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(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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That's better than I shoot a handgun; at least whilst standing and unsupported. 8" at 40 yards is probably only twice the width of the front sight if that. I suppose from a rest a good grouping for a non-competitive shooter would be under 3" at that range. YMMV.

3/24/2015 2:15:47 PM

All American
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I'm working on a gun for work right now...a 57mm Bofors.

3/24/2015 4:12:31 PM

soup du hier
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y0willy0 I usually don't miss 6" plates at 20 yds with my 1911 and am about 70% with my sr-9c. (Which I need to get the sights adjusted on because the damned thing shoots left and my trigger squeeze if bad should pull it right) but anyway 40 yrds with a pistol is no joke well done.

3/25/2015 7:48:39 AM

All American
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its not me; its the gun. this is probably one of my best gun purchases ever

id be over the moon if i could hit a 6 inch plate at 20 yards with my 1911. i dont know what it is about that model but ive shot three different ones and suck with all. colt, ruger, ria.

adding adjustable sights to mine helped some, but forget about it with fixed novak or military style.

cylinder walls in the 7 shot look a little thin, but i wont be shooting a lot of magums anyway. even if i did i havent read anything online about any failures.

the same gun in 44mag has a 5 shot cylinder, i forget the model number, but it would probably be very handy and accurate. probably too lightweight to shoot a lot. i feel like i never see 44 special ammo either?

3/25/2015 9:50:41 AM

All American
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the most accurate handgun I have by far is a Smith & Wesson 629DX. I've yet to shoot anything else that comes close to that trigger feel, and the long barrel combined with the heavy weight make it very manageable. S&W makes some very fine revolvers.

3/28/2015 4:21:57 PM

All American
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So here is a Mossberg customer service review; hopefully with a happy ending (we will see tomorrow).

A couples months ago I decided I wanted to replace the polymer furniture on my 930 with wood. Can't order it online so I called Mossberg and (though tedious) I finally placed the order and my credit card would be charged when it shipped out. Fair enough.

Three weeks later still no dice, so I called them up and apparently they were backordered but I hadn't been told previously. Fine, ill cancel the order and try again later; the credit card they had on file wasn't any good anymore anyway due to fraud, and this person was hard enough to understand I didn't want to try correcting it.

Three more weeks later I decide to try again and this time I asked right away if they were in stock. Call me racist but this was after I hung up and tried again a few times because I can't understand anyone I'm talking to. I'm glad Mossberg keeps their operations in this country, but with customer service being in Texas... anyway finally I get someone that sounds less like Cheech and more like Chong (ok maybe a little racist).

Besides not being overly friendly and taking awhile this was fairly painless, but the standard shipping was 10-15 business days and I didn't think this sounded normal. I'm going on vacation anyway and didn't want these things sitting on my porch. I paid a little more for two-day shipping and my first indication something was amiss was that it took four.

So the wood stock had several dings in it; I don't baby my guns but I would expect it to look like this after a couple years honestly. The biggest ding was on the edge where it would meet the receiver and it was substantial enough I'm sure it would cause a gap. The forearm though, holy shit, besides being pitted all over the inside it was actually split about six inches on one side. The box was in fine shape and they were wrapped in about a mile of heavy paper and tape; these pieces went out this way (not damaged in transit). Then of course I couldn't call today and complain because of Easter.

I really like Mossberg guns and have owned several in the past, but I read a little about Mossberg customer service and knew it wasn't good before going into this. Anyone who has talked to Ruger or S&W on the phone... forget about those experiences when you call Mossberg. Jesus Christ. Best case scenario tomorrow is:

1) They immediately send out another stock and forearm with 2 day shipping

2) They give me an RA so I can go ahead and get these pieces of shit back in the mail to them

3) They refund me at least shipping costs when those things arrive (if not a little more for my trouble, fat chance)

4) They could actually exercise a little QC before sending the next bits out

I know the original guy on the phone had no control over the guys who packed and shipped the order. But that wasn't exactly the most pleasant experience in the first place. When your phone people are hard to understand dickheads and your shipping people are incompetent... I mean two fairly un-related operations at the same company; it really strikes me as a can of worms down there at Mossberg. I'm sure they will eventually make it right, but this is one slow moving company.

4/6/2015 5:43:15 PM

All American
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Mossberg is over-nighting new wood; included in the box will be prepaid return label.

Put old wood in box, attach label, give to FedEx guy as he's leaving.

I'm impressed actually; let's see how quickly it actually gets here and if it's in good shape.

4/7/2015 10:21:38 PM

All American
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I just ordered another S&W M&P J-Frame.

4/8/2015 12:54:49 PM

All American
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Sigh, I want one of these and the Glock 43. Where were all of these when I bought my Kahr PM9 (which I am still pleased with)

4/8/2015 2:08:42 PM

All American
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a 410 side by side is more fun than it should be

4/13/2015 12:42:42 PM

All American
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So I put wood furniture from the 28inch Mossberg 930 on my home defense model, looks awesome.

Like an old combat shotgun. The +2 mag extension makes it look like a sawed off over/under.

GG&G makes superior extensions compared to Choate and others btw, and they also ship them with Wolff springs instead of whatever cheap garbage the others (or Mossberg) use stock.

Coils dont usually need to be trimmed either to promote feeding, but id leave it laying around with a full tube for awhile to break it in.

4/17/2015 3:32:51 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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Are you going to post a picture? Because I don't care unless you post a picture.

4/17/2015 6:38:03 PM

All American
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4/17/2015 7:32:05 PM

All American
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in my gallery now

4/17/2015 7:37:23 PM

All American
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Picked up a BCM Mid 16 Mod 0 w/ Carry Handle for under $900 on GB. Going to turn it into a patrol rifle. Now before everyone says, "why didn't you build one?" I can't, has to be from the factory to carry it.

4/18/2015 9:43:41 AM

All American
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Nothing wrong with that. Great gun.

4/18/2015 11:56:27 AM


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My only question is why W/ carry handle?

4/18/2015 7:39:22 PM

All American
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It just came w/ it. I'm going to run an optic. Made no difference to me.

4/18/2015 8:43:14 PM

Bobby Light
All American
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What's the current going rate for .22 long? Is $34/brick of 525rds good?

[Edited on April 21, 2015 at 1:18 PM. Reason : .]

4/21/2015 1:17:06 PM

All American
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$27.99 somewhere like bass pro

so i assume this is a private seller

not far off i guess if you cant find anything in stock

4/21/2015 1:21:31 PM

soup du hier
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i'm totally jealous of the benelli m3

4/24/2015 3:41:36 PM

All American
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Who has an M3? Great guns.

A little pricey imo-

4/24/2015 6:23:24 PM

soup du hier
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a coworker just got one.

I mean my m2 has NEVER failed but if it did the ability to pump it would be cool.

Has anyone bought or sold anything on arms list or anything?

I'm trying to sell my m76 and it's such a weird gun i kinda need a broader audience than the forums i post on.

[Edited on April 26, 2015 at 9:20 AM. Reason : .]

4/26/2015 9:19:31 AM

All American
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I use Gunbroker for niche items personally and have always had a good experience with it.

Armslist is a little more sketchy or at least puts off that vibe. Seems like they got in trouble for something years ago and that's why you have to verify your age every 20 seconds.

Did you try CSC? It can be hit or miss but if you make a good deal locally it can be a lot more convenient.

4/26/2015 1:52:51 PM

All American
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Aw shit, just got my trust. Time to SBR my 10.5 build and stock up on a few suppressors.

6/2/2015 10:54:10 PM


10410 Posts
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Nice. What cans you looking at?

6/2/2015 11:31:35 PM

All American
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Not sure on all of them but I am really interested in the Silencerco Omega

6/3/2015 8:26:04 AM

All American
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WTB Remington 870 Police Magnum walnut furniture with 'corncob' style forend, similar to this:

6/18/2015 5:45:26 PM

All American
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Welp, just bought a SilencerCo Omega. Just waiting on the stamp and another stamp for my SBR. Still want to get a .22LR can but I need to space the purchases it a bit as this one stung the wallet a bit. Need to get the paperwork going before December due to the ATF ruling on trusts.

Any .22 can recommendations? Other than the Spectre II which is what I am looking at getting

6/28/2015 5:12:16 PM

All American
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I've got an AAC Element2 that I'm very happy with, but there are a ton of good choices for a decent 22 can. I think the Element2 is a little lighter, but you don't want to go too long between cleanings.

6/28/2015 7:13:53 PM

All American
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That seems to be the case with all .22 cans. What I like about the Spectre II is no first round pop as that would be a bit annoying. Other than that and easy to take apart I wouldn't know what else to look for.

6/28/2015 7:55:45 PM

soup du hier
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move out of durham, finally get invite to join durham gun club...

7/13/2015 10:18:31 AM


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Machine gun and suppressor shoot Aug 29th, about 30 min south west of Raleigh.

7/28/2015 8:41:34 PM


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The shoot is tomorrow in New Hill NC.
Only 30 minutes from Raleigh, 10-5, with raffles and door prizes.
A little bit about the event. This is from a week ago, so some stuff has been ironed out.

So the question has come up how does this work? Everyone pays a small entrance fee. Then there will be various bays set up with different things to do and different guns to shoot. Some vendors will supply you all of the ammo you need. Some will let you use your ammo. We are working to have some ammo for sale at the event at a reasonable price. However please feel free to bring your own ammo. 9mm, 45acp, 7.62x39, 5.56, and 308 will be the most popular caliber. Oh and lots of 22lr. There will be a few full auto 22s that are a riot to shoot. Please no reloads these are some times very expensive firearms and we do not want to damage any of them. Some ammo you will have to buy onsite like the 50 Beowulf.
Please contact me with any questions

Planned events

SubGuns and FA to shoot in a vendor area

Suppressors to try out in the vendor area

Long Range demo area put on by David Branson will have several different long range rifles to shoot and try at the long range precision game

Steel Challenge stage so bring your pistol to give it a try

IDPA stage or two is in the works as well

3 Gun stage will be set up. Probably a simple qualifier stage and we will have guns and gear available.

Maybe more to come still working it all out.

If you participate in every demo area we will have a special drawing for a giveaway to all those that participated in all the areas.

8/28/2015 7:31:07 PM

All American
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How far is Woody's off of the highway? I've never been out there

8/29/2015 12:10:10 AM


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No idea. Never been there myself.

8/29/2015 12:14:49 AM

All American
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Sounds fun, I might drop by. Any idea on the entrance fee?

8/29/2015 12:21:07 AM


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8/29/2015 10:19:15 AM

All American
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How was it?

8/31/2015 12:56:06 PM


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Ended up not going.
The person I was meeting called out, and my son was sick, so staying home was the better option (unfortunately).
This is the second year I have missed it.

They had:
FA suppressed .22 x4
Thompson sub gun
M60 belt fed

Surefire and innovative arms were there with demo cans and FA guns.

8/31/2015 9:30:20 PM

All American
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Do any of you know of any good tactical pistol courses that will be offered sometime this fall? I'm pretty open to any location and length of course.

9/13/2015 11:28:00 PM

All American
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Woody's just added on some handgun bays that they'll be offering courses on, I don't see their website is updated yet

37PSR has them regularly:

9/14/2015 11:57:14 AM


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I always recommend
Defensive Concepts always has a great student:instructor ratio, and the lead instructor works for CMPD.
I've trained with 4 different companies, and have liked them the most.
The calendar will be updated shortly with the classes for the rest of this year and the beginning of next.

9/14/2015 12:14:43 PM


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Build a new upper for an AR.
VLTOR MUR upper receiver
Rev Arms 17" fluted rifle gas barrel
Rev Arms TiN BCG
Noveske Alpha 13" rail
Adjustable gas block and a comp finish it off.

I took the Trijicon TR24 1-4x scope off of my 16" and put it on here, along with a cheap bipod till I decide which direction I will go for front support.

The other upper is a 16" Daniel Defense light weight mid length with a 15" Samson Evo and a Mickulek comp.

[Edited on September 26, 2015 at 7:43 PM. Reason : .]

9/26/2015 7:41:39 PM

All American
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^ isn't that a Troy 13" Alpha?

9/27/2015 8:48:51 PM


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Noveske contracted Troy for these. So, essentially yes, but it is branded Noveske. The standard Troy has the channel cut outs, as opposed to holes for the squid grips.

9/27/2015 10:15:06 PM

All American
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My first build.

PSA MOE rifle kit, 16" 1:7 chrome lined barrel
PSA lower

Added magpul mbus front and rear
PWS 15" free floating rail
Bushnell TRS-25

This was a budget build that I broke the budget with the PWS rail because i bought it locally and probably would have been happy with a $150 rail.

I also purchased a Nikon P-223 3-9x scope and mount.

Been to the range with it once and shot really well, 200 rounds no issues. Accurate at 50 yards with the red dot. Bought the scope because I want to go out farther and I cant see shit after 50.

before front sight arrived

[Edited on September 29, 2015 at 10:46 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on September 29, 2015 at 10:47 AM. Reason : _]

9/29/2015 10:45:47 AM


10410 Posts
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That is a good looking rail.

9/29/2015 8:37:54 PM

All American
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First-time handgun buyer looking for a 9mm. Anyone have one for sale? Looking to spend approx. $400.

slckwill577: did you ever try to the S&W SD9VE? If so, what were your thoughts?

Does anyone have a SD9VE that I could try?

10/12/2015 2:35:50 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^ All the top-tier guns are great. It's mostly a matter of how it feels in your hand and personal aesthetics. Go to Lawman's and see what's in their used case and what brands they will currently sell new to the public.

I'd get an M&P 9 and not an SD9VE if I was buying a S&W.

10/12/2015 3:51:26 PM

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