The ice cream truck passed the job site I am on again, but I had just eaten some Lemon O's cookies 3 hours earlier, so I didn't buy anything. It kinda pissed me off. Today the truck was playing the song "Row Row Row Your Boat." Last week they played "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."
7/14/2008 7:43:31 PM
Ok I definitely grab food when I'm overly stressed. It's like I don't even realize what I'm doing til half the bottle of salsa is gone and my tummy wants me to die.... [Edited on July 14, 2008 at 7:45 PM. Reason : my english goes out the window too]
7/14/2008 7:45:01 PM
puppy is snoring
7/14/2008 7:49:54 PM
About to dig into that Edy's Peach Pie ice cream I bought earlier for my Daddy.
7/14/2008 8:07:51 PM
masturbating could solve world hunger
7/14/2008 8:12:41 PM
sometimes i miss being in love
7/14/2008 8:12:52 PM
It's 8:22 pm, I've only been up for 12 hours but I am seriously ready to go to bed
7/14/2008 8:22:35 PM
hotel in NYC obtainedIT'S ALL HAPPENING!!!
7/14/2008 8:26:56 PM
west coast ♥
7/14/2008 8:29:17 PM
I wonder if anyone here has ever had to file an appeal with the financial aid office and if it was granted.[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 8:40 PM. Reason : ]
7/14/2008 8:40:15 PM
why is my computer and wireless network being such a piece of shit I just want to use the Internet that I fucking pay for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7/14/2008 9:17:08 PM
Why do the batteries always die inthe equipment that the ghost hunters are using but not in the cameras that are filming them?
7/14/2008 9:26:40 PM
^ I've never watched that show. I'm scared of ghosts though. [Edited on July 14, 2008 at 9:29 PM. Reason : ]
7/14/2008 9:29:26 PM
great session. great dinner (healthy too). then I saw what that asshole posted in monorail cat YET AGAIN. and it made me
7/14/2008 9:31:41 PM
That woman is so bipolar, but is too prideful to admit it or get help. [Edited on July 14, 2008 at 10:07 PM. Reason : ]
7/14/2008 10:06:43 PM
I feel least I'm not anxious about work tomorrow, that's a first!
7/14/2008 10:09:12 PM
7/14/2008 10:48:11 PM
i'm going to buy thisdoes tww think that's gay
7/15/2008 12:18:11 AM
I thought I answered that for you!!Not gay!
7/15/2008 12:21:00 AM
yes you did.
7/15/2008 12:21:51 AM
That's what I thought fool!So on another note...I can't get that "dickey ride" song outta my head!don't you want a dickey ride?[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 12:33 AM. Reason : i]
7/15/2008 12:32:02 AM
i cant get that kanye's workout tape interlude out of my headand erin andrews
7/15/2008 12:32:37 AM
Praying things work out for him!
7/15/2008 12:38:12 AM
we should do a whole season called TWW: NYCalso, I would like a taco... or a samosa
7/15/2008 12:39:53 AM
hey guys guess whatuncle pilgrimshoes is comming to north carolina tomorrow
7/15/2008 12:55:55 AM
I am a bit smittened.
7/15/2008 12:57:34 AM
i do have that effect on girlsit's no big deal, it'll pass
7/15/2008 12:58:12 AM
2 years of marriage went by crazily fast... ♥ mah wahf
7/15/2008 1:41:58 AM
stress just keeps mounting
7/15/2008 1:54:27 AM
h0ngryguess i'm gonna try and go to sleep earlier tonight, maybe get into work early too
7/15/2008 1:56:25 AM
^yeah, who the fuck am i kidding
7/15/2008 2:43:27 AM
It never works.I'm about to go set up my nuclear bomb alarm to wake me up in the morning.
7/15/2008 2:44:51 AM
anxious. insomnia. nauseated. ugh.
7/15/2008 2:52:00 AM
cant let this cycle happen again. bahhhh
7/15/2008 2:57:47 AM
7/15/2008 3:05:58 AM
[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 4:08 AM. Reason : .]
7/15/2008 4:07:10 AM
Ahahah, oh dammit. I stomped a roach into the carpet earlier and I'm trying to get him out. The motherfucker is glued to the carpet. Dear god this is nasty, hahaha. I am laughing at this way too much. OK I need to find something more rigid to poke his ass out of the carpet with. This is gonna need some woolite when I'm done...
7/15/2008 4:18:12 AM
this dog has as internal alarm clock like none other
7/15/2008 4:24:06 AM
^ needs to respek the morning thread.
7/15/2008 4:41:17 AM
it's all over...thank god
7/15/2008 6:19:04 AM
i just realized that yesterday was my carnie's 23rd birthday....and i forgot we've had a thing going on since right after he turned 20....guess i'm over that one
7/15/2008 6:19:44 AM
^^ u ok ?
7/15/2008 6:27:12 AM
my dog is getting her cooch parts cut out today
7/15/2008 6:58:32 AM
7/15/2008 7:03:53 AM
good <3
7/15/2008 7:06:28 AM
7/15/2008 8:14:35 AM
Thanks to Kanye's workout plan...I'm the envy of all my friends
7/15/2008 8:34:45 AM
I have a bad feeling that today is going to be a shitty day
7/15/2008 8:53:06 AM
The day is what you make it my friend [/optimism]
7/15/2008 8:54:36 AM
2492Just bought a hotel room for the rest of the week so I don't have to stay in that shit house anymoar... OMG[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 8:55 AM. Reason : moar]
7/15/2008 8:54:48 AM