Its almost impossible to quit for ever. You'll most likey always have a small urge. But seriously.. you are just killing yourself with each stick.Look at medical images of the lung of before and after. I used to smoke for a few months and quit for a few.. and sooner or later the beer and cigs combo struck me head on again.. well this was a reoccuring thing for the last 5 years.. until about 5months ago.. when I smoked about 4 packs in a weekend.. ( I know not up to par with some, but thats alot for me ) .. and in combination with some greens.. well one of my lungs started to hurt.. And that feeling was so horrible and the thought I might have f'd myself for ever, scared me enough to not want anymore. But Like I said.. the urge will always be there. I admit I still smoke when I get drunk, but now its like 1 or 2 for a twelve pack.. instead of 1-2 packs. And Since I only drink about two weekends a month... I tell myself im doing ok. Its still killing myself, just alittle slower.
11/10/2005 4:22:40 PM
Oh trust me I know. I used to use a lot of things, and its a rough adjustment once you stop using. I still have the urge to do certain substances every now and then, but thankfully I have had the strength to fight them so far. I've already mentally prepared myself that cigarettes are probably going to be the hardest to kick and now I'm ready to reduce my smoking pattern and stop for good within a few months.
11/10/2005 5:14:53 PM
well, you know what us ultra-liberals say, when it comes to kids and drugs, lying is a-okay
11/10/2005 5:20:08 PM
Chew tabbacy
11/10/2005 5:24:26 PM
11/10/2005 5:36:14 PM
have your girlfriend say if you dont stop were through...havent smoked in 6 months...had the urge sure..but no way in hell id do it againits doable...mind over matter, and the fact you spend an ass load of money on that shit.
11/10/2005 7:03:36 PM
if anyone wants to quit smokingm, i'm selling my leftover patches
11/10/2005 7:24:58 PM
11/10/2005 7:26:56 PM