I don't know how I would live without cookout.
7/13/2008 1:29:29 PM
word, next time i make some i'll share!
7/13/2008 1:30:19 PM
7/13/2008 1:30:39 PM
Tempura Cantelope Also I just picked up the corndog stick and bit it thinking it was a french fry. [Edited on July 13, 2008 at 1:43 PM. Reason : :O]
7/13/2008 1:34:01 PM
7/13/2008 1:50:29 PM
why is it taking over an hour to transfer 8 GB between two hard drives on the same machine?
7/13/2008 1:54:44 PM
7/13/2008 2:01:58 PM
you bring the cup and I'll bring the moonshine
7/13/2008 2:16:22 PM
Church in hd.... awesome
7/13/2008 2:21:23 PM
5.5 more hours..........
7/13/2008 2:27:36 PM
i think im getting high from roomie's second hand smoke
7/13/2008 2:34:22 PM
YEAH BOI!!!!!!I just rode my first wave!
7/13/2008 2:52:18 PM
10$ for a movie now.... eff that
7/13/2008 2:56:43 PM
$65 bucks for a new water pump. ^http://www.watch-movies.net/ ftw[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 3:15 PM. Reason : ]
7/13/2008 3:09:01 PM
I hate my fucking brother.
7/13/2008 3:11:23 PM
YAY great fucking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1Weight off my shoulders
7/13/2008 3:21:18 PM
Tom Petty was awesome last nightdamn $11 beers
7/13/2008 3:35:45 PM
posting from my new iPhone!!!!
7/13/2008 3:46:11 PM
the countdown begins again
7/13/2008 3:47:28 PM
Great fucking night last night. SOOOOO tiredand the baby shower yesterday was WAY too overwhelming.
7/13/2008 3:59:19 PM
nap/movie time.
7/13/2008 4:28:38 PM
I took way too long of a nap
7/13/2008 5:16:58 PM
cant think of who to use
7/13/2008 5:17:13 PM
i've delayed this hw long enough
7/13/2008 5:18:43 PM
how did you break your rib?
7/13/2008 5:31:02 PM
falling off a slack line at Si's moms house over the 4th
7/13/2008 5:32:29 PM
ouch! I bet that hurt real bad!!!!! sorry it happened.
7/13/2008 5:34:30 PM
It'd be nice if the commute back was say, 15 minutes or so.I'm friggin beat
7/13/2008 5:34:34 PM
three whole weeks
7/13/2008 5:58:23 PM
7/13/2008 5:59:39 PM
7/13/2008 6:13:32 PM
i want some bbq
7/13/2008 6:15:01 PM
me too
7/13/2008 6:16:48 PM
let's go get some bbq
7/13/2008 6:19:03 PM
you'll have to bring it to me
7/13/2008 6:27:14 PM
omg, that smells delish
7/13/2008 6:29:29 PM
Agh... I can't clear up my eyes. They're still bleary from that nap I woke up from 30 minutes ago. Maybe I'm dehydrated and that's why they aren't cooperating...
7/13/2008 6:30:34 PM
fuckit's hot in here, and i feel all kinds of icky
7/13/2008 6:30:54 PM
I'm tired of cleaning and don't want to go to work tomorrowPISSANDMOAN PISSANDMOAN PISSANDMOAN
7/13/2008 6:36:29 PM
Nice little shower going on here in Greensboro
7/13/2008 6:37:47 PM
ugh stupid ass bitchy customers!I can explain your charges til I'm blue in the face but you'll still find something to bitch about, if you can't afford $9.45 DON'T GO ON VACATION FUCKTARD.
7/13/2008 6:37:49 PM
do i wanna fix spaghetti or just run to cookout
7/13/2008 7:07:46 PM
napped for too long now my stomach hurts from dinner. shower time and I miss him
7/13/2008 7:07:52 PM
you dont have to miss me, im right here
7/13/2008 7:08:26 PM
oh saps how i've missed thee
7/13/2008 7:10:41 PM
what would you do if I sang out of tune?
7/13/2008 7:18:45 PM
i really wish i could hear youtube, i dont understand why my volume doesnt work just for that sitei wanna hear thishttp://youtube.com/watch?v=piJ9CiZkF-gbitch wigs the fuck out at rothbury, nsfw
7/13/2008 7:25:21 PM
.5 hours leftSLOWEST TIME EVAR
7/13/2008 7:27:02 PM
I really don't feel like playing in the bball game tonight, but I have the guy my word I'd be there...
7/13/2008 7:32:30 PM
i need a shower but i don't feel like taking one
7/13/2008 7:37:36 PM