There's always
10/31/2006 12:39:39 PM
11/1/2006 10:02:08 AM
looks like the students would be getting in LESS trouble if the party allowed alchohol
11/1/2006 10:12:21 AM
11/1/2006 10:46:23 AM
Hey, campus security has to have something to do to justify their jobs.
11/1/2006 10:49:25 AM
11/1/2006 10:53:29 AM
As an Alumn who this rule has no effect on, I must say that this Bash was the greatest memory I had in college. My friends never got in car wrecks the night of the bash, I never witnessed fights, or problems with cops, or students running around campus, or neighboring residental homes reaping havoc.The bash kept students contained in an area where they could safely transport themselves on the wolf-line, or walk back to ther dorms. Students would come to the pit at 7 or 8:00 and stay until 3am. they rarely wandered off causing trouble. Usually the bash was sucha socail event with such an iteresting group of people to interact with- I would say most students atually drank LESS at these events than they would at an average run of the mill kegger.I sarcastically commend NCSU for pushing their of age students into bars and into keggers on Halloween by restricting this long practiced, mainly peaceful annual event to a lame on-campus party. Because we know how well attended all of the student council's events are.
11/1/2006 4:04:57 PM