7/14/2008 2:24:53 PM
i prefer crunchy and salty...not slimy and rotten and salty
7/14/2008 2:26:05 PM
salty ftw- especially in chip form. that's my biggest food weakness- it's so hard to not buy 'em. I've been good lately though trying to get back in bikini shape... too bad it wont happen in time for this trip
7/14/2008 2:27:55 PM
I love getting mail.Who wants to be my penpal?
7/14/2008 2:31:30 PM
I don't think I like this crystal light that muchPropel Lemon is definitely better.
7/14/2008 2:34:41 PM
i'm very self conscious of my hand writing
7/14/2008 2:35:31 PM
I wouldn't judge you, but it's ok.
7/14/2008 2:36:24 PM
i just found out i've been called on assignment for my job... i'll most likely be gone for 6 months.. at first i was really excited...
7/14/2008 2:36:56 PM
^^^^^ i make handstamped cards, hate writing letters or much in them but i love making cards and sending them, and sometimes i send an extra for someone to send to a friend
7/14/2008 2:39:16 PM
Oooooh I love pretty stationery!!!Love love love it
7/14/2008 2:40:39 PM
7/14/2008 2:44:06 PM
^^ well my cards are sorta small3.5 x 5.5 or 4 x6 lol but i can do them for any ocassion and making them blank on the inside, cute cardstock and stamps and patterened paper. ill send ya one! if you want. only thing if i send ya an extra to send to someone i dont have appropriate sized envelopes all the time and i have a handstamped and my initials i include on the back
7/14/2008 2:56:36 PM
is any one elses time warner out?
7/14/2008 2:58:04 PM
^yes the people in the office across from us are mad no phone no cable no internets cause its all from twc
7/14/2008 2:59:31 PM
i LOVE pickles
7/14/2008 3:00:52 PM
Slept till 1 and my bf just left. I need a shower and need to run to the store for some milk.
7/14/2008 3:01:09 PM
*something rude about my pickle*
7/14/2008 3:01:40 PM
girlfriend comes home tomorrowgirlfriend comes home tomorrowWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
7/14/2008 3:01:50 PM
i feel weird.am i going to have a panic attack?ugh.
7/14/2008 3:18:35 PM
45 minutes!
7/14/2008 3:32:33 PM
Tired of dealing with these stupid jokers who think calling a Mexican a "Mexican" is a derogatory term
7/14/2008 3:39:33 PM
I just found the glory that is Scrabulous I totally get it now!
7/14/2008 3:58:11 PM
Don't try to call me in on my day off when I worked for you ALL weekend.
7/14/2008 3:59:11 PM
^^ it's addictive...be careful!!
7/14/2008 4:02:46 PM
40 x 30or 48 x 36
7/14/2008 4:25:11 PM
measurements for?
7/14/2008 4:27:15 PM
my pants
7/14/2008 4:44:36 PM
Doctors suck
7/14/2008 5:02:04 PM
maybe i'll go to the franken fundraiser tonight....hrmmmm
7/14/2008 5:16:17 PM
corn's bad and that furikake is icky.glad I grabbed those apples
7/14/2008 5:28:48 PM
i need a headboard. but i really want an entire wooden bedframe. but they are $texas. and the ones on craigslist that are like "antique wooden frames" that i like are actually 3/4 beds. because i already HAVEEEEE one of those and my double mattress obviously doesn't fit in it. ugh. UGH! so if i could just find a headboard. but i don't LOVEEEE the target ones. i mean they're alright, i guess.i also want an armoire. i might need to go yardsaleing
7/14/2008 5:31:44 PM
damn, i don't feel like doing these experiments
7/14/2008 5:46:07 PM
7/14/2008 5:54:31 PM
So what if Josh doesn't like meatloaf.That's what I am fixing for dinner. He's a human garbage disposal.He'll eat it anyway.
7/14/2008 6:15:46 PM
I feel bad for making Grits sit in a cage outside. But when I can't trust him to not be crossing the road and staying gone for 2 days, I don't really have a choice. At least he's outside!
7/14/2008 6:23:05 PM
hahaha my kitty is too scared to go outside. i leave the door open and she won't even try to go out. after like like 10 minutes she'll go out and lay down and wait for someone to come out and get her.
7/14/2008 6:26:42 PM
^have you tried going outside with the cat?^^does he wander around like that a lot?--greaatt, the results from these scans are significantly different from the initial scans...#@$!
7/14/2008 6:30:25 PM
Grits was like that at first, but he was a stray and I think he was afraid we were going to abandon him. But he got out one night without permission at about 12:30am and my bf and I were ready to go to bed. We were laying in the bushes trying to reach him for like 10 mins, and when we finally got him, he got the biggest whippin of his life. After that, he never tried to go out at that house. At my parents house, on the other hand, he always tries to go out. But he'll stay gone for 2 days at a time, and I just don't want to find him in the road one day. The 2 day business never started until I went to Montana for so long.Since the 2 day disappearing act started, I have only let him out like 3 times. I was lettimg him out once a week. And I know that may not help any, but when hes gone for 2 days, I'm not going to let him right back out the next day... ya know.[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 6:34 PM. Reason : ]
7/14/2008 6:31:40 PM
at my parents house we open these sliding french doors that have screens and then she can get close to the outside but she is safely inside. she likes to be semi close to birds/squirrels, but i guess still a safe distance away. she's so retarded!!
7/14/2008 6:42:05 PM
hmmone of our cats used to be gone for a long time too, then mom started keeping him inside for a long while. when i came home I let the cats slip out though and now they all stay near the house in the backyard. sometimes he'll go down to the end of the col de sac (?) but comes back.this is a cat that was peeled up off the road as a kitten by my sister's friend when she saw him on the side of the road...the mother got hit by a car when he was being carried across the street. my sister later rescued him from the back of a pickup truck where he was lying for hours in the middle of the day, and nursed to health by mom so he's feral from birth.^might be that the cat doesn't want to go outside by itself since it doesn't know the area. i dunno, cats are weird one of my parents cats is older and was an indoor cat for a loong time, now all he does when he goes out is lay on the walkway for a few minutes, rub his back on the ground and then complain to come back inside[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 6:45 PM. Reason : lk]
7/14/2008 6:43:42 PM
Subaru Impreza's.
7/14/2008 6:52:21 PM
i hate it when an evening of feeling sexy goes to waste
7/14/2008 6:54:26 PM
god dammit, i got pwnt
7/14/2008 6:59:18 PM
what i need to do while i have internet access...i don't think this should really be on the list, lol
7/14/2008 7:01:48 PM
^^you're supposed to share an account with about 5 people or something
7/14/2008 7:04:55 PM
scratch that...my internet at home is working again!!
7/14/2008 7:10:12 PM
yoga time
7/14/2008 7:14:51 PM
I have some pomegranate vodka left. I wanna make a drink, but it's still daylight outside.
7/14/2008 7:21:16 PM
I should not have tried that.
7/14/2008 7:24:50 PM
7/14/2008 7:25:06 PM