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All American
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You're better off eliminating the running and replacing it with long walks. Your joints will thank you, your muscles will thank you, and it aids in recovery and allows you to give more effort where it counts in the gym.

Worry about stuff that's more important for shedding fat like making sure you're getting plenty of vitamin D and calcium in the winter. What's easier to to lose a lot a weight than drinking green tea in the morning, calcium and vitamin d supplements with your first meal, and making sure you get a glass of whole milk at night?

If you aren't taking fish oil or eating fatty fish, what are you doing? Are you serious about losing weight? How do you expect to shed a lot of fat without getting Omega 3's? Why would you go to all this effort to run for 40 minutes when you could just eat fish and get better results... Are you getting peanut butter, nuts, and eggs?

Are you sleeping 8 hours a night? If not why? Do you not realize that belly fat is due to high cortisol levels? If you're not sleeping you're killing your progress building muscle and burning fat.

Have you reduced your carb intake to almost nothing yet? If not, why? If you've got belly fat you've got insulin resistance. You aren't going to get any significant results until you address your insulin problems. The processed carbs and grains have got to go. Lower your fruit consumption and replace it with leafy vegetables. If you're not eating broccoli or spinach you're making fat loss difficult on yourself.

Are you still eating breakfast? Why are you doing this to yourself?

Running is seriously one of the last things you need to worry about if you're trying to burn fat.

People keep failing to lose fat because they go about it in an ineffective manner.

[Edited on January 5, 2013 at 9:02 AM. Reason : a]

1/5/2013 8:55:40 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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Too many questions

Also I cut out booze for January which has been lame but my wallet is happy.

1/5/2013 10:15:18 AM

Garage Mod
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Quick update...dropped 4 lbs this week and already feel like my pants aren't quite as tight. Now just 20 more to go.

On another note, I've read that taking a protein shake every day, even on days you don't work out, can aid in burning fat. Traditionally I've just had a shake after weight training but I'm thinking of making it a daily habit. When would be the best time to take a daily shake. I was thinking first thing in the morning, basically substituting my morning coffe for a shake, then having a light to modest breakfast. Thoughts....

1/5/2013 11:11:05 AM


21814 Posts
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I woke up early to meet some friends for a run and it was a hard battle when I saw it was 19 degrees outside (with the wind chill) but I did it and it was great. Ended up shedding my gloves two miles in

[Edited on January 5, 2013 at 11:15 AM. Reason : No excuses]

1/5/2013 11:15:15 AM

All American
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Face is hilarious.

Running is not evil. Neither is weight training. Just find a workout that your body responds to, and do it. The best fitness regimen is the one you can stick with.

Personally, running gives me mental balance and keeps me in shape. And the mental health aspect is a huge benefit.

Key point, wellness is mind and body.

1/5/2013 11:20:57 AM

All American
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Sometimes I can't tell if Face is trolling or not. Some of the posts make decent sense, others I completely disagree with.

Running IS good for you, and will burn fat (along with other benefits), if you know what you're doing. Most people just don't know how to take care of their bodies. I've been running 15+ years, with half of those years averaging 100+ miles per week. You know the secret? I don't eat like shit, I sit in ice baths twice a week after hard workouts, and I run my recovery days at a relaxed pace. You just have to be smart and prevent injuries well ahead of time. Drink plenty of water, ice baths if you feel up to it, ice major joints, stretch well, do form drills to work on efficiency of stride, etc. Plus most people don't realize you have to run for at least 30 minutes before you start to burn significant calories. And considering most people only walk/jog for about 30 minutes and don't change their diet, its not surprising they get frustrated with slow weight loss.

Although running is my main focus, I also understand the importance of strength, especially core work. Being a distance runner, I don't want to get huge, so most of my work is based on my own body weight (pushups, pullups, etc). But at the same time, I don't want to fit that scrawny runner stereotype. I used to be 138lbs, but over the last two years I gradually built up strength and am now up to 155lbs, without sacrificing any speed with my running. My goal was to maintain my running, but gradually work up to a decent bench. So I started at like 140, and now can bench 220. Which I realize isn't that impressive to body builders, but is right where I want to be fitness-wise. My life goal was qualify for the olympic trials in the marathon (sub 2:19). So if I can run my 2:19 this fall and maintain a 200+ bench, I would be extremely pleased.

I have a ton of respect for weightlifters, my dad was actually a professional body builder for many years and weighs close to 300lbs. So he and I quite different body types, but its nice to know the genetics are there if I want to get big some day. He has helped me put on the few pounds I have, but told me i'd have to drop my mileage to at least 30mpw to be able to put on significant muscle. I told him I might go for that after I retire from running, if I do.

So I guess it comes down to what your goal is, so I don't understand the point of arguing whether weights or cardio are more important. If all you do is lift and never do cardio, you'll be out there slogging along at an insanely slow pace and thats no fun. But if all you do is run, you'll look like shit with no muscle tone. So DO BOTH!!

1/5/2013 1:09:51 PM

37709 Posts
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You non-Sports talk people have yet to learn

Quote :
"face really is the most perfect troll I've ever seen on this board

he posts a lot of really sound and rational things that you sorta nod your head to in agreement, and then he spouts off what seems like nonsense, but it has just smidge of critical thought sprinkled in, all an elaborate attempt to fool you into believing he's actually being genuine

it really is an art

guy must have one hell of a drug/gambling problem"

1/5/2013 3:03:31 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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^^ ok, you are talking about exercising like 1,000 hours a year though. Training for Olympic trials in marathon running is not realistic for most of the folks here.

They would be much more likely to squeeze a 30-45 minute weightlifting session in 3x per week than run 100 miles a week.

1/5/2013 3:37:17 PM

1919 Posts
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Yesterday, the doc cleared me for full weight bearing and athletic movement, barring extreme plyometrics and lateral cutting. I've decided for the first time, that I'm going to actively work on my mid-distance (10-20min) conditioning.

By the end of 2013, I want to be capable of crushing a sub 6:00min mile, dead lift 500lbs, squat 400, bench 300. 20 dead hang pull ups.

These goals are all feasible, since I've been training for several years now. I'm not too far from most of those. I think the <6mile will actually be the most challenging for me; due to my injury and strength bias.

[Edited on January 5, 2013 at 6:10 PM. Reason : words]

1/5/2013 6:08:53 PM

All American
2605 Posts
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^^ Well obviously I wasn't suggesting anyone run 100 miles per week, I was just annoyed by this comment:

Quote :
"You're better off eliminating the running and replacing it with long walks. Your joints will thank you, your muscles will thank you, and it aids in recovery and allows you to give more effort where it counts in the gym."

That doesn't make any sense to me. Any form of exercise tears down muscles, then you recover and improve. You can very easily injure joints/muscles in the gym if you don't know what you're doing. And if I were really trying to lose weight, I would just eat better and run a shit-ton.

But I don't care enough to argue, so i'm done.

1/5/2013 6:45:14 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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Good because you're wrong and prolonging the situation only makes things worse.

Tell him honestly, simply, kindly, but firmly
Don't make a big production
Don't make up an elaborate story
This will help you avoid a big tear jerking scene
If you wanna date other people say so
Be prepared for the boy to feel hurt and rejected
Even if you've gone together for only a short time,
And haven't been too serious,
There's still a feeling of rejection
When someone says she prefers the company of others
To your exclusive company,
But if you're honest, and direct,
And avoid making a flowery emotional speech when you break the news,
The boy will respect you for your frankness,
And honestly he'll appreciate the kind of straight forward manner
In which you told him your decision
Unless he's a real jerk or a cry baby you'll remain friends

1/6/2013 1:35:56 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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Here are my measurements from 1 Jan:

Neck: 17.5
Chest: 42.25
Waist: 37
Biceps: 12.25
Thighs: 21
Weight: 176.5

I want to lost like 3 inches off my neck if that's even feasible. Definitely want to get back down to a 32 waist. Grow my biceps by a couple of inches and just generally look more evened out in terms of my body style. I enjoy running so I will start running more than I have been. I will also to try hit the workout goals I placed on myself in my last post.

1/6/2013 4:01:47 PM

All American
608 Posts
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What kind of core work are you doing? I am having a hard time keeping a cross activity going, and the lack of it definitely starts to show on my long runs.

1/7/2013 12:41:50 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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[Edited on January 7, 2013 at 12:52 PM. Reason : nvm]

1/7/2013 12:50:52 PM

All American
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Man I have done something awful to my insulin resistance with all this lack of exercise and drinking and poor dieting over the years.

I am going to basically have to go no carb for 2-3 weeks to get my ass into hyper fat burning mode.

I'm pulling out all the stops. Ramped up my fish oil intake to 10g, eating cinnamon, drinking a quart of green tea a day, 200 mg caffeine, etc.

Also drastically reducing alcohol consumption for a few weeks. This fucking blows. I should be shedding weight much quicker than this, I used to be a furnace for fat burning.

1/7/2013 7:01:50 PM

1919 Posts
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You should pick a plan you can stick to for at least 4 weeks.

1/7/2013 8:14:23 PM

All American
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What do you mean? I'm sticking with it. Just crazy how slow I'm losing weight.

I shoulder pressed 50's 3x today that was bad ass. Usually just do 40's but I'm trying to lift heavy while I starve myself out.

1/8/2013 12:07:06 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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an truth to any of this? motherfucking internet

The main causes of liver damage are:

Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.

Not urinating in the morning.

Too much eating.

Skipping breakfast.

Consuming too much medication.

Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.

Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.

Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

[Edited on January 8, 2013 at 1:20 AM. Reason : ,]

1/8/2013 1:19:43 AM

sand robot
Sand Lion
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that is complete BS

1/8/2013 2:35:29 AM

1394 Posts
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all you exercise and diet is bullshit.

A) all you got to do is run/bike as fast as you can MAXIMUM EFFORT for about 2 minutes. do this once a week. (sorry the new research conflicts with your fitness dogma)

B) eat a normal size portion of whatever junk you want then take a MULTI VITAMIN (nutrients work regardless of where you get them)

1/8/2013 5:37:27 AM

1919 Posts
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^Are trolling? Are you using yourself as anecdotal experience? Let's see some pics bro

1/8/2013 6:05:43 AM

sand robot
Sand Lion
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i'd probably just ignore that guy

1/8/2013 7:13:26 AM

All American
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I've actually heard about that "maximum effort" two minute cardio thing. There may be some truth to it. Similar to how sprinting burns a ton of calories because of the CNS response.

The study I read about it said it doesn't work for all people though. I don't know enough about it to confirm or deny that it works.

I definitely disagree with point #2 though. Macro composition in your diet is very important for losing weight. When you have insulin resistance you simply can't eat carbs and still shed a lot of fat. If you're very insulin sensitive like a body builder you can still eat up to like 40% carbs and burn fat.

Also, any fat loss program absolutely has to have strength training or you'll just burn muscle, reduce your metabolism, and gain the weight back immediately when you quit the diet.

1/8/2013 7:16:43 AM

All American
2426 Posts
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Quote :
"The study I read about it said it doesn't work for all people though. I don't know enough about it to confirm or deny that it works."

hard work and discipline work 100% of the time, shortcuts are dumb

Quote :
"What do you mean? I'm sticking with it. Just crazy how slow I'm losing weight. "

maybe its just me, but i got the impression in december that your plan included the ability to consume massive quantities of alcohol. (everyone said it was dumb and you vowed to prove them wrong) now in january, your plan is changed to "drastically reduce" reduce alcohol.

1/8/2013 8:38:25 AM

All American
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Well I just did the math and I'm down 1 lb of fat, which honestly is about right considering its only been a week and I had three heavy drinking nights and its been cold so I haven't included cardio.

Alcohol can still be a part of a fat loss diet, but I definitely need to do something drastic first to reduce my insulin resistance. I've basically rewired my body by not working out consistently the past six years and eating and drinking poorly.

This is why I started my fat loss regimen in January instead of waiting until April and trying to cram fat loss into 4-6 weeks.

1/8/2013 9:36:58 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"Alcohol can still be a part of a fat loss diet"

So can full fat ice cream, pizza, double cheeseburgers, and fast food, it's just not optimal. I want foods that require a lot of chewing, packed with micronutrients, and are very satisfying in general.

Detailed food diary from Sunday (lower body day, this doesn't include around 200 calories in oil used for cooking and some veggies):

Detailed food diary from yesterday (rest day, walked 2.7 miles at lunch, this doesn't include about 150 calories I ate of jerky and carrots):

These entries list the ingredients but it probably isn't clear what the meal is. The important part is the calorie totals and the macronutrient breakdowns. High protein, high carb, low fat on training days, high protein, low carb, medium fat on rest days. Note that the calories (2300, 1300) are for someone that is mostly sedentary and working at a desk job; this is a cutting diet aimed at preserving muscle while losing fat at a rate of roughly 1-1.5 lbs a week. I'm at 193.0 as of this morning, compared to 197.0 last Wednesday.

My other "health and wellness" initiative is to stop giving a shit about politics. Life is too short to stress about circumstances you have no control over.

1/8/2013 1:42:54 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"My other "health and wellness" initiative is to stop giving a shit about politics. Life is too short to stress about circumstances you have no control over."

That's loser talk!

1/8/2013 1:49:07 PM

All American
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Took the plunge today and bought another $100 worth of supplements. Going from 2mg of fish oil to 10mg and 5,000 IU vitamin d. I also bought some magnesium and zinc to help me sleep because I think elevated cortisol is really slowing my progress. Between stress at work and being newly single (late nights haha) I need some help getting sleep for fat loss, hgh production, and recovery.

Btw guys it can be detrimental to put in too much volume in weight training and cardio when you are calorie restricting . You really want to lower the volume and possibly even the frequency in which you work out. The key is to maintain the intensity.

1/8/2013 5:39:33 PM

37709 Posts
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Speaking of supplements and not alcohol for once, has a 30% off promo for supplements - L30WINNER

1/8/2013 6:07:11 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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1/8/2013 7:19:23 PM

1919 Posts
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^I really hate info graphics like that. It's more entertainment than science.

1/9/2013 5:43:32 AM

All American
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I had no idea green tea on an empty stomach causes vomiting. Very long 3 mile ride to work this morning, I destroyed the parking deck.

Apparently its very acidic. I have green tea extract coming in the mail in pill form because I can't stand the taste. Anyone know if it causes vomiting too? I don't wanna have to change ties every morning

1/9/2013 8:47:43 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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i didn't realize that either. I drink green tea every day.

1/9/2013 8:53:33 AM

All American
22025 Posts
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Some of the things I've tried to be better about this year:

*Getting 8 hours of sleep on work nights
*Taking 45min-1hr walks over lunch with my wife instead of working at my desk
*Keep up the weight training I already do but mix in more cardio(mainly running) simply for the fact that I hate being in great health overall but not being able to run for 90 minutes for the games I do get out on the field in soccer

[Edited on January 9, 2013 at 9:15 AM. Reason : ]

1/9/2013 9:15:19 AM

37709 Posts
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People add stuff like heavy cream or beef gelatin to green tea to eliminate vomiting.

1/9/2013 9:33:08 AM

All American
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1/9/2013 9:38:20 AM

All American
1104 Posts
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They also say you lose 19 minutes for every slice of bacon you eat, based on that I should have died in 1756

1/9/2013 9:44:37 AM

All American
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Nothing wrong with bacon. Sounds outdated to me.

Well the point of the green tea is that it doesn't break my fast in the morning because it doesn't have calories so I can't add anything. I guess ill just wait for the extract. Can't stand the taste anyway.

1/9/2013 10:08:17 AM

All American
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bacon really isn't that bad of a food... it has such a strong flavor for a relatively small amount of actual mass that it can add a lot to a meal without TOO many extra calories. (as long as you only have a slice or two)

1/9/2013 10:10:08 AM

63151 Posts
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face, just drink black coffee.

[Edited on January 9, 2013 at 10:13 AM. Reason : even like, the flavored kcups are zero calorie. ]

1/9/2013 10:12:56 AM

All American
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You mean I shouldn't drink the bacon grease?

1/9/2013 10:20:52 AM

All American
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Green tea helps inhibit fat absorption as well as lowering insulin and raising metabolism. Too important to leave out on a fat loss diet. Will just use the extract.

If anyone needs help on their diet today just Google "KFC kidney" it will save you from eating a big lunch today

1/9/2013 10:22:32 AM

63151 Posts
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oh. for some reason i thought you were doing it to aid in fasting. forgot about the other reasons.

it never had that effect on me on an empty stomach.

in a previous life i used to drink green tea with lemon during my 36-48 hour poker binges to quell hunger if coffee wouldn't do it.

1/9/2013 10:25:52 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"If anyone needs help on their diet today just Google "KFC kidney" it will save you from eating a big lunch today"

Weird, that looks pretty on par for most British food. I'm shocked the kid was disgusted.

1/9/2013 10:27:47 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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I've had brains before. Full of omega 3s

1/9/2013 10:58:57 AM

35382 Posts
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Quote :
"If anyone needs help on their diet today just Google "KFC kidney" it will save you from eating a big lunch today"

LOL i saw that yesterday! super gross!

1/9/2013 11:05:57 AM

All American
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Well this is usually about the time of year people start dropping their New Years resolutions.

Stay motivated people.

I did weights and walked 3 miles today, pretty good day. Everytime I lift I feel like coming home and eating my face off so I can gain the most muscle but then I remember I'd really rather just not be fat.

Ideally you really should be under 15% before you start trying to "bulk" since if you are higher than that you're susceptible to putting on a lot of fat with your muscle since the calories will go into fat stores easier.

1/9/2013 8:04:41 PM

11583 Posts
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I drink green tea on an empty stomach regularly

I have never vomited

1/9/2013 8:48:28 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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It may not affect everyone. I did drink about 24 oz in 30 seconds along with ~20 oz of water with a bunch of vitamins so I'm sure that didn't help but i usually drink quite a bit of water in the morning.

If you google green tea + vomiting there are a lot of people who seem to have the issue. I have some acid reflux and stomach lining issues from 10+ years of drinking 20+ alchoholic drinks so that probably has something to do with as well.

1/9/2013 8:58:14 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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Vitamins on an empty stomach make me hurl every time.

My year didn't start off well. Spent January 1 in the emergency room and spent the next 5 days heavily medicated. The good news is that I was forced to improve my eating habits immediately. I feel amazing, and have definitely lost fat.

1/9/2013 9:07:54 PM

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