7/12/2011 7:12:40 PM
saw this last night, here's my thoughts: -every time I saw dutch, all I could think of was steve the pirate (from dodgeball)-I'm usually not a fan of 3D, but I enjoyed this one and it definitely made it more entertaining -good movie if you're in the mood for a mind-numbing-just-watch-shit-explode-for-hours type thing
7/14/2011 2:08:29 PM
It's entertaining, like action movies. What do u expect for Jacky Chan? Action, action, action..
7/14/2011 2:35:57 PM
Thank you, Fat, Shirtless Man for providing this essential service.http://www.buzzfeed.com/donnad/shia-labeouf-beat-to-the-ground-in-fist-fight
10/18/2011 12:52:28 PM
I ended up seeing this movie and didn't pay (see: Page 1). Plot was ~, action was fun.
10/18/2011 1:09:34 PM
The movie's on tape nowBFD if you didn't pay, you saved a dollar
10/18/2011 2:45:46 PM