3, no one reads 48-49
12/21/2010 8:59:47 PM
We talked this evening. He answered my questions. He told me they typically don't recomp on moving expenses on new grads. He said that it was the personel department that gave him a range, and he said he went for the highest. He said that he will ask if there is anything they can do tomorrow about an increase. But it was friendly. I should hear back from him tomorrow.
12/21/2010 10:54:41 PM
that's probably a good thing to hear, either he's 100% honest and HR might have been holding back a touch, or he was a little less honest about HR and gave you a offer near the top of the range but not quite and he should come back with the high end of what it was....seems like you might be getting something.
12/21/2010 11:01:08 PM
Regardless, now you will feel better because you had an open dialogue. In all future reviews, you have that as a starting point and are already closer to being on the same page.
12/21/2010 11:15:30 PM
Word, looking forward to what they say. Sounds like you did well!
12/21/2010 11:22:58 PM
An update from yesterday. They bumped me up to 45K/yr.
12/22/2010 7:18:00 PM
Could be a lot worse I suppose. Hope you can find decent cheap housing out there and something to do.
12/22/2010 7:38:02 PM
well there you go
12/22/2010 7:43:16 PM
Good thing you didn't listen to gunzz.
12/22/2010 8:01:53 PM
congrats! good luck finding a place, some people around here should be able to recommend an area. A buddy of mine in greensboro got robbed and had all his expensive shit stolen, so definitely take care in picking out your place. If nothing else I'd recommend googling "greensboro police call map" or something and run places you're interested by it.
12/22/2010 8:12:08 PM
12/22/2010 8:13:16 PM
I was born and raised in Greensboro, it's pretty easy to separate the good and bad parts of town to live in. PM me if you are looking at specific areas or are looking for advice.
12/22/2010 11:31:31 PM
^Agreed. You'll know when you turned the wrong way.
12/22/2010 11:39:25 PM
12/22/2010 11:49:00 PM
12/23/2010 12:52:06 AM
congrats and if you need to know anything about the northern part of Greensboro let me know. Wife and I used to live there while she worked in Madison.
12/23/2010 7:59:23 AM
Don't feel too bad, my brothers company is hiring engineers at the same starting salary he got 6 years ago, but at leat they're hiring.
12/23/2010 8:31:12 PM