jose black medallion has been aquired
7/12/2008 9:19:08 PM
if only my toilet wasnt stopped upi guess trying to flush all the puke down it was a bad idea
7/12/2008 9:19:18 PM
YESSi've got a few shots of this left then the only thing left with over 20% alcohol is everclearobviously i'll be taking shots of it mixed with something.. i'm not THAT badass
7/12/2008 9:19:49 PM
the chicks in the going commando thread going commando as I sit here at work being bored
7/12/2008 9:21:20 PM
mmmmm, tequila!
7/12/2008 9:21:25 PM
is there an offical TWW drinking game or do we just set a time to take shots?
7/12/2008 9:21:52 PM
hmmm i think i got like 3 beers in my fridge
7/12/2008 9:22:17 PM
i wish i could play. this sounds like fun.if there isn't a game, there should be one[Edited on July 12, 2008 at 9:22 PM. Reason : ]
7/12/2008 9:22:42 PM
ok lets make up some rules ppl.. any ideas?
7/12/2008 9:23:31 PM
every time ncsugirl83 threads are at the top drink?
7/12/2008 9:25:03 PM
oh lawd i dont wanna die tonight
7/12/2008 9:25:16 PM
haahha i dunnoWHERE IS JOIE!!!???d7 she drinkin w/u she betturrrrr b
7/12/2008 9:25:53 PM
if you hate your life, drink twice
7/12/2008 9:25:54 PM
k, rule #1take a shot now.
7/12/2008 9:26:23 PM
ok completed
7/12/2008 9:27:56 PM
done.god i hate whiskey
7/12/2008 9:28:35 PM
kinda glad I'm not partaking in this right now
7/12/2008 9:29:52 PM
i have a feeling you'll be drunk messaged later[Edited on July 12, 2008 at 9:30 PM. Reason : and i gotta dig up that pic you sent sometime tonight]
7/12/2008 9:30:18 PM
no shots for me i have to mix itUNLESS im already drunkthen everything tastes like waterask joie, she watched me chug syrup
7/12/2008 9:30:28 PM
i don't think i posted today, so fuck itand i hope bourbon street will be fun...[Edited on July 12, 2008 at 9:31 PM. Reason : these people]
7/12/2008 9:31:14 PM
im tempted to leave the computer and play wii bowling
7/12/2008 9:31:59 PM
what does lunak look like.... i dunno
7/12/2008 9:32:01 PM
cant wait to hear mike gordon drop some bombs
7/12/2008 9:33:21 PM
Sweet! Those should be InterestingAnd what kind of syrup?
7/12/2008 9:33:28 PM
i just got out of the shower...brb
7/12/2008 9:35:48 PM
oh shit, found the old pmits ok your identity is safe w me
7/12/2008 9:36:46 PM
I'm Batman
7/12/2008 9:37:31 PM
7/12/2008 9:37:34 PM
you and a few others
7/12/2008 9:38:17 PM
MRS BUTTERWORTHS!actually id ont really knowshe used to have a pic in her gallery[Edited on July 12, 2008 at 9:41 PM. Reason : ]
7/12/2008 9:41:38 PM
7/12/2008 9:41:40 PM
the real liquor lover in me has taken over
7/12/2008 9:46:22 PM
7/12/2008 9:46:51 PM
Maya's baby talk is too cute
7/12/2008 9:48:46 PM
shit sucks
7/12/2008 9:48:53 PM
7/12/2008 9:52:02 PM
i hate how wolfweb broads never send me pictures anymore
7/12/2008 9:53:13 PM
i'm tired as hell and i've slept all day.
7/12/2008 9:54:44 PM
Holy fucking parking lot drama. This girl had better FINALLY be moving the fuck out of that apartment above my bedroom. I'm going to start praying for an intervention if she's still living here, I've never seen somebody so irrational and psychotic. Unless I'm mistaken she made her mother cry. All this god damn whining over some clothes getting sent off in the wrong moving truck, I think. Either that or she pissed off her boyfriend and her shit got jacked. Either way, THIS GIRL'S SOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE IS TO GENERATE DRAMA ABOUT THE MEANINGLESS EVENTS IN HER LIFE.[/blog]Seriously though, I hope she is going. The property value of this apartment will go up.
7/12/2008 9:55:26 PM
i ran out of whiskey with a half poured shot.. so i added everclear to iti hope that is acfceptable to everyone
7/12/2008 9:58:14 PM
i wish you could email me some liquor lol
7/12/2008 9:58:45 PM
7/12/2008 9:59:07 PM
7/12/2008 10:00:29 PM
yea i havent drank in 2-3 monthsand take milk thistle everydayliver is good
7/12/2008 10:01:07 PM
i've noticed lately i actually can tell the alcohol is in me after like half a beer
7/12/2008 10:03:52 PM
yeah healthy bill doesn't drink cause alcohol has shit-tons of calories
7/12/2008 10:04:22 PM
Haha, I try not to drink as much because apparently it's bad for your blood pressure and bad for your acid indigestion. The doc said I had to eat better to fix the blood pressure and I've got inherited GERD problems.I did have a highland oatmeal porter tonight with dinner, though. I love me a good, rich, dark beer.
7/12/2008 10:07:21 PM
is it time for another shot?
7/12/2008 10:09:46 PM
sure[Edited on July 12, 2008 at 10:10 PM. Reason : damn its going to suck when i'm finished with this beer]
7/12/2008 10:10:06 PM
i have had one allready so for you.... yep
7/12/2008 10:10:25 PM