7/13/2008 6:58:38 AM
I'm not quite sure how I wake earlier on the weekends than I do on the weekdays. Soooooo annoying[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 7:19 AM. Reason : .]
7/13/2008 7:19:05 AM
fuck why am i wide awake
7/13/2008 7:20:17 AM
7/13/2008 7:24:51 AM
I suspect the reason I'm wade awake is because I went to bed at 830 last night
7/13/2008 7:31:47 AM
my poor kitty
7/13/2008 7:46:26 AM
same here d00der. i wake up this morning to find cody curled up with my cat. jtmoneyncsu curled up with carter. and my truck gone i might make a thread soon.i have pictures.[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 7:46 AM. Reason : ^whats wrong? ]
7/13/2008 7:46:29 AM
i've been up since a little before 6^her and puppy i'm keeping don't get along....the dog just tried to eat her....i kept her shut up in my bedroom yesterday to keep them separated and she ended up peeing on a towel in the bathroom because she couldn't get to her litter box....i don't think she's really eaten much or used the bathroom in about 2 weeks...[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 7:49 AM. Reason : and she just basically slit my wrist in the battle that was taking place]
7/13/2008 7:47:00 AM
being at work at 7 (after getting 3-3.5hrs of sleep)+allergies+all the good sodas (for necessary caffeine this early) being sold out= morning
7/13/2008 7:49:16 AM
oh god....she got my chest too...i think i got the worst end of that fight
7/13/2008 7:55:06 AM
^^ and ^ its a new day. it'll get better
7/13/2008 7:55:14 AM
oh it's alright on my part...i just feel bad for her since she's old
7/13/2008 7:56:16 AM
7/13/2008 7:57:26 AM
at least she peed on a towel....it was all scratched up in a pile just like she would do in the little box....i may just have to move her food and litter box in my bathroom for today
7/13/2008 8:01:25 AM
i'm gonna go back to bed for a few
7/13/2008 8:01:43 AM
i cant wait till like 830 when i can turn the laundry over to the dryer and head up to eefoc for a western omellete with ham and cheese sammich on toasted sourdough then grilledand a kenyan roast coffeewoot woot[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 8:10 AM. Reason : beer for dinner makes fatty ben hungry in the morning]
7/13/2008 8:08:24 AM
don't blame drinking beer for dinner on making you a fatty
7/13/2008 8:20:04 AM
i'm not!i'm blaming it for being really hungry this morning[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 8:23 AM. Reason : i want the buffet at the hotel in shenzhen for breakfast.. that shit was baller]
7/13/2008 8:22:05 AM
wishing I had control over things that i don'tand that I had a life-rewind button
7/13/2008 8:49:31 AM
I still don't get why someone i have never noticed existed on here started talking shit to me last night
7/13/2008 8:56:48 AM
im such an idiot who runs the washing machine and forgets to put detergent in
7/13/2008 9:01:42 AM
and as a side note, i just went down to the drug store to get more quarters, and it's near all the bars i went to last nightit was grosssss but kinda funny that someone had barfed all over the sidewalk right outside the drugstore
7/13/2008 9:03:40 AM
was it you?
7/13/2008 9:13:36 AM
no, i took the other side of the street
7/13/2008 9:14:08 AM
Were you drinking shots of Old Crow last night or something?
7/13/2008 9:22:00 AM
Well that's not quite as entertaining then
7/13/2008 9:22:36 AM
7/13/2008 9:23:35 AM
hahahi did feel kinda bad the next day about thowing up outside that italian joint next to woodys that timebut your shots of old crow after drinking beer all night was just mean
7/13/2008 9:23:50 AM
Yeah, I think I ended up drinking 4 or 5 of those that I bought. Jon threw up, I think Erin did too, and so did you, then everybody else pussed out.Went out last night for Jon's birthday and we actually talked about that round of shots because Dave bought Jon a 3 wisemen, which he wouldn't drink.
7/13/2008 9:25:58 AM
need to convince myself its okay to light up at 930a when you dont have any plans for the day
7/13/2008 9:27:11 AM
yeah at least it rained the next day, iirc that's still the only time i've ever puked at a bar, jackass
7/13/2008 9:29:59 AM
light weights...I've NEVER puked at a bar!
7/13/2008 9:30:57 AM
I'm pretty sure I have, but it's hard to recall.
7/13/2008 9:32:10 AM
i usually...miraculously....reach the point of knowing i need to leave before i puke...
7/13/2008 9:35:34 AM
and when you're ready to goyou're ready to go RIGHT NOW
7/13/2008 9:36:52 AM
i've gotta go RIGHT NOW!
7/13/2008 9:37:23 AM
since my cell phone went for a swim, my contract is reaching the end with Alltel and they are getting bought out by Verizon.......do I want to get the new iPhone or not???
7/13/2008 9:38:08 AM
the new one is nice... i'm still staying off the apple teet though
7/13/2008 9:39:02 AM
fuck it i'm going to southpoint to wait in line.[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 10:04 AM. Reason : if there is one. otherwise i'll read.]
7/13/2008 10:03:42 AM
i really need a pool buddy
7/13/2008 10:05:55 AM
it's raining on my birthday and a bunch of us were supposed to meet up at the pool later
7/13/2008 10:08:14 AM
i really should pack soon.
7/13/2008 10:09:51 AM
7/13/2008 10:11:58 AM
sweet, maybe i should impregnate some slut so i can have a lil pool buddy
7/13/2008 10:15:26 AM
is the world ready for saps jr
7/13/2008 10:18:40 AM
prolly not, the worlds still trying to get used to saps sr.
7/13/2008 10:22:42 AM
i wonder where livinproof works.. /stalk
7/13/2008 10:26:41 AM
uggh.i do not want to fold my laundry.but it's gonna go right into a suitcase anyways
7/13/2008 10:40:53 AM
I'd say get a decent phone with a smaller contract and go with the iPod Touch.Talk quality on iPhones suckkkk (so I hear).
7/13/2008 10:47:36 AM
Her family is so sweet!
7/13/2008 10:48:17 AM