I forgot how much I like Million Dollar Baby.
7/22/2008 6:44:09 PM
hmmm to splurge on half priced martini night, or no....choices choices
7/22/2008 6:59:25 PM
7/22/2008 7:24:39 PM
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 7:26 PM. Reason : :mad:]
7/22/2008 7:26:14 PM
tired as fuck
7/22/2008 7:26:36 PM
at work, its storming, and everything that has to be done needs to wait until the am, so its going to be a slow night again. yay! lolalso, I might shave my balls tomorrow.
7/22/2008 7:28:17 PM
Where to go from here? I want to get out there and take more pictures once I start feeling good again.
7/22/2008 7:39:32 PM
aww. kiddo kept fighting sleep until he finally conked out sitting up.
7/22/2008 7:40:37 PM
webmd sucksbut i always lie to real doctors so what's the point
7/22/2008 7:41:16 PM
i've seen 1 doctor in like the past 3 years
7/22/2008 7:41:46 PM
Let me tell you what I told my mother on the phone the other day"I've had more people touch my vagina in these past five days than I've had in a lifetime and let me tell you I could never be a hooker."Anyway, I am tired of doctors..
7/22/2008 7:43:20 PM
tw zles
7/22/2008 7:44:39 PM
^^that's how i felt when i had my boobs done[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 7:45 PM. Reason : but about my boobs, not vag]
7/22/2008 7:45:28 PM
hmmmmm...i kinda want to try that one epiphany i had the other day
7/22/2008 7:50:50 PM
what to do.. what to do...
7/22/2008 8:17:06 PM
ok, time to get started on this project
7/22/2008 8:24:57 PM
it's getting close to bedtime for me
7/22/2008 8:25:20 PM
^agreed =/
7/22/2008 8:26:45 PM
good gawd!
7/22/2008 8:30:02 PM
thats what she said, lol
7/22/2008 8:39:47 PM
spin doctors, eh? ok. i can dig it.
7/22/2008 8:43:30 PM
Hello hottie!! what are you doing? thats cool...hey would you like to see me on my private webcam??? im waiting for you and im naked <3 go to http://heexeeacams.com/hottsnatch ill be wwaiting im sooo horny
7/22/2008 8:44:01 PM
yay for productivity
7/22/2008 8:48:25 PM
yay for cooking
7/22/2008 8:48:54 PM
i love sharing dinner with my doggies
7/22/2008 8:59:35 PM
I never really expect to get hit on at Big Lots.
7/22/2008 9:17:53 PM
stalk crisis averted
7/22/2008 9:20:13 PM
My face is peeling... not pretty.
7/22/2008 9:33:28 PM
wonder what's going on in chatterbox
7/22/2008 9:43:01 PM
7/22/2008 9:43:53 PM
why do they have the movie elf on in july?
7/22/2008 9:45:33 PM
7/22/2008 9:46:51 PM
that shit is doctored
7/22/2008 9:47:10 PM
aha^^[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 9:47 PM. Reason : ^lol]
7/22/2008 9:47:11 PM
lol[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 9:50 PM. Reason : lol]
7/22/2008 9:50:09 PM
7/22/2008 9:51:08 PM
i hadnt even posted up therei cant believe u wasted 10 minutes copying and pasting thati mean thats how long it takes me
7/22/2008 9:51:35 PM
oh this turned into a burn
7/22/2008 9:51:39 PM
7/22/2008 9:52:14 PM
^^^haha...takes me about a minute honestly [Edited on July 22, 2008 at 9:52 PM. Reason : .]
7/22/2008 9:52:23 PM
roughly that.
7/22/2008 9:55:08 PM
oh shitI forgot to delete my sig
7/22/2008 9:57:38 PM
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 10:11 PM. Reason : x]
7/22/2008 10:04:07 PM
sleep and beer...in no particular order
7/22/2008 10:12:53 PM
im listening to Laundry Service by Shakiratalk about a throwback to freshman year....great album though, ill probably be listening to it alot the next few days
7/22/2008 10:13:56 PM
7/22/2008 10:20:13 PM
negatron ghost rider, hit the aim chat.
7/22/2008 10:21:24 PM
you're sick, and i'm totally taking care of youNOW WILL YOU DO YOUR DISHES?
7/22/2008 10:26:09 PM
Should I watch Elf or CSI?HOORAY! RAIN!!! [Edited on July 22, 2008 at 10:29 PM. Reason : ]
7/22/2008 10:27:04 PM
??2517[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 10:32 PM. Reason : page]
7/22/2008 10:32:04 PM