5/22/2008 1:26:29 PM
5/22/2008 1:47:45 PM
American IdolApple productsPotGetting shitfacedNC State Football (I'd rather be at a NC State B-ball game anyday)
5/22/2008 1:51:15 PM
5/22/2008 2:03:00 PM
5/22/2008 2:06:45 PM
5/22/2008 2:07:47 PM
I don't hate BBQI just don't care for the eastern NC vinegar style stuff. Chopped pork bbq or whatever. It's gross to me!Granted I'm not originally from here, so it was a huge shocker to me when everyone was like "want some bbq?!?!"
5/22/2008 2:08:41 PM
i grew up on ketchup based barbq but ill never eat it againits blasphemy
5/22/2008 2:10:07 PM
5/22/2008 2:11:14 PM
ahhhhhh, ya i think he meant forms of ham then
5/22/2008 2:18:25 PM
5/22/2008 2:22:33 PM
soccerhot dogscucumberstequilagolf
5/22/2008 2:32:12 PM
buckheadsmiller lite
5/22/2008 2:36:27 PM
pocket jacks
5/22/2008 2:42:01 PM
AnalShaved poonCop showsLawyer showsAutopsy showsRobotsSurgery showsCrime showsDoctor showsCSI:is my enemy[Edited on May 22, 2008 at 2:43 PM. Reason : (sic)]
5/22/2008 2:43:12 PM
ChocolateSeafoodEastern BBQAnything spicyMost beer Any nut other than peanuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc) Any colaMartinisdamn.. there's a bunch of stuff
5/22/2008 2:44:20 PM
popped collarsmartiniswaving to other boatersgoing out to bars just to be seen (dumb- get a life)beach music
5/22/2008 2:50:50 PM
5/23/2008 6:58:06 PM
mushrooms(the kind you eat on pizza) [Edited on May 23, 2008 at 6:58 PM. Reason : sp]
5/23/2008 6:58:37 PM