I second that!But seriously, I'll give you a few bucks per webassign if you/your roommate feel like helping explain them
9/29/2005 8:57:59 PM
ya thanks so much for the help on hw...I agree with everyone that this class is complete bullshit and I can't believe NC State would hire such an asshole. How are we going to do better on non multiple choice questions???
9/30/2005 12:56:04 PM
glad I could help Yeah the non-multiple choice tests will probably drop the class average quite a bit. Maybe THEN he'll realize it's a bad idea...I just don't know.However, it does feel COMPLETELY AWESOME to be skipping his class right now
9/30/2005 1:08:20 PM
^same here! (and I think every friday since school started...ha)
9/30/2005 1:51:45 PM
it was so dead in class today i actually counted how many people .. started out with 64 and by the time he let us out "early" (aka 1:14) 6 people had left.
9/30/2005 2:12:41 PM
There are two kinds of classes people skip:The ones where the class is ridiculously easy and all you need to do is read the book to make an A on the testAnd the ones where people start off trying real hard and attending class, but realize that their efforts don't matter one bit so decide to stop showing upWe all know what kind BUS 350 with Reich is
9/30/2005 3:27:22 PM
i take every friday off. i made it in today to drop my test off for the mode question and then i was out of there
9/30/2005 5:23:08 PM
bttt just because i hate this pathetic excuse for a class
10/3/2005 8:17:40 AM
So who all is NOT gonna be in class tomorrow for the final class before Fall Break? I'm still debating....
10/4/2005 2:39:46 PM
not me, i think im heading home today
10/4/2005 2:50:42 PM
anybody looked at the webassign for next week yet?
10/4/2005 3:26:31 PM
Let's study anatomy instead... namely ours
10/4/2005 3:42:52 PM
has anyone finished this weeks lab sheet? what does he mean compare the distributions by their shape? aren't they both boxes?
10/5/2005 8:43:06 AM
yea, you just describe the way the boxes are in relation to the other....basically the top one has a much larger spread, the center is more to the right, shape is longer.
10/5/2005 9:41:49 AM
webassign #5:#1 first input the data in the L1 column of your calculator ('stat', 'edit', manually type in data) then hit 'stat', 'calc', '1 var-stats'. This will display your sample mean ('x bar') and your sample standard deviation (Sx). Those are answers a and b, respectively.To get part C. Go to 'stat', 'tests', scroll down to 'T-Interval' (because n<30 you want to use a t-test). You should have the following: "inpt: data", "list L1", "Freq 1", "C-Level .95". Then hit calculate. It will display your interval at the top.2a and 2b i dont understand. i think i worked the problem out correctly but im getting the wrong answers...#2c. Do the same thing as in 1C except substitute "stats" for data, then put x-bar = 9.6, Sx=2, n=25, c-level=.95 then hit calculate and use the low end of the interval.#3a. Margin of error = z * sigma/sqrt nSo at 99% Cofidence interval you get a z-score of 2.58. margin of error = 5n= ?sigma = 24 Set up the equation: 5 = 2.58 * (24/sqrt n)n =153.36 but dont forget to round up to the nearest integer 154.3b) do the same thing except substitute the z-score associated with 90% CI3c) Use the z score associated with 95% CI then make the left hand side of the equation equal to 10 instead of 5.#4 not sure yet sorry#5) Go to 'stat', 'test', '1-prop Z interval'.Enter x = 140, n=370, CI = .95 Then calculate and those proportions are the upper and lower bounds of your interval.[Edited on October 5, 2005 at 1:10 PM. Reason : a]
10/5/2005 12:42:23 PM
can someone please tell me how to do #3-c. i've worked it out 2 different ways and keep getting it wrongggg. and if u know how to do #2 it would be greatly appreciated. i want to get this thing outta the way. thanks!
10/6/2005 8:24:22 PM
ok I only read like 3/4 of the first page and a few posts on this here third page, but I can say this ...* I haven't studied and I passed webassigns with no problem because I took stats in HS. He's teaching pure stats, no economics. I got 14/16 after the curve for the same reason - the questions I missed weren't on the review except one that I rushed through.* He's not really an ass, but if you approach him with an attitude he's not going to talk to you. Also if he's busy or has an appointment he's not likely to stop either. I had no problem getting him to take a look at some stuff for me ... go ready to talk specifics, not explanations/excuses/reasons why you need to talk to him and not the TA.* He's a recent PhD grad, so he's used to deriving and explaining theories to people who already understand this stuff. It takes a while to come back down to earth. All new teachers are like that.* I have a feeling he's going to make some changes for the better, and he may well curve the end-of-semester grades.I'm confused on what they mysterious problems are that we're supposed to be working in the book ... if anyone knows, please enlighten me, and please can I borrow your book and make a photocopy of the page(s). Thanks.
10/6/2005 8:31:46 PM
^ I (and I bet many other) never even heard the word "statistics" in high school. It was a ghetto school and I was lucky to get "Honors Calculus" offered. He's a horrible instructor any way you slice it.And thanks a ton for the WebAssign help...my 3c doesn't work out though. It appears I have the same #s as you, and 3a and 3b work perfect. However, when I try 1.96/10 * 24 and then square that answer, it says it's wrong...any ideas?EDIT: Nevermind...I forgot to round up the nearest whole digit. For 3b it accepted my non-rounded decimal answer, but wanted a whole # for 3c. Odd.[Edited on October 9, 2005 at 9:49 PM. Reason : .]
10/9/2005 9:46:35 PM
Here's help on those other Q's....tough stuff.2a: Use this formula to find your z-score: x-'x-bar'/(s/sqrt. of n)For me it was 9.6-11/.4 = -3.5 as my z-valueNow I want to know what the probability is that a random sample chosen will fall below that -3.5 mark in a normal bell curve. Since -3.5 is a LONG ways out (over 3 standard distributions from the mean), the probability is extremely small. Use your TI-83 and to go 2nd, VARS, then option #2. Enter (e99, -3.5) and hit enter for your answer. Mine was .000232b: Do the same with a new "x" value. Mine started as 9.6-9/.4 = 1.5 z-value. Now I want anything in the area from 1.5 & up on the bell-curve. So just use your TI-83 again w/ that 2nd + VARS, 2nd option in the list, and enter (1.5,e99) and hit enter for your answer. Mine was .06684a: I used a formula found in the book. To find the standard deviation of a proportion it's: p*(1-p)/n and take the square root of that answer. Mine was .21(1-.21)/350, then I took the square root and got .02177154b: You need to find a z-score. To do this, use: x-mu/stnd. dev. <--- (the # you found in 4a)So my setup was .22-.21/.02177 and the answer was .32299Hope that helps [Edited on October 9, 2005 at 10:34 PM. Reason : .]
10/9/2005 10:34:01 PM
hey rallydurham what was your answers for 2 and 5, i dont have the same calculator as you, and i think we have the same numbersappreciate
10/11/2005 6:20:17 PM
i didnt get 2C, 3B, and 3C
10/11/2005 8:39:26 PM
can someone explain number 5...i tried using your method and i dont have an option to enter the CI
10/13/2005 11:00:19 AM
so apparently if we know how to do problems using the calculator, we're going to have to teach ourselves the hard way and figure out how to do it by hand on the test? ugh
10/13/2005 11:30:01 AM
And the best part about it is that he'll most likely give problems totally unlike these webassigns and class examples so that we won't even begin to know how to solve them on the calculator.
10/13/2005 12:16:34 PM
For 2c on webassign number 5, i put 11 for x-bar instead of 9.6 and got it right. I don't know if anyone else has the same numbers or not, but i just thought i would offer that in case anyone was having issues with it.
10/13/2005 1:53:34 PM
10/14/2005 12:00:06 PM
Any suggestions on how to study for this next test?
10/17/2005 3:17:10 PM
how about for our cheat sheets, that we all write down how to do all those problems he has listed on his website that say know these for the test.
10/17/2005 4:53:18 PM
^ Booyah, sounds like a winner....everyone start working on those practice problems and post how to do them when you've done 1. By Thursday we need them all done...hopefully I can get some done tonight/tomorrow. Sounds like a winner.
10/17/2005 5:03:02 PM
can anyone explain to me when do you subtract the probability found on the standard normal distribution table from 0.5? (usually in the question you convert to a z - value in case my wording is unclear)
10/18/2005 10:22:49 PM
For example, if you wanted to know the area from 2.34 all the way to the end of the tail (infinity), just find the area listed for the 2.34 z-value and minus it from .5
10/18/2005 10:25:06 PM
i have no idea what to do for this test or what to write down. i liked all multiple choice but now its gonna be show your work. lets get a group together and we can make sheets!
10/18/2005 11:07:07 PM
What about this lab worksheet due tomorrow, where do we even begin? Where in the notes?? My tutor and I haven't gotten to this part yet.... eekkkk... this class blows
10/19/2005 12:59:16 AM
^all 3 equations are in the book, with word problems. You can copy the same ones or be creative and change the words a little bit. They are in the book somewhere under chapter 8...easy to find though.
10/19/2005 9:04:24 AM
dammit, i forgot about the lab and i didnt bring my book today. shitballs
10/19/2005 10:15:15 AM
who wants to get a group together tonight or tomorrow night? 7? 8? 9pm? where at?
10/19/2005 11:47:58 AM
your mom's house. jkjk, i can't tonight i have a IM volleyball match and then its LOST and Invasion.
10/19/2005 3:09:36 PM
why was he a douche in class? he wouldnt work out problems or anything. ill give someone $10 to teach me and show me how to do all the shit on the practice tests and stuff, i dont really know anything but i know its easy once you know how to do one. haha, so study group?
10/19/2005 3:11:31 PM
seriously who is this guyhe doesnt feel comfortable showing us how to do problems?Does he realize he's the teacher?
10/19/2005 3:25:42 PM
So what's everyone putting on their cheat sheet? I was just going to put a few examples of each type of question, some from webassign and some from class notes, and maybe a few definitions...does that seem like a good idea?
10/19/2005 5:48:33 PM
RallyDurham....Did he actually say that? I thought I heard something like that, but I also thought maybe I misunderstood
10/19/2005 6:15:14 PM
should we focus a lot on the practice exam or those problems he told us to look over?!? i hate this class with a damn passion
10/19/2005 7:06:12 PM
dang it...i thought those practice problems would be written out, just not book problems.i have a different version of the book so im screwed when it comes to that
10/19/2005 7:46:43 PM
rally: he's been wrong in his math on more than one occasion. He keeps getting cocky like Oh this stuff is simple so I'm just going to ad lib intead of actually being prepared. On that topicFUCKING BULLSHIT REVIEWEVERYONE I KNOW IS CONFUSED ABOUT HYPOTHESES YOU ASS AND YOU SPENT LESS THAN THREE MINUTES ON THE ENTIRE TOPIC ... I KNOW BECAUSE I FUCKING TIMED YOU THEN WALKED OUT AFTER THAT UH ONE-SIDED IS DIFFERENT SO YOU MIGHT WANNA LOOK THAT UP HORSE SHITNEED WE REMIND YOU THAT YOU ARE THE FUCKING TEACHER SO YOU MIGHT WANT TO ACTUALLY TEACH SOMETHINGWhat's everyone else putting on their cheat sheet? I've considered copying the webassign problems.
10/20/2005 1:50:16 AM
so far all ive done on my cheat sheet is a few definitions and that stuff about the error types. im not sure what kind of problems i want to put on my sheet. do you think we will get full credit for a problem if we do not work it out but use our calculator to solve it?
10/20/2005 7:55:43 AM
I really wanna go to someone higher up and rectify this problem we have with this so-called "teacher"and I'm also gonna rip him a new one when it comes to reviews
10/20/2005 8:13:14 AM
Oh I'll just unleash on this guy on his review.The review day was nothing more than a trailer for the movie to come. Just teasers all class. Why in the world wouldn't he actually WORK OUT A PROBLEM!?Screw this guy, I'm bringing about 20 pages of past lecture slides w/ notes and WebAssign printouts as my "cheat sheet". He didn't even check last class, so I see nothing wrong with 30 pages of cheat sheets. Screw this guy and his cocky attitude.
10/20/2005 12:08:45 PM
I REALLY think we need to do something about him. I've had bad professors before, like Young and Davis, who were dicks but at least could teach the material. This guy takes the cake. I've never seen anyone so inept at teaching. And the "it's his first year!" excuse doesn't fly with me, because he saw our miserable first test scores, listened to our constructive critism and asks for help, and still did nothing. What can we do to make this better? Personally, I'm infuriated that I spend my hard-earned money on this stupid class which I will walk away from without an OUNCE of knowledge.Hell, in BUS 370 I have Favre (new guy) and he's great.
10/20/2005 12:36:55 PM
^ For real. Farve is an awesome guy.But this dude is just horrible. I think his main problem is that he goes all day to like ST 800-level courses doing his post-doc work, then hasta come in and teach the lowly 350 and he just doesn't understand how to put himself back on "our level". He just assumes we understands concepts (like what the hypotheses describe/mean/etc.) and just starts to working problems and brushing over "general stuff" that is BRAND NEW to us.Basically, he fails as a teacher. He's not cut out for teaching at all. He's cut out for writing gay articles on probabilities of stupid stuff no one will ever care about. But what I REALLY can't understand is how after the idiot had the nerve to put (D) None of the Above as an option where the correct answer came down to .05 of a percent, and we all said "ADD ANOTHER OPTION INSTEAD OF NONE OF THE ABOVE", he somehow managed to compute that as "Oh! They want problems where they hafta write out the entire thing from start to finish!"IDIOT! NO! We don't want that! Partial credit? Are you kidding me?! 5 of the 11 answers I got right on Test #1 I couldn't even begin to start computing and I got correct purely by guessing. I won't have that opportunity now, which blows. He took our advice...and did the exact opposite. And that fckin' toolbag that gets in front of the class EVERY TIME and is like "OMG SAVE HURRICANE KATRINA VICTIMS DO STUFF IN THE BRICKYARD IM A TOTAL TOOLBAG" just needs to sit the fck down./rant
10/20/2005 12:51:21 PM
yeah i have NO idea about how to do any problems. anyone wanna get like a group together to do problems? ill pay you to teach me a few things, just how to do main things. please!
10/20/2005 12:55:02 PM