7/21/2008 7:44:17 PM
7/21/2008 7:44:34 PM
OH the whirlwind, scared, angry, tired, loopy (thanks drugs), craving some warm chocolate chip cookies.It's cool my dad cares enough to want to fly down here.
7/21/2008 7:45:02 PM
You should ask him to, at worst, bake you some from a tube.I intensely dislike many of your behaviors and traits, but I still hope you're physically okay, and it upsets me that oyu may? have lost the baby.
7/21/2008 7:46:33 PM
hot damn what a great day!!!
7/21/2008 7:47:14 PM
to do this week:Find someone to clean out and vacuum the inside of my car - autobell?Get hotel roomDrop off clothing at donation place
7/21/2008 7:47:41 PM
im not doing it wrong, because I'm not doing anything! i do make sure my fingernails are trimmed before they go in her, because that's the considerate kind of guy i am
7/21/2008 7:48:26 PM
so should i cyphon out the gas from my old car when i get a new car this week, i mean its a full tank and it'd be silly to waste that
7/21/2008 7:49:51 PM
how do you trim your fingernails? if you don't mind me asking[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 7:50 PM. Reason : ^no, but you should siphon it]
7/21/2008 7:50:05 PM
with fingernail clippers.i'd drive your old car for one more tank and then let that be it.
7/21/2008 7:51:21 PM
Wow, thanks....I think.It's lost and I'm scheduled for a d&c tomorrow am and so incredibly scared about it.
7/21/2008 7:51:38 PM
wow i'm really sorry to hear that
7/21/2008 7:52:23 PM
you could've just told me to fuck off instead of being a smart ass
7/21/2008 7:52:28 PM
7/21/2008 7:53:19 PM
im not being a smartass. i answered the question truthfully.ambrosia, for fingers sometimes lube or spit, but that's it. she takes care of the rest DNC, but also less commonly listed as D&C (although the name includes and and no N)]
7/21/2008 7:55:17 PM
7/21/2008 7:55:59 PM
by the time you get up to the knuckles, you should be using a supplementary lube.
7/21/2008 7:56:01 PM
well how do you do it w/ one arm then? you use your feet? mouth?[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 7:56 PM. Reason : sandwich between the nub and a table maybe?]
7/21/2008 7:56:22 PM
http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/dandc.htmlBasically cleans out whatever tissue my body doesn't get rid of on it's own. I realy really hope I don't have to do this and may opt out at the last minute depending on the ultrasound. My only fear is infection from tissue that my body may not expel.
7/21/2008 7:57:06 PM
its a procedure (can't remember what it stands for ATM) but its hwen they go into your cervix and remove the contents of the uterus. just making sure all the fetal tissue is out so there is no infection caused.it is a common procedure after early miscarriages.[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 7:57 PM. Reason : f]
7/21/2008 7:57:19 PM
never ceases to amaze me that people dont realize humanity's greatest strength is adaptability and the ability to figure out a way around any(most) problem(s)i hate questions like those
7/21/2008 7:57:43 PM
7/21/2008 7:58:06 PM
kiwi good luck
7/21/2008 7:58:44 PM
ive gone through so much pepto bismol todaymy pee will be pink
7/21/2008 7:59:58 PM
goddamn, i don't doubt that he can do. i just want to know what method he found to work best.
7/21/2008 8:00:05 PM
Thanks. I really appreciate it.
7/21/2008 8:00:52 PM
sweeeeeeeeeeeeetI have a sore throat, upset stomach and headacheand my grandmother passed away yesterday.starting out to be the week from hell. And my uncle who wrote my grandmother's obituary needs a dictionary or a spell check.
7/21/2008 8:02:04 PM
im sorry
7/21/2008 8:02:51 PM
oh no
7/21/2008 8:04:34 PM
7/21/2008 8:13:45 PM
7/21/2008 8:14:23 PM
I'm tired of this town. Nags Head has spoiled me this summer. I need to go back
7/21/2008 8:45:39 PM
Today = Epic Win
7/21/2008 8:46:34 PM
Cookies=checkTomorrow.....it's giving me anxiety.
7/21/2008 8:52:56 PM
both of my arms are tingling like they are asleep and its kinda freaking me out
7/21/2008 9:36:08 PM
yay or nayb/c i think im going to order one tonight.more or less b/c im pretty bored
7/21/2008 9:40:55 PM
i've got this oneno clue if that pic is going to work[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 9:42 PM. Reason : change to brown]
7/21/2008 9:42:16 PM
order a Tumi instead
7/21/2008 9:44:36 PM
so basically the same thing except for allowing for the fact that i never carry cash and hate things in my pockets so the smaller the betterso that's one for yes
7/21/2008 9:44:48 PM
yes.lolhell i think the little card thing that came with mine is what you're ordering.. i can ship you that shit for $5 lol[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 9:46 PM. Reason : k not quite nvm]
7/21/2008 9:45:15 PM
my dad hasn't had any alcohol since saturday night...awesome.
7/21/2008 9:48:59 PM
i miss hangin out with tdubbers
7/21/2008 10:02:03 PM
I'm really with an incredible human being whom I deeply admire. You don't find many people who can take a situation like that and still come out on top. I'm in awe.
7/21/2008 10:09:56 PM
7/21/2008 10:10:47 PM
set'em up
7/21/2008 10:17:56 PM
when i ask you to check over my work before i send it to customersdont fucking email telling me all the shit that isn't right that i've done exactly as you're suggesting i do. how bout opening the fucking files next time and ya know, looking at the title to tell which one is whicihfucking a
7/21/2008 10:22:21 PM
why do i care about shit like this? so frustrating
7/21/2008 10:30:46 PM
7/21/2008 10:54:22 PM
oh my god. i think i just decided that sex is overrated.
7/21/2008 10:55:20 PM