for some reason "strip" in that strip club thread made me think about baconand now i can't stop
7/21/2008 2:47:17 AM
I think I'm going to go jump through a plate glass window and bleed to death!
7/21/2008 2:54:52 AM
dibs on your stuffI'm thinking about how much damn work I have to do this week. :tired smiley:
7/21/2008 2:56:04 AM
^you get that coca-cola gig?
7/21/2008 2:57:16 AM
no. But I'm pretty excited about possible gigs this week. We'll see... I don't know if it's cool or creepy that you remembered about the Coke gig.
7/21/2008 2:58:37 AM
lol you sound like ncsugirl...goodluck with the potential work this week]
7/21/2008 2:59:03 AM
Thanks. Being my own promoter, manager, producer, accountant and of course, the talent... is hard work!
7/21/2008 3:01:48 AM
dude i envy the fuck out of you...i mean if you want to know how i really feel
7/21/2008 3:04:32 AM
Wow. I appreciate that... but don't envy me until I get a bit more successful. Thinking about how me and the wife are going to see The Dark Knight today at IMAX.
7/21/2008 3:30:35 AM
i'm getting back into the swing of getting up early- now if only I could get a real job and have a reason for it
7/21/2008 8:28:54 AM
trust me it's not all it's cracked up to be
7/21/2008 8:30:35 AM
but financial freedom is
7/21/2008 8:31:06 AM
I'll take all the freedom I can get
7/21/2008 8:34:38 AM
I just remembered what I told you Saturday night I had some crazy offers that night.
7/21/2008 8:40:04 AM
7/21/2008 9:05:10 AM
7/21/2008 9:05:55 AM
my financial situation is finally looking up for the first time in a while...i just have to maintain it...
7/21/2008 9:06:50 AM
not mine... even my horoscope says so.
7/21/2008 9:11:39 AM
DAMNIT! of course she hasn't been trained yet so today is also my referral daymother fucker
7/21/2008 10:14:09 AM
Oh yay another drs appt.
7/21/2008 10:26:55 AM
I kind of want to chop my hair off
7/21/2008 10:27:02 AM
the day goes so slow when i have nothing to do
7/21/2008 10:27:44 AM
Should I try weasel coffee?
7/21/2008 11:04:10 AM
only if by coffee you mean hot chocolate, water, or soda
7/21/2008 11:05:50 AM
I think it would be hard for weasels to poo out soda.
7/21/2008 11:06:58 AM
moderately tired... have an odd feeling about something... dunno what though...
7/21/2008 11:08:23 AM
i really didn't think that i had an accent, but apparently i do
7/21/2008 11:09:05 AM
a friend called crying and wants to come talk about whatever. I havet gone to bed yet and am so not ready to be supportive and cheerleaderish
7/21/2008 11:20:00 AM
^goodnight... good afternoon... wanna get lunch what?
7/21/2008 11:22:29 AM
^^i had to deal with something similar last night...tired as balls now...hope you can help[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 11:23 AM. Reason : .]
7/21/2008 11:22:52 AM
omg that was the longest meeting of all timealso one of the coolestHarris went completely Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross on us
7/21/2008 11:31:47 AM
Smoothie time!
7/21/2008 11:32:24 AM
^^I watched that last week That day Time Warner was all screwed up!
7/21/2008 11:41:05 AM
i am so fucking tired
7/21/2008 11:45:12 AM
Dear Today-You started out so smoothly, please dont flip around on me and go to shit.ThanksDROD900
7/21/2008 12:24:29 PM
my life has been pretty boring lately...but it's kinda a nice thing.
7/21/2008 1:18:49 PM
you're married... i'd love to have that sort of boring right now.
7/21/2008 1:21:02 PM
yesterday was good. today is just blah.
7/21/2008 1:21:39 PM
^^'s a great kind of boring
7/21/2008 1:23:16 PM
is mulan good? i have it on dvr and i might watch it. or i might just sit and read my new economist cover to cover.ugh, today.
7/21/2008 1:26:02 PM
no it is stupidwatch something else
7/21/2008 1:32:53 PM
Good Morning. haha yes I just woke up.
7/21/2008 1:43:44 PM
it's been a really productive day so far... all i really need to do from here on out is shower and go food shopping
7/21/2008 1:45:28 PM
i am watching grey's anatomy and eating pizza.i realize this makes me a fat loser. and i think i'm okay with that.
7/21/2008 1:47:21 PM
mmmm pizzaso hungry
7/21/2008 1:49:01 PM
set em up
7/21/2008 1:50:24 PM
7/21/2008 1:50:51 PM
7/21/2008 1:51:17 PM
how much i dont wanna pack up my shit
7/21/2008 1:53:10 PM
7/21/2008 1:54:08 PM