i ran into a girl i had a crush on in high school @ the gym today.... yeah she does porn now
7/15/2008 9:08:14 PM
i need someone to do my grocery shopping for me
7/15/2008 9:08:59 PM
^allow me to suggest that you get a woman for such tasks
7/15/2008 9:11:19 PM
^^pay for my groceries as well & i'll be happy too
7/15/2008 9:13:07 PM
7/15/2008 9:18:14 PM
I wanna go to carowinds, but I have no money and no one to go with. So if I can find someone to go with me and pay for me, I'm set.
7/15/2008 9:40:43 PM
Really want to go back to Montana this winter with my parents... don't think Mom can get any more vacation though.
7/15/2008 9:43:34 PM
my motivation right now is roughly 0
7/15/2008 9:44:45 PM
I wish I knew why I felt so stressed and depressed.
7/15/2008 9:59:27 PM
still no interwebs at home. Argh!!!!!!!
7/15/2008 10:12:11 PM
lol i had to log on my mf'ing cell phone yesterday
7/15/2008 10:12:43 PM
7/15/2008 10:13:21 PM
rather have a liter of yogurt
7/15/2008 10:26:42 PM
lol remember gogurt?that stuff always got all over the place haha what a terrible idea.
7/15/2008 10:34:45 PM
lol i think they still make itprobably only has like 2g of protein and isnt that much better for the dooky track
7/15/2008 10:35:27 PM
a 5 tool player has good hitting, running, fielding, throwing and ______???whats the fifth tool?
7/15/2008 10:39:36 PM
hitting power AND average
7/15/2008 10:41:02 PM
oichitting is two seperate toolstricky bastards
7/15/2008 10:42:46 PM
7/15/2008 10:43:11 PM
7/15/2008 10:43:34 PM
7/15/2008 10:44:08 PM
gonna go to bed and watch a&e
7/15/2008 10:50:40 PM
A&E is awesome. I watch it lots. TLC peeves me off because they are not so learning anymore and a lot more . . . I dunno. Just less educational.
7/15/2008 10:51:46 PM
7/15/2008 10:55:13 PM
7/15/2008 10:59:17 PM
I'm sick of hearing about The Cleaner on A&E
7/15/2008 11:00:01 PM
Too much hawaiian pizza.
7/15/2008 11:44:52 PM
fuck those stupid dumb bitches
7/15/2008 11:46:25 PM
7/16/2008 12:25:20 AM
Anything circling a Regulus can't possibly support life.
7/16/2008 12:40:25 AM
I likes people.I needs more people.
7/16/2008 2:42:19 AM
Rain is forecasted for every damn day we'll be in Myrtle Beach.
7/16/2008 2:47:08 AM
you knowI still can't believe he was going on at me for not caring about the bouquet toss
7/16/2008 3:45:23 AM
can't sleep.
7/16/2008 3:54:36 AM
me neither...
7/16/2008 3:59:00 AM
what is your excuse?[Edited on July 16, 2008 at 4:00 AM. Reason : Why won't poker sign on ]
7/16/2008 3:59:37 AM
*is like uber close to being one creepy ass mofo*
7/16/2008 4:05:49 AM
an empty tank & I'm late for work, whoops
7/16/2008 7:33:02 AM
my office just got HAWT with a 5x7 addition on my desk oof!
7/16/2008 8:59:24 AM
this time is going by really slow
7/16/2008 9:15:24 AM
think i am going to fill out my foodstamp paperwork today...thank god
7/16/2008 9:27:16 AM
If I had my current level of expertise with graphic design software back in the late '90s, I could have made a fortune making fake IDs for dormmates.
7/16/2008 10:19:27 AM
determined to be productive today. not sure how... but it will happen.
7/16/2008 10:46:52 AM
Hopefully I can still ace this test tomorrowThis illness is still making me extremely tired...gah
7/16/2008 11:12:48 AM
HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY.My grandma is going to be here any minute!Yeah!*dances*
7/16/2008 11:22:07 AM
it's getting damn close to naptime
7/16/2008 11:23:38 AM
I wish I hadn't looked that up.
7/16/2008 11:28:53 AM
7/16/2008 11:32:15 AM
i have to poop
7/16/2008 11:34:02 AM
2495 bitches
7/16/2008 11:35:43 AM