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All American
14984 Posts
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^^I like the new pics. Non-touching thighs FTW.

[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 6:46 PM. Reason : ]

8/14/2008 6:46:26 PM

147487 Posts
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8/14/2008 6:55:19 PM

12921 Posts
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life sucks

8/14/2008 6:56:50 PM

35217 Posts
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shit happens

8/14/2008 7:12:20 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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Main Entry:
red·neck Listen to the pronunciation of redneck

1sometimes disparaging : a white member of the Southern rural laboring class

8/14/2008 7:13:31 PM

76471 Posts
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jen, naked.

8/14/2008 7:14:03 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"jen, naked."

8/14/2008 7:15:04 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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Damn I'm tired as shit.

8/14/2008 7:15:42 PM

76471 Posts
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You know

I genuinely like that picture of my boobs

[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 7:16 PM. Reason : dgf]

8/14/2008 7:16:40 PM

76471 Posts
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who the hell is eddie campbell, and why do i have his number?

I feel like i'm supposed to remember this kid

8/14/2008 7:22:13 PM

76471 Posts
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i kind of want pizza
not gonna pay for any

fuck dinner, man.

8/14/2008 7:49:27 PM

35217 Posts
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fuck migraines.

8/14/2008 7:53:15 PM

All American
24415 Posts
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Stinky is such a good name for a pet.

8/14/2008 7:57:10 PM

35217 Posts
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I'm seriously sick of Need for Speed: Most Wanted now. I don't see how my cousin has played this crap all day.

8/14/2008 8:22:07 PM

49741 Posts
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that was a good 14-miler... faster than the speed of dark!

8/14/2008 8:27:00 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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my fat ass eating

8/14/2008 8:27:41 PM

All American
8217 Posts
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^^ i wish we had a cool place to cycle like you do.

have to put that shit on the bike rack. pain. in. the. ass.

[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 8:27 PM. Reason : ]

8/14/2008 8:27:44 PM

49741 Posts
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get a Tacoma

8/14/2008 8:28:31 PM

All American
8217 Posts
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mpg wouldn't be high enough

[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 8:29 PM. Reason : i mean..]

8/14/2008 8:29:31 PM

49741 Posts
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mine does 27 on average (and 37 downhill from Asheville apparently)... of course it's a '97 with one airbag, no ABS, 5-spd, 4-cyl, 2wd, and weighs maybe 2800# ... cooler-looking ones do far worse

8/14/2008 8:32:03 PM

All American
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yeah i'm used to the passat - 27 mpg is a REALLY bad day driving into and out of downtown. 30 is normal city driving and 34 is highway (used to get 35/36 but it has gotten worse).

[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 8:33 PM. Reason : ]

8/14/2008 8:33:39 PM

49741 Posts
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I miss my ol' GTI come to think of it... it would always get 35 mpg/ 1000 mpq (oil leak)

8/14/2008 8:37:05 PM

63151 Posts
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Interviewer: Well... Where are you coming from?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: (pause) Well... I don't like the way the country's ran, don't you know, and, erm... that's pretty much what i was expressing in my poem. The government... the American government - they're sneaky, they're very deceitful, they're liars, they're cheats, they're rip-offs. I mean, the American government is one systematic government that...that nobody can trust. I don't trust them myself.

Interviewer: And how long have you been writing for?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Huh?

Interviewer: How long have you been writing for?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Since I was four.

Interviewer: Do you do this sort of thing a lot, like, open-mic kinda questions?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Oh, I love open-mics, I love coming here to do open-mics, absolutely.

Interviewer: What kind of reactions do you usually get?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Usually, people are... are pretty much in agreement with what I'm saying.

Interviewer: We overheard you before talking about... you went to court today for a speeding ticket?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: That's accurate.

Interviewer: right. Do you wanna tell us that story?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Yes, absolutely, I wouldn't mind telling you the story. Erm... I went to court today for a speeding ticket, and I told the judge, erm... "Let me tell you something, and you listen and you listen good, I'm only gonna say this one time and one time only, I don't repeat myself for nobody," I said. I says... "I'm here to pay a speeding ticket, not to listen to your lectures and hear you run your mouth for an hour." I says "I'm here to pay off my speeding ticket ...and I'm here to get my fines out of the way and get the fuck to work." The judge says "You can't talk like that in my courtroom, you're in contempt of court." then I said... I told the judge, "If that's the best you can do, I feel sorry for you." I said "Why don't you just shut your fucking mouth for once and listen." I said "I'm not gonna take any shit." I said "I'm gonna pay my speeding ticket like I said." I walked up to the god damn judge and I hand him my 25 dollars and I says "Here's my money, now I am leaving."
And I left it at that.

(At this point the interview fades whilst the music grows in intensity)

Then, before I left, I turned around and told the judge "I'm here to state who I am and be honest with you." I said "If they thought I was dangerous on the road like you're trying to accuse me of, wouldn't they have taken my license when I first got it? Yes they would." And the judge says "Yeah, you have a point," He goes "You don't need to get loud," I said "Don't get loud?" I says "I've got every right to get loud." I says "You can't do a god damn thing about it, because I'm expressing myself in your court, and there is nothing you can do about it. You think you're god because you have a robe and you can put people up the goddamn river for 20 years? Well you're not."
And I left it at that.

Interviewer: Did you walk away?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Yes I did... I don't like the judicial system, I don't like the government system, I don't like the police, I don't like anything to do with this country's government. I just don't like it, because... they're sneaky, like I said - they're deceitful, they're lying, they're cheats, they rip people off. That's the American government for you. America is a third world country, and people don't recognise it... and I think that that's pretty god damn sad, that they don't recognise their own country as a third world, third rate, third class slum.

Interviewer: Well... Do you have any weapons?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Yes, I do. I own a high-powered assault rifle, I own a 12-gauge double barrel shotgun, I own a regular shotgun, I own a regular hunting rifle, I own a 9mm, a 357, a 45 handgun, a 38 special, and, erm... I own an m-16 fully automatic ground assault rifle...

Interviewer: Do you think things are gonna get better before they get worse?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: No way. Things are just gonna get worse and keep on getting worse. Like I said, America's a third world country as it is and... and we're just basically in a hopeless situation as it stands.

Interviewer: What do you think this country's gonna look like in the year 2003?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Y'know, I'll tell you the truth - nothing against you guys, but I don't wanna answer that question because... I haven't even got a mind that's that...that inhumane.

Interviewer: are you ready for what's coming?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Ready as I'll ever be.

Interviewer: Most people aren't.

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: There's a little saying... Dates back for generations...

Interviewer: Go on...

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Be prepared for anything at any time from anybody, don't take no shit, always stand your ground. People wanna come up to me and run their mouth - guess what? I'll throw them through the fucking window... I won't think a thing of it.

Interviewer: Would you mind reciting your poem for us?

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Not at all, I don't see why... I don't see why I couldn't.

There's an evil virus that's threatening mankind
It's not state of the art, it's a serious state of the mind
The muggers, the backstabbers, the two faced elite
A menace to society, a social disease
To brainwash the mind is a social disorder
The cynics, the apathy one-upmanship order
Watching beginnings of social decay
Gloating and sneering at life's disarray
Eating away at your own self esteem
Pouncing on every word that you might be saying
To attack someone's mind is a social disorder
The constitution, the government, martial law order
Superficially smiling a shake of the hand
As soon as your back is turned treason is planned
When every good thing's laid to rest
By the governments hate, by the constitution and their lies
And every time you think you're safe
And when you go to turn away
You know they're sharpening all their knives
All in your mind
All in your head
Try to relate it
All in your mind
All in your head
Try to escape it
Without a conscience they destroy
And that's a thing that they enjoy
They're a sickness that's in all of our minds
They want to sink the ship and leave
The way they laugh at you and me
You know it happens all the time
But it only happens in your mind
The rats in the cellar you know who you are...
Or do you?
Watching beginnings of social decay...

Interviewer: Thank you for your time.

8/14/2008 8:37:34 PM

147487 Posts
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... time for shower

8/14/2008 9:22:19 PM

32613 Posts
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yay my girl is getting online in 10 mins (shes in the bahamas)

8/14/2008 9:40:13 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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REALLY want that job... come on next week so I can finish my cover letter, get help with it, get some LOR and some references!

8/14/2008 10:06:42 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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Quote :

(I’ve just spent about 10 minutes answering fairly standard questions from a customer about an iPod. Then, they asked this one…)

Customer: “Oh, before you leave I have one more question!”

Me: “Sure, what can I help you with?”

Customer: “Will the iPod get heavier if I put more songs on it?”

Me: “No…?”

(I was so dumbfounded I didn’t realize how stupid the question actually was until 10 minutes later.)"

8/14/2008 10:14:09 PM

balls deep
89902 Posts
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I need a new girlfriend

8/14/2008 10:14:44 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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Will the girlfriend get heavier if you put more songs on it?

8/14/2008 10:24:33 PM

balls deep
89902 Posts
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8/14/2008 10:24:52 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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I don't want it then.

8/14/2008 10:25:40 PM

All American
38546 Posts
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This is fun shit. I think I found my niche.

8/14/2008 10:28:41 PM

All American
10343 Posts
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8/14/2008 10:29:41 PM

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8/14/2008 10:53:13 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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Quote :
"We've all heard about people having guts or balls, but do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the definitions are listed below:

GUTS - Is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: 'Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?'

BALLS - Is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the butt and having the balls to say: "You're next, Chubby.'"

maybe the best chain email my mother's ever sent

8/14/2008 11:13:02 PM

balls deep
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8/14/2008 11:15:29 PM

All American
3613 Posts
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I am so thankful that we can talk the way we do.

8/14/2008 11:18:43 PM

49741 Posts
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Perry Riley Mason

8/14/2008 11:35:48 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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My business partner is currently in jail. I guess I should find a new business partner.

8/14/2008 11:36:17 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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If I had a quarter for every time I said "if I had a nickel," I'd have 5 times as much theoretical money

8/14/2008 11:36:23 PM

All American
2496 Posts
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super crew should win

8/14/2008 11:37:46 PM

All American
38546 Posts
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^Is it the finals?

Fuck shit should be on pause til the Olympics are over.

8/14/2008 11:38:54 PM

All American
2496 Posts
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yep... its the last show... but MTV will replay it tomorrow and the next.... so you'll catch it

8/14/2008 11:40:19 PM

All American
38546 Posts
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What other team made that?

8/14/2008 11:46:53 PM

All American
11291 Posts
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i want some pasta

8/14/2008 11:47:12 PM

All American
8217 Posts
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i got a Z+ on the zombie quiz, fleetwud.

but i have a confession...the music playing the background scared me so i had to mute it.

zombies scare the sh*t out of me!!!

8/14/2008 11:56:27 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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too many cigarettes
not enough hours in the day

8/15/2008 12:00:26 AM

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8/15/2008 12:02:33 AM

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8/15/2008 12:03:23 AM

All American
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hahahha i think it ALWAYS gives you a Z+ b/c I got C/C/F/F

8/15/2008 12:03:24 AM

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