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All American
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holy fuck this is awesome.

5/17/2012 8:02:01 PM

I'm Eggscellent
12778 Posts
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I know all the baby boomers and elderly are confused and scared but this is magnificent

5/17/2012 8:17:52 PM

All American
7289 Posts
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Troy and Abed shooting lava!

Gus wiping off his glasses was great too.

And Pierce asking if mulatto is offensive.

5/17/2012 8:30:39 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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holy shit how did i not know about this

5/17/2012 9:50:45 PM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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I loved that Jeff had the Megaman jump

5/17/2012 9:52:05 PM

All American
5695 Posts
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I'm only on episode 1 and it was the best thing I have ever watched on tv ever.

5/17/2012 11:26:08 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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aha at Troy constantly jumping

5/18/2012 12:25:37 AM

All American
4054 Posts
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First episode was great. Similar idea to the book Ready Player One. I wonder if that is where the idea came from.

5/18/2012 12:36:43 AM

7062 Posts
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I enjoyed all three.. First was amazing though

5/18/2012 12:40:52 AM

All American
4127 Posts
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The first episode's visual style reminded me mostly of Contra and Super Mario 2 and Earthbound (which i actually never played). I'm sure others could find different games.

5/18/2012 1:01:11 AM

All American
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Earthbound, for me. We played the shit out of that game

Awesome episode

5/18/2012 7:06:40 AM

All American
7946 Posts
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Actually it reminded me more of Super Mario World for the SNES than Super Mario 2(NES). The scene where they were zoomed out and walking from level to level was almost an identical copy.

And I loved the "Gus" references.

I'd say last week's and the video game episode might have ended up being my favorite episodes of the season. Evil Abed(finale) episode was in the top 5. But overall the weakest season yet. Hopefully they're trending back towards a strong next season after a strong run the last 4 episodes.

5/18/2012 7:25:09 AM

7062 Posts
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i was rolling when they killed the blacksmith

5/18/2012 8:48:23 AM

All American
6839 Posts
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did evil abed ever say "cruel, cruelcruelcruel" instead of cool?

5/18/2012 11:02:23 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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I thought I heard that and asked my wife about it but we never went back to make sure

5/18/2012 11:05:58 AM

35781 Posts
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cruel, cruel, cruel

the zoomed out world of Hawkthorne was masterfully politically incorrect from Lazyland with taco mountains to the wheel chair of Free Ride Ferry.

and man, Britta looks good in goth

5/18/2012 12:33:29 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Anyone else notice that the Greendale commercial at the beginning of the second episode is a shot of Boston Bay College AKA the pedestrian mall between the NC History Museum and the Museum of Natural Sciences?

5/18/2012 6:19:08 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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E Pluribus Anus



5/18/2012 6:34:37 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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so is there for sure gonna be a next season?

5/18/2012 9:38:07 PM

New Recruit
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5/18/2012 9:56:35 PM

All American
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^^^^Glad somebody else caught that. We just caught up on Hulu tonight and were like WTF Raleigh?!? I am fairly certain that shot immediately before it was at Duke as well. All in all a great ending to the season. LOVED the video game episode but the other two were pretty good as well.

[Edited on May 18, 2012 at 10:50 PM. Reason : ]

5/18/2012 10:49:53 PM

All American
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Dan Harmon is out as showrunner.,75385/

5/18/2012 11:49:22 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Harmon's comment:

Quote :

A few hours ago, I landed in Los Angeles, turned on my phone, and confirmed what you already know.  Sony Pictures Television is replacing me as showrunner on Community, with two seasoned fellows that I’m sure are quite nice - actually, I have it on good authority they’re quite nice, because they once created a show and cast my good friend Jeff Davis on it, so how bad can they be.

Why’d Sony want me gone?  I can’t answer that because I’ve been in as much contact with them as you have.  They literally haven’t called me since the season four pickup, so their reasons for replacing me are clearly none of my business.  Community is their property, I only own ten percent of it, and I kind of don’t want to hear what their complaints are because I’m sure it would hurt my feelings even more now that I’d be listening for free.

I do want to correct a couple points of spin, now that I’m free to do so:

The important one is this quote from Bob Greenblatt in which he says he’s sure I’m going to be involved somehow, something like that.  That’s a misquote.  I think he meant to say he’s sure cookies are yummy, because he’s never called me once in the entire duration of his employment at NBC.  He didn’t call me to say he was starting to work there, he didn’t call me to say I was no longer working there and he definitely didn’t call to ask if I was going to be involved.  I’m not saying it’s wrong for him to have bigger fish to fry, I’m just saying, NBC is not a credible source of All News Dan Harmon.

You may have read that I am technically “signed on,” by default, to be an executive consulting something or other - which is a relatively standard protective clause for a creator in my position.  Guys like me can’t actually just be shot and left in a ditch by Skynet, we’re still allowed to have a title on the things we create and “help out,” like, I guess sharpening pencils and stuff.  

However, if I actually chose to go to the office, I wouldn’t have any power there.  Nobody would have to do anything I said, ever.  I would be “offering” thoughts on other people’s scripts, not allowed to rewrite them, not allowed to ask anyone else to rewrite them, not allowed to say whether a single joke was funny or go near the edit bay, etc.  It’s….not really the way the previous episodes got done.  I was what you might call a….hands on producer.  Are my….periods giving this enough….pointedness?  I’m not saying you can’t make a good version of Community without me, but I am definitely saying that you can’t make my version of it unless I have the option of saying “it has to be like this or I quit” roughly 8 times a day.

The same contract also gives me the same salary and title if I spend all day masturbating and playing Prototype 2.  And before you ask yourself what you would do in my situation: buy Prototype 2.  It’s fucking great.

Because Prototype 2 is great, and because nobody called me, and then started hiring people to run the show, I had my assistant start packing up my office days ago.  I’m sorry.  I’m not saying seasons 1, 2 and 3 were my definition of perfect television, I’m just saying that whatever they’re going to do for season 4, they’re aiming to do without my help.  So do not believe anyone that tells you on Monday that I quit or diminished my role so I could spend more time with my loved ones, or that I negotiated and we couldn’t come to an agreement, etc.  It couldn’t be less true because, just to make this clear, literally nobody called me.  Also don’t believe anyone that says I have sex with animals.  And if there’s a photo of me doing it with an animal - I’m not saying one exists, I’m just saying, if one surfaces - it’s a fake.  Look at the shadow.  Why would it be in front of the giraffe if the sun is behind the jeep?

Where was I?  Oh yeah.  I’m not running Community for season 4.  They replaced me.  Them’s the facts.

When I was a kid, sometimes I’d run home to Mommy with a bloody nose and say, “Mom, my friends beat me up,” and my Mom would say “well then they’re not worth having as friends, are they?”  At the time, I figured she was just trying to put a postive spin on having birthed an unpopular pussy.  But this is, after all, the same lady that bought me my first typewriter.  Then later, a Commodore 64.  And later, a 300 baud modem for it.  Through which I met new friends that did like me much, much more.

I’m 39, now.  The friends my Mom warned me about are bigger now, and older, bloodying my nose with old world numbers, and old world tactics, like, oh, I don’t know, sending out press releases to TV Guide at 7pm on a Friday.

But my Commodore 64 is mobile now, like yours, and the modems are invisible, and the internet is the air all around us.  And the good friends, the real friends, are finding each other, and connecting with each other, and my Mom is turning out to be more right than ever.

Ah, shit, I still haven’t called my fucking Mom.  

Mom, Happy Mother’s Day.  I got fired.  

Yes, Mom.  AGAIN."

5/19/2012 4:14:35 AM

All American
9507 Posts
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Community is dead. Long Live Community.

5/19/2012 8:11:47 AM

All American
19640 Posts
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I hope they add a laugh track so we know when its funny.

Seriously, I almost wish it was cancelled instead of this horseshit. Fuck Sony and fuck Chevy Chase.

5/19/2012 8:54:37 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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5/19/2012 9:17:12 AM

Mr. Joshua
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5/19/2012 11:43:26 AM

All American
5426 Posts
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That was a good series finale, then.

5/19/2012 11:56:07 AM

All American
5528 Posts
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5/19/2012 1:30:27 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Joel McHale just tweeted to the effect of quitting.

Quote :
"@joelmchale: .@danharmon you are a true genius. You gave me the role of a lifetime & three of the best years of my life. Buying #Prototype2 today."

5/19/2012 4:32:50 PM

El Nachó
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I don't necessarily see that as him quitting. If he was just going to straight up quit, I don't see why he wouldn't at least threaten to quit unless they gave Harmon his job back.

I also don't see why everybody is so quick to assume the show will suck without Harmon. Even the hardcore fans seem to be in agreement that the show was losing steam this season. Isn't it possible that this might be the kickstart that it needs? I'm not saying it's certain, but as long as they have the same actors back (minus, Chevy, I could take or leave him) I'll still give it a shot. Dan Harmon certainly has never done anything for me to personally earn my loyalty. On the contrary, judging him from all the things I've read about him (which granted probably isn't the most fair thing to do) I've always thought that the show succeeded in spite of him, and not particularly because of him. I look forward to seeing somebody else's vision of the show. The worst that could happen is it gets canceled after the 13 episodes that were ordered, and to be honest, that seemed fairly inevitable anyway, Harmon on board or not.

5/19/2012 4:46:58 PM

New Recruit
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Well looking at the track record of the two guys replacing him I am not impressed. Just shoot me, aliens in america, the it thanks. I mean I've heard good things about happy endings but not enough to get me excited about next season. And this season has been great, right before and right after the hiatus were kind of meh but the rest has been great. The last month or so has some of the best I think theyve done (digital estate planning, pillows and blankets part 2, the law and order episode). I'll watch it but I'm not excited about it. Harmon wa sthe main creative force behind the show, he may be a micromanaging dickhead, but that management put out the product we all enjoy. If the show needed a kickstart I'd rather them lose chevy than harmon.

5/19/2012 4:57:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dan Harmon certainly has never done anything for me to personally earn my loyalty"

Fair enough, but he has for me. Channel 101 stuff, Sarah Silverman Program, etc. The Heat Vision & Jack pilot is so fucking funny and strange, I don't know how you could see that and Community and not think that Harmon is the largest part of its tone.

Anyway, I might see too much in that tweet, but between that and the reporting on the story that's constantly mentioning that Joel does not support this decision, I don't think it's a stretch for him to walk out.

5/19/2012 5:05:35 PM

All American
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I really don't think the show needed a kickstart at all, sure there were some mediocre episodes this season but it's the nature of an ambitious show to swing for the fences and strike out a lot. And it's not just Dan Harmon that's leaving either, a bunch of the top writers/producers/directors are leaving or have already left the show (Chris McKenna, Neil Goldman, Garrett Donovan, the Russo Brothers). I'm not too familiar with the new showrunners, but their previous work (with the exception of Happy Endings) inspires little faith.

5/19/2012 5:13:12 PM

El Nachó
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I guess I'm just the type of person that doesn't need to know how my sausage gets made.

5/19/2012 5:24:15 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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sounds like they are trying to ease it into the grave instead of just drop it in

who knows, maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised

5/19/2012 5:25:09 PM

All American
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I almost feel like I do about those Futurama movies. The last proper Futurama episode was such a perfect ending, I never bothered watching any of the newer stuff. While "Introduction to Finality" isn't quite as good as "The Robot Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings," it was obviously written as a series finale, and I might treat it that way.

5/19/2012 5:40:27 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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I like the new futuramas, I will be very pleased if next seasons community can hold the same pace

5/19/2012 5:43:11 PM

All American
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5/19/2012 10:06:04 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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it's like we've just lost him again

5/19/2012 11:01:36 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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I love Moral Orel so much.

5/19/2012 11:25:47 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Quote :
"I really don't think the show needed a kickstart at all"

as far as content goes, most here would probably agree with you. but the ratings seem to say otherwise.

5/19/2012 11:31:12 PM

All American
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If they gave a shit about improving the ratings they wouldn't have dumped it on Friday nights.

5/19/2012 11:53:47 PM

All American
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^As a possible counterpoint, maybe they are just trying to limp it home like Fox has done with Fringe. They did not seem as worried about ratings on Friday because fuck it, its Friday and the show is close to enough episodes for syndication. Honestly if a show is going in a few seasons and the ratings suck, I would rather have them do like they have done with Chuck and Fringe recently, give it a final season, park it at Friday where its not a big deal and let it have a good ending for the fans, so we don't get these bullshit cliffhanger endings like Farscape and SGU (just first two examples that come to mind). At least then it gives the writers time to tie it all up and make the fans happy without having to rush the last episode to a hasty half-assed wrap because they found out it was canned two days before they shot the finale.

But of course most of this is moot with Dan and many of the leading writers/producers gone. Who knows WTF is going to happen to Community this fall.

5/20/2012 8:27:34 AM

no u
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5/20/2012 9:53:58 AM

El Nachó
special helper
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I was thinking about this earlier today, and had the thought that maybe the show only got renewed because they knew they were gonna not bring Harmon back. Like maybe the execs hated him that much that instead of just canceling the show, they actually brought it back, but without him. That's far worse a fate than cancelation for him.

5/20/2012 2:10:59 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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holy shit, how did I not know that star burns was the moral orel guy

5/20/2012 2:12:58 PM

All American
1442 Posts
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^ "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas" should have been a big hint.

5/20/2012 3:21:05 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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aha it should have, also I found this on teh episodes wikipedia page

Quote :
"The animation process was completed in four months, less than half the time it takes to produce an episode of The Simpsons."

theres no damn way it takes 8 months to make an episode of the simpsons

5/20/2012 4:27:28 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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maybe back when they did it the old fashion way... but nowadays with computer animation, it shouldn't take long at all

5/20/2012 4:34:56 PM

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