh, he's one of those faggot retards? that alone says it all.]

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 11:57 PM. Reason : for every gallon of gasoline you save, I'm going to burn three.]

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 11:57 PM. Reason : not to mention 10 tons of jet fuel a day]

8/6/2008 11:52:55 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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i like how he doesn't care, yet continues to defend every comment

8/7/2008 12:05:39 AM

All American
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anyone want to go do burnouts RIGHT NOW??

in a certain east durhm/rtp area?

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 1:04 AM. Reason : hmmm?]

8/7/2008 1:04:07 AM

All American
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If I get a chance, I'll get someone to shoot a picture of the ol' 8.0L, V-10 Ram burning down some 285's tomorrow...

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 1:14 AM. Reason : the only '95 Ram 2500 on the planet equipped with Valentine 1, haha]

8/7/2008 1:13:20 AM

All American
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man, i'm talking about RIGHT NOOOOW

don't be abusin my truck, lol.

8/7/2008 1:45:59 AM

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