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All American
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No the Strip is 3.4mi.
Actually the Strip is 1.3mi.

Fuck that, the Strip is totally 5.2mi long.

7/7/2009 1:05:23 PM

All American
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Timeshare tours are great. Most are 90 minutes. I can just say that I'm not interested because I work for a competitor.

7/7/2009 1:18:03 PM

All American
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You will be going to the timeshare presentation alone my dear. I refuse to let those vultures snag any of my time in Vegas

7/7/2009 1:19:30 PM

All American
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i'm going to vegas at the end of the month. unfortunately, i'll still have a week of summer school left when i get back.

7/8/2009 9:30:13 PM

All American
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we're going july 23-26. when will you be there?!

7/8/2009 9:30:42 PM

All American
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not until the 31st. i have to squeeze it into a weekend since i have classes monday - thursday. also, that's when DEFCON will be in town, though i haven't decided if i actually want to go

7/8/2009 9:33:21 PM

11317 Posts
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Timeshare presentation isn't that bad. I wasted maybe 2.5 hours of my day looking at really nice properties and looking to see if there would be any value given the difficult economy. When they showed me the price I noted that it was severely overpriced given the current relative property value and extraordinary maintenance costs, stated the interest rate of 13.9% was not agreeable, noted that Vegas is already super cheap for me to obtain lodging and fended off a few last sales pitches.

In exchange for doing something that was marginally interesting I got a 1300 sq. ft suite for 4 nights during the Super Bowl for $150. To really seal the deal my g/f at the time paid half of the price and then I took another girl with me on the trip instead.

On the other hand when my buddy and his wife did it they made him wait 30 minutes to be picked up in a shitty van beside Slots-a-fun. While waiting for the van a homeless man started jerking off beside them. So it can go both ways...

I just booked Sept 4th - 15th, sweet. In the past 14 months this will be my 5th trip for a combined total of 30 days lol.

[Edited on July 9, 2009 at 8:17 PM. Reason : a]

7/9/2009 8:15:56 PM

All American
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booked 4 nights at the mirage in late september....woo!

7/9/2009 10:02:41 PM

All American
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Do you guys ever call the poker rooms and advance book at the poker rate?

7/10/2009 10:38:14 PM

All American
6256 Posts
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^^^ lol at the gf thing

7/15/2009 8:24:10 PM

All American
1791 Posts
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^^^ did you do the southwest thing?

[Edited on July 16, 2009 at 8:40 AM. Reason : ]

7/16/2009 8:40:32 AM

All American
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Stayed at MGM when I went in January. A friend from high school decided to marry a girl he started dating over Christmas break (this Christmas break). So I flew out there to be a witness.

MGM is definitely a nice place, but I'd rather stay somewhere a little closer to the action -- MGM appears to be just slightly south of the strip, but it's actually a hell of a walk (as is any walk in Vegas). Plus, and I don't know if it's because I spent the weekend in a drunken haze, but I kept getting lost in the damn casino. Literally, I couldn't find my way out on multiple occasions, so I'd just sit down, gamble, lose, and stumble around some more.

And it's been mentioned, but LOVE is worth every penny. I'm a Beatles fan, but I honestly believe you can detest The Beatles and still be blown away by the show. Best $100 I've spent in a long time.

7/17/2009 11:33:27 AM

All American
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to those who booked in September.. how's the weather in vegas that time of year? the monthly average says its around 90 but I was just curious as to whether it is bearable or not. i was trying to plan a trip for either October or September but couldn't decide. It seems like it would be a lot cheaper to go in September. Any thoughts?

7/17/2009 8:42:01 PM

All American
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^^^ yeah i did the promo they were doing before this current one. book 3+ nights at certain resorts and get 2 free cirque tickets. we're staying at the mirage the 23rd-27th and got tickets to Ka. when you include the price of the tickets (~$75-100/person), look at how much SW's direct flights were/are when we booked it (like $330 r/t per person for the schedule we got), and how much 4 nights over a weekend at the mirage are (like $700 or so), it was a pretty damn good deal (about $1100 total for 2 people) to do the package instead of separate bookings.

^^ yeah shit is flat and far away out there. we stumbled upon the glory that is the monorail our first time and never looked back. end to end on the strip in like 7 minutes or something.

^i haven't been in september but i'm really looking forward to it this year. the early fall & late spring are "peak season" b/c that's when the weather is supposed to be the nicest. it'll definitely be bearable. i've been in May and August, both when the weather was 100+ and it was still fun. the difference between "Dry heat" and the wet, humid shit we have here really makes a difference (it's still hot, but it doesn't beat you down like 95 with 100% humidity does here. although the 114 in the forecast in Vegas today might be a little extreme ). we're going at the end of sept, i'm thinking the high each day might peak at like 90 and the nightly low will dip down into the high 60's. check the link below for your travel dates and see what the daily averages are. whenever you decide to go, make sure you make it a point to stay hydrated (even when it's not as hot outside). you might not feel sweaty, but that's only b/c the dry air is literally sucking the moisture out of you before it noticeably accumulates on your skin. drink a lot of water (on top of the beer).

7/18/2009 10:08:26 AM

All American
14181 Posts
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so are there any natural areas of trees at all in las vegas or is it just nothing but sand and lawns?

7/18/2009 11:46:54 PM

1616 Posts
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the economy is fucking nuts right now. save your money....

just rent The Flinstones in Viva Rock Vegas & eat some leftover pizza or some shit

7/20/2009 11:22:25 AM

All American
12764 Posts
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You'd rather go to Vegas when things cost more???

7/20/2009 12:27:15 PM

All American
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^^^There is Red Rock Canyon. Only about 30 minutes west of the city. There aren't many natural trees, no, but it has lots of colorful rock formations.

7/20/2009 1:47:51 PM

All American
11614 Posts
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^ I want to go there. How's the hiking?

7/20/2009 3:48:25 PM

All American
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You can climb at your own risk, pretty high too. There's plenty of rock formations to walk around/climb on.

[Edited on July 20, 2009 at 5:07 PM. Reason : !]

7/20/2009 5:06:32 PM

All American
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just booked a 4 night trip in august for the wife and i

7/22/2009 3:59:44 PM

All American
9417 Posts
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I have decided you (lucy and thumper) will be taking me to Vegas with you.

[Edited on July 22, 2009 at 4:04 PM. Reason : clarification]

7/22/2009 4:04:24 PM

All American
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I have extra room in my room! Come along.

7/22/2009 5:35:50 PM

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planning a trip end of december...right after christmas. is this an extremely expensive time to go or can i find good deals somehow?

7/27/2009 1:49:50 PM

All American
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it varies (obviously) depending on where you want to stay and where you fly from. that said, i looked into a trip around then and the hotels were reasonable, but the holiday season flights were through the roof. and if you're planning to stay through new years, plan on paying at least triple the regular rate for the 30th and 31st. actually for going in the winter, if you're not set on being there for NYE, i went with some buddies of mine for a few days right after new years for damn dirt cheap. like the 2nd-5th or so. this was in the days of $140 round trip flights from raleigh to vegas on southwest though.

7/27/2009 9:43:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"planning a trip end of december...right after christmas. is this an extremely expensive time to go or can i find good deals somehow?"

I did this one year and got a great deal I found on fatwallet.

8/2/2009 11:31:14 AM

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6/14/2012 7:49:32 AM

best gottfriend
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are we just bumping all of the vegas threads?

6/14/2012 2:18:43 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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I requested two of them to be bumped. Simma down nah.

6/14/2012 3:07:06 PM

All American
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I just got back from Vegas and EDC

If you're looking to party, the Cosmopolitan and Aria are the places to be these days. Marquee day club blew my fucking mind

6/15/2012 3:33:34 PM

11687 Posts
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i wanted to go to was it? I need to lookup the videos of all the sets on youtube over the weekend

[Edited on June 15, 2012 at 3:58 PM. Reason : ^marquee video of benny bennasi "cinema" is amazing btw!]

6/15/2012 3:57:22 PM

All American
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It was, hands down, the best/most intense party/massive/festival I've ever been to.

Saturday night kinda sucked when they had to shut it down because of the wind, but in the end, I wound up meeting an awesome group of people and they invited me back to their penthouse at Vdara and we partied til the sun came up anyway. Definitely going back next year...

If you like EDM and the vibe associated with it, you'd have a great time. The only people who didn't have fun were the morons who tried showing up to the event past 9PM and those who didn't know what EDC was...

6/15/2012 7:36:06 PM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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Bttt...where are the good pools in Vegas?

4/6/2014 6:44:40 PM

All American
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I liked Aria's pool area.

4/7/2014 10:03:59 AM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Going in March, haven't been in a few years. Any new recommendations for food/accommodations/things to do?

$20 trick still work?

2/19/2015 6:40:25 PM

All American
11793 Posts
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Use Hotwire to get a cheap 4-star hotel on the strip if you don't have a specific preference on place to stay. Unless you want a suite, most rooms are fairly generic. You're not going to hang out in room anyways, except for a few hours of sleep each night.

2/19/2015 7:09:55 PM

All American
1492 Posts
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unless you want to bring women/hookers back

2/20/2015 12:26:05 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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The Cosmo is still the place to be, although there's a bunch of smaller/boutique hotels that are trying to give it a run for its money.

The $20 trick works when it works, and doesn't when it doesn't. Midweek, offseason? Upgrade! Friday/Saturday night during a crazy week of events/conventions? Not happening.

2/20/2015 12:47:46 AM

All American Tease
2330 Posts
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Agreed. Just got an email from Cosmo about suite upgrades through 4/30. I might have to take advantage.

2/20/2015 9:11:26 AM

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