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 Message Boards » » Elon Musk Credibility Watch Page 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 ... 17, Prev Next  
All American
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that chart means absolutely nothing

you posted it in earnest, like an absolute sucker

11/25/2022 4:57:35 PM

All American
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If the chart was all you took from it cool.

11/25/2022 5:04:29 PM

All American
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why’d you post it?

11/25/2022 5:05:12 PM

All American
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As backup to Twitter's terms of service.

11/25/2022 5:15:57 PM

All American
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a hilariously weak backup

great job

11/25/2022 5:18:43 PM

All American
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So Elon is creating a platform for hate speech to bring about some kind of alt-right tech haven? is back. I'm sure he's considered far right terrorist since he posts anti-fed propaganda.

[Edited on November 25, 2022 at 5:34 PM. Reason : a]

11/25/2022 5:24:41 PM

All American
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11/26/2022 10:16:49 AM

All American
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Quote :
" Elon Musk is actively taking suspension requests from right wing provocateur and fascist mouthpiece Andy Ngo, and has suspended @crimethinc."

11/26/2022 2:15:31 PM

All American
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11/26/2022 4:37:50 PM

Tom Joad
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Elon’s getting high on his own supply.

11/26/2022 4:41:19 PM

All American
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11/26/2022 4:42:38 PM

All American
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so you’re leaning into being hilariously lame now, eh?

the fucking lamest dudes this planet has to offer are the ones who are still simping for Elon

[Edited on November 26, 2022 at 5:44 PM. Reason : .]

11/26/2022 5:43:39 PM

All American
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I quit simping long ago. Sold my Tesla and lost money shorting Tesla at least 3 times.

I still find it hilarious Elon has taken over one of the major cathedral mouthpieces. He's obviously a formidable opponent the current system doesn't know how to fight or handle. The current system has not had a real opposition since any of us have been alive.

As I stated previously, it's not hard to imagine the guy at the helm of the company designing all our next generation weapons becomes some kind of actual political force. Elon doesn't strike me as someone that's going to step aside when a journalist, government, whoever stands in the way of his aspirations. He also seems at least as effective as Trump propaganda and manipulation. Showing mastery of selling moonshots in multiple domains like space travel and electric cars to the public.

If you ever hear anyone utter, "electric cars are simpler and less likely to break. They don't need oil changes." That was Elon programming their brain like it was PayPal.

11/26/2022 8:38:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
" He's obviously a formidable opponent the current system doesn't know how to fight or handle. The current system has not had a real opposition since any of us have been alive."

care to define the “current system”?

11/26/2022 8:49:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The episode, titled “The Musk Who Fell to Earth,” begins by showing Lisa Simpson tending to a birdhouse with a sign that reads, “Home Tweet Home.” She is feeding baby birds when a bald eagle snaps them up and kills them.

As the eagle flies into the distance, Musk arrives in his rocket ship. Fire from the aircraft incinerates the eagle — a longtime emblem of the U.S."

Simpsons did it!

Best way to describe current system would be Iron Triangle interspersed with media, academia, and various three letter government agencies. You see it referred to as "The Cathedral" in "New Right" circles.

Pretty fair summary and overview:

These new right people weaponize meme culture and attracted younger generation while boomer cons railed against immigrants or something. There's been no leader to coalesce into a real movement other than the orange conman. Who most of the new right now see as incompetent and incapable of forming the alliances needed to radically change the country. Trump can make cute nicknames and tweets--and he's not even tweeting. He's certainly not going to create a credible opposition to the Global American Empire or be capable of reforming it.

Quote :
"For instance: in 2021, Harvard, Yale, the Times and the Post are on the same page. If there exists any doctrinal difference between any two of these prestigious American institutions, it is too ineffable for anyone but a Yale man to discern. (Though it may say something that Gray Mirror is not taught at Harvard.)

In 1951, Harvard, Yale, the Times and the Post were on the same page. But Yale in 1951 was on nowhere near the same page as Yale in 2021. If you could teleport either Yale into the other’s time zone, they would see each other as a den of intellectual criminals.

So it’s not just that everyone—at least, everyone cool—is on the same page. It’s more like: everyone is reading the same book—at the same speed. No wonder all the peasants are seeing conspiracies in their motherfucking soup. "

[Edited on November 26, 2022 at 9:30 PM. Reason : A]

11/26/2022 9:18:24 PM

All American
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way to mention Curtis Yarvin. one of the next in line to be recognized as a right wing grifter who only cares about being seen as some sort of Thought Leader

also good job dipping your toe (or at least outing yourself outright) into the “Left Can’t Meme” trope

imagine siding with this fuck:


11/26/2022 9:30:48 PM

All American
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Yarvin has been blogging politics since 2008, he's been in line a long time. I never said the left can't meme. I said the new right weaponized memes to bring in a younger crowd. In 2012 if you told anyone there would be right wing influencers grifting on Instagram and drawing huge fan bases they'd say you were nuts. The right in 2012 was only boomercons who haven't ejaculated this millennium.

Now you can't throw a maga hat without hitting a "grifter" on Instagram/Twitter with their tits out.

11/26/2022 9:36:46 PM

All American
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how’d the youth vote go a few weeks ago?

11/26/2022 9:49:19 PM

All American
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The original point I had is Elon can motivate masses of people and he's proved competent in multiple industries. One with deep ties to the military. Any opposition against his Mars plans or Tesla and no telling what he'll do.

The real Elon simps are the ones paying Space X billions of dollars and Tesla billions of carbon credits.

AOC can meme like fuck. Not to mention the OG politician than used the internet Obama. That was my point, in 2012 the conservative side had no hope. They learned to use the internet after and got us Trump.

[Edited on November 26, 2022 at 10:07 PM. Reason : A]

11/26/2022 9:58:05 PM

All American
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be sure to not trip over yourself as you back pedal

Quote :
" AOC can meme like fuck. "

a) not at all creepy to bring up AOC (unprompted, too)


b) fucking lol at still focusing on memes

they’re the emptiest of calories, yet you’re an old who is essentially playing the role of the Monorail dude, hoping the youths chant, “memes! memes! memes!”

[Edited on November 26, 2022 at 10:09 PM. Reason : .]

11/26/2022 10:03:01 PM

All American
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I'm not backpedaling, if you back go back 50 posts I was just arguing equating him influenced by propaganda on the right is the wrong way to look at it. Elon is using the prevailing winds to further his power and influence.

AOC understands how to get attention. She gets more press on Fox than Fox and Five. I can't think of a better example on the left that so effortlessly gets daily media play for free.

[Edited on November 26, 2022 at 10:13 PM. Reason : A]

[Edited on November 26, 2022 at 10:15 PM. Reason : A]

11/26/2022 10:10:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
" I'm not backpedaling, if you back 50 posts"

absolutely incredible

Quote :
" AOC understands how to get attention. She gets more press on Fox than Fox and Five. I can't think of a better example on the left that so effortlessly gets daily media play for free."

she doesn’t “meme”. she votes/advocates for legislation that will help those who need it

they only cover her because a significant portion of their audience wants to fuck her

[Edited on November 26, 2022 at 10:17 PM. Reason : .]

11/26/2022 10:14:33 PM

All American
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Meme isn't the completely precise term. She uses political language, persuasion, social media and propaganda well. That got her elected more so than who may or may not want to fuck her.


[Edited on November 27, 2022 at 9:18 AM. Reason : A]

11/27/2022 9:16:38 AM

8182 Posts
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I want to fuck her

11/27/2022 7:14:42 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Thank you for your honesty.

11/28/2022 6:43:23 AM

All American
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Washington crossing the Delaware ??

11/28/2022 10:11:13 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Elon Musk likes to parrot his fash pals' pissing and moaning about the Bias Left-Wing Media but imagine if the New York Times were as interested in the question "Are too many Teslas wrecking themselves with fake self-driving?" as it is in "Are too many children transitioning?""


11/28/2022 2:18:00 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Can someone explain that bedside picture?

Is it a meme? Is it supposed to be funny? Are we meant to be impressed? Is it signalling? Meaningless attention seeking?

11/28/2022 3:33:15 PM

Save TWW
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You're worried about the picture what about the caffeine free diet cokes?? Who is he, my mom???

11/28/2022 3:53:12 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter. Do they hate free speech in America?"

Quote :
"My ex wife has stopped sleeping with me. Does she hate sex?"


Also very comical that Musk is still claiming to be a free speech warrior

11/28/2022 4:05:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but imagine if the New York Times were as interested in the question "Are too many Teslas wrecking themselves with fake self-driving?"

One of my fave accounts maintains that list. After the 1st or second autopilot fatality Elon tweeted something about highway deaths being 1 in 90 million miles driven. He said, see autopilot is way safer! Autopilot has driven 130 million miles!

Remember being sad Iron Man would be deliberately misleading.

Quote :
"Can someone explain that bedside picture?

The antique pistol is a likely replica of something Washington carried. The pistol coupled with the painting think given the Apple posts and what I posted above he's about to strike the first blow against Apple.

11/28/2022 5:05:10 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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So this is the Musk version of 4D chess. Got it.

11/28/2022 6:49:11 PM

All American
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4d chess that’s costing his company an advertiser that spends over $100m a year reportedly. Good going

11/28/2022 11:23:05 PM

All American
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It's solidly 1D or maybe 2D.

Quote :
"The paintings commemorate General George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River with the Continental Army on the night of December 25–26, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War. That action was the first move in a surprise attack and victory against Hessian forces at the Battle of Trenton in New Jersey on the morning of December 26."

11/28/2022 11:50:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
" The pistol coupled with the painting think given the Apple posts and what I posted above he's about to strike the first blow against Apple."

this is Q-adjacent idiocy

11/29/2022 9:59:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Let's instead take a moment to talk about how this tweet is disinformation:"

Quote :
"@Liz_Wheeler: Can we take a moment & thank @elonmusk for ridding Twitter of child pornography & child trafficking hashtags? Of all the battles he’s fighting, this is the most important. Think about how many little children he’s saving from sexual abuse, exploitation & torture. I could cry. ????"

Quote :
"First off, Musk might talk a big game about tackling CSAM (no serious person calls it "child pornography," @Liz_Wheeler) but the reality is that he fired the teams responsible for it."

Quote :
"The other reality is that CSAM is a problem on every platform, because society is fucked up and there's a lot of it out there. Systems that identify and automatically take down law enforcement-identified CSAM can only do much. The rest is human moderation."

Quote :
"Musk has not created some magic new content moderation system; he has in fact ditched most content moderation. If he targeted and eliminated a few CSAM-oriented hashtags, great. But let's not be fooled into thinking he's done anything serious here."

[Edited on November 29, 2022 at 12:21 PM. Reason : .]

11/29/2022 12:19:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Elon Musk has fired so many Twitter workers by mistake that HR created an 'accidental termination' category to re-onboard employees"

11/30/2022 1:23:00 AM

All American
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in regards to that chart dude posted in earnest on the previous page:

Quote :
"Hate Speech’s Rise on Twitter Is Unprecedented, Researchers Find"

12/2/2022 11:48:25 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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He suspended Kanye, so that's something. . . ?

12/2/2022 12:47:17 PM

Save TWW
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He also "liked" the video of Kanye praising hitler

12/2/2022 8:00:23 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin, who was booted off Twitter in 2013, has had his account restored."

12/2/2022 8:13:19 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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12/2/2022 8:38:35 PM

All American
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12/3/2022 6:06:59 AM

All American
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12/3/2022 6:49:53 AM

All American
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whole lotta nothing

big lol at Elon claiming the Biden administration put pressure on Twitter in the fall of 2020, tho

12/3/2022 12:15:01 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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That's just how deep the Deep State goes!

Biden was running a shadow Presidency before he was even fraudulently elected.

Shout-out to everyone who thinks posting links to Tweets or Twitter threads with no explanation, context, or comment passes as discourse. We have some very fine people doing that on both sides.

Twitter just seems spammy and illogically conceived. I don't enjoy trying to make sense of all the shorthand and multi-Tweet threads or understand what are replies, what are related posts, who's replying to whom, etc. It's just a big mess. What's wrong with long-form text? CrazyCode is the pinnacle of web platforms.

12/3/2022 12:28:00 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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elon musk has never had any credibility. this thread is pointless.

12/3/2022 12:54:01 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"CrazyCode is the pinnacle of web platforms"

Chronological post forums are far and away my favorite social media medium.

IMHO, social media needs to have either a small enough user base that you can become familiar with most of the regular posters, or it needs to be topic specific with enough moderation to keeps things on subject. Anything else becomes a mess.

12/3/2022 3:14:50 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I agree with that.

I participate in two forums, both with chronological posts. Each one falls into a different category of the two you just explained. Getting used to the hard moderation on the other forum is an adjustment. I got suspended for two weeks over a mounting series of extremely minor infractions.

12/3/2022 5:47:28 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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You're on thin ice here too, buddy.

12/3/2022 8:14:05 PM

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