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hello Mr. NSA!
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Glock 19

2/23/2015 5:08:36 PM

All American
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That's significantly out of my price range. I know I'm being cheap blah blah but that's just how much I want to spend on it.

2/23/2015 5:17:59 PM

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I can't complain about the XD's weight. I'm pretty good with it to rarely shoot it. I guess if it were my daily carry I'd complain, but full-size carry? Sheesh.

2/23/2015 5:21:11 PM

All American
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zastava cz 999 compact, and $80 left over!


sig p250 compact, and $40 left over!


walther ppx m1, s&W mp shield, or beretta nano, and $20 left over!

(based on size and cost restrictions)

[Edited on February 23, 2015 at 5:28 PM. Reason : -]

2/23/2015 5:24:16 PM

All American
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^ I think I would probably err towards the larger size than smaller. I don't think I want anything much smaller than 4. 3.5 would be like absolute minimum if everything else was right

2/23/2015 5:26:31 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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Jesus, how much is a 19 going for nowadays? They used to be easy to find at $450. You need to look for used and stay out of brick and mortar gunshops after you have decided what you want. Buy online.

[Edited on February 23, 2015 at 6:48 PM. Reason : $504 from buds. free shipping. FFL should be $20 or less.]

2/23/2015 6:46:38 PM

Bobby Light
All American
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my go-to is Palmetto State Armory for online purchases.

2/23/2015 7:25:34 PM

All American
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Went to Fuquay gun and gold tonight. Liked the Ruger SR9e and the s&w mp9c. The G19 felt Okay too but was 499 used. The ruger felt just as good and was a steal at 339.

2/23/2015 7:29:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I ended up getting the SFP version for $499 at Euro Optics. They might still have it at that price if you are willing to go with SFP. I wanted it over FFP so it worked for me. I know there are some shops that can get them to you cheaper but you have to call and ask. I was told that Liberty Optics will do that, was told to call 406-827-6543 and talk to Scott but I found it for $499 so I didn't bother. Apparently they can't advertise the lower prices they sell them for. "

Wasn't there someone on here who was a Vortex dealer? Forget who it was

[Edited on February 23, 2015 at 8:16 PM. Reason : Nevermind, its gunguy]

2/23/2015 8:15:57 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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Lol $499 used? Do you see what a rip-off that place is? Why give a place like that your business?

2/23/2015 9:27:04 PM

All American
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I just went to hold some of the guns I've been looking at. Actually, most of the prices on new guns were very comparable to buds.

2/23/2015 9:53:01 PM

All American
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Yeah I haven't seen any good deals on used guns in there, but I've bought several new guns at Fuqua for very good prices.

2/23/2015 11:47:29 PM

All American
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Yeah. Anyone have any experience with the Savage Axis Xp? Also in the market for a budget .270

2/24/2015 6:39:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"my go-to is Palmetto State Armory for online purchases."

Prices are usually pretty good, especially during sales. Quality, but not high end parts. The only downside is you have to wait FOREVER for anything to ship and god help you if you need anyone to answer the phone for CS.

2/24/2015 10:42:38 AM

All American
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^ they are usually shipping within a couple days now

2/24/2015 12:20:23 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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Also, once you do get through to customer service, they are great, in my experience.

2/24/2015 12:45:49 PM

All American
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anyone mentioned the BATF impending ban on xm855 or the reasons surrounding it?

similar excuses could filter down to many other calibers?

...they are afraid of it being used in handguns. im pretty sure an AR pistol has never been used in a crime (assuming thats the pistol theyre referring to; im aware of no others).

ludicrous. not surprisingly its sold out everywhere. thank you Obama the greatest friend and salesman of guns/ammo to ever live.

2/27/2015 12:39:10 PM

All American
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^ not to mention regular old m193 defeats soft armor, too.

2/27/2015 1:36:39 PM

All American
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Very slippery slope. The prez knows what he is doing. Just seeing how much push back he'll get. I assume not much due to the very little media coverage.

and first I've heard of a .223 pistol.

2/27/2015 6:53:41 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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AR "pistols" aren't new. TC Contender can be chambered in just about anything.

2/27/2015 7:08:17 PM

All American
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The only reason they are "pistols" is because the ATF made another stupid rule deeming anything without a stock to be a pistol under a certain barrel length - so people who don't want to register an SBR make a pistol. Except ARs have buffer tubes, so you have this goofy ass tube as a stock, yet its somehow a pistol.

[Edited on February 27, 2015 at 7:52 PM. Reason : .]

2/27/2015 7:51:31 PM

All American
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i dont think it was ever a secret that you could get in a lot of trouble for shouldering one of those braces

wasnt that made plain as soon as that first SIG was offered from the factory with one?

anyway, maybe the BATF should just ban physics since armor piercing apparently doesnt have anything to do with bullet construction anymore

a tootsie roll at 3000+fps would defeat the type of vest theyre talking about

2/28/2015 5:13:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"wasnt that made plain as soon as that first SIG was offered from the factory with one?"

previously, the ATF stated the way you use something doesn't change what it is designated as - which made sense. if you hold a 16" AR like a pistol, it doesn't become a pistol. i think this is the situation that'll always happen if you have an organization that makes arbitrary rules, eventually they'll trip up on themselves and have to double back

2/28/2015 8:02:46 PM


10410 Posts
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Well, I finished up day one of a two day carbine course, and decided to finally clean my guns.

I have ~1k suppressed rounds through my SBR, and I was starting to get malfunctions.
I know suppressed is dirty, and now know the limit on this setup.
The trigger pack was so dirty I was having occasional light primer strikes, and the safety was becoming hard to manipulate. When I tried to move it before the cleaning tonight, it was frozen.
It took roughly 60 patches, and 1 fl.oz. of Hoppes to clean the upper, lower, and bcg.

I then cleaned my 16" AR. This has an equal number of rounds since the last cleaning.
It took 10 patches to clean.

I then cleaned the third AR that I brought, a 14.5 gun. It has roughly 200 rounds through it.
Took a couple patches, and only minutes to clean.

Lesson learned: clean more often.

Ohhh, and I'm pretty sure I ruined a couple hotel towels.

[Edited on February 28, 2015 at 9:48 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2015 9:45:43 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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i'm certainly not a proponent of excessive cleaning or babying guns, but 1k rounds suppressed? what are you trying to prove?

[Edited on February 28, 2015 at 10:30 PM. Reason : i guess just to figure out what the limit was]

2/28/2015 10:29:40 PM


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A mix of finding the functional limit, and just plain lazy.

The Glock 23 has gone over 5k between cleaning with no malfunction, but I felt bad and finally cleaned it.

I cleaned the pistols while I was at it, so I have 5 freshly cleaned guns now.

We shot ~600 rounds today from the carbines, and will probably do 400 more tomorrow, plus a couple hundred from the handguns.

2/28/2015 10:34:30 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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whatever floats your boat clogs up your trigger group, i guess

2/28/2015 10:52:20 PM

All American
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An excellent reply to the ATF on the whole M855 mess

3/1/2015 3:40:09 PM

All American
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yep 223/556 getting wiped out everywhere

even the expensive stuff and odd bullet weights

3/1/2015 4:44:12 PM

All American
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Fine by me. Eventually these clowns will stop buying and the market will normalize. I mean you can get a real solid AR for under $1000 these days and that is going with quality brands and not skimping. Ammo will eventually follow at some point. Would help if Hildog isn't elected of course.

3/1/2015 5:12:42 PM

All American
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i wouldnt worry too much about it

these "liberals" are the best gun and ammo salesmen on the planet

3/1/2015 9:57:46 PM

All American
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I can't figure out what in the fuck they're trying to accomplish.

Ban 855 because it will punch a kevlar vest? Uhh, so will pretty much any rifle round.

Succeed or not, they're going to sell a fucking trainload of ammo, and harm themselves politically, all for something that--even if they do it--will probably get reversed in the next GOP administration, which becomes more and more likely the more Dems fuck with stupid gun stuff. There is not even the potential for a meaningful upside, even by gun-grabber standards, and there is a minefield of downside, much of which is almost certain.

Of course, like they say, don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by ignorance and incompetence.

3/1/2015 10:19:06 PM

All American
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^ that. It is like the whole closing the NFA trust deal that has been talked about. Wouldn't do anything for crime but would piss a bunch of people off and give Republicans more they are going to take your guns ammo (no pun intended)

3/1/2015 10:33:51 PM

All American
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Here is a good video by a local (Raleigh) YouTube channel, TangNBang regarding the M855 ban and what we can do to stop it.

Page that will fax your representatives for you:

3/1/2015 11:48:30 PM


10410 Posts
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After the weekend in the rain, my shit is dirty.

Working roll-over prone caught some weeds on fire, then dug a 4" hole in the dirt.

3/2/2015 6:41:55 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Ban 855 because it will punch a kevlar vest? Uhh, so will pretty much any rifle round."

actually piercing armor has nothing to do with it, it doesn't even have to. and it doesn't matter what a rifle round can do (in a rifle), armor piercing by code applies only to rounds that can be used in a handgun. if you want to get more types of ammo banned keep designing funky handguns that use solid core full jacketed rifle rounds.

the best defense is to show the AG that the round is used primarily for sporting purposes to meet the exemption in 8 U.S.C. ยง 921(a)(17)(C)

3/2/2015 9:09:27 AM

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just read the response posted above. the M855 is not full jacketed, not larger than a .22, and the jacket is not 25% the total weight so i expect this to be challenged and killed.

3/2/2015 9:14:41 AM

soup du hier
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3/2/2015 11:07:28 AM

All American
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nobody provoked the BATF with arm braces

if that is truly the source of the butthurt you mentioned in TSB (dtownral) then the fact of the matter is theyre embarrassed by their initial response to arm braces

liberals/democrats/obama/feinstein/somebody jumped up the ATF's ass over how simplistic/apathetic their reasoning was when these things hit the market

that doesnt have anything to do with the consumer

3/2/2015 11:44:54 AM

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the BATF said that using it as a shoulder stock constitutes a redesign and requires filing ATF Form 1, but go on pretending that they "blessed" these arm braces

[Edited on March 2, 2015 at 11:56 AM. Reason : it totally makes sense though that anyone who would want to buy one is limp-wristed]

3/2/2015 11:54:00 AM

All American
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Except for the fact that they issued a letter saying the exact opposite prior.

3/2/2015 12:13:02 PM

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... not a blessing


this is what y0willy0 is trolling about:

[Edited on March 2, 2015 at 12:36 PM. Reason : .]

3/2/2015 12:35:12 PM

All American
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nice blog

3/2/2015 4:11:30 PM

All American
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I need some constructive advice on something which I know nothing about. I'd like to see what could be done to shorten the trigger pull on my HK P2000SK. I am not sure whether it being DA/SA will present a problem or not, as I've never done one single bit of gunsmithing. It just feels like there's a bit too much "travel" in each pull compared to my USP, and I'd like very much to remedy that (if possible). Recommendations, please?

3/2/2015 7:01:04 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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is the pull too long on DA, SA, or both? do you feel like it's too long before the trigger breaks or after the trigger breaks (referred to as "overtravel") or both?

[Edited on March 2, 2015 at 7:13 PM. Reason : 1911 is the cheapest way to fix this ]

3/2/2015 7:11:30 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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some searching around on HK forums shows some recommendations for this guy:

he claims he can take up to 85% of the creep out (can't do anything about initial take-up). might be worth talking to him.

3/2/2015 7:17:27 PM

soup du hier
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Quote :
"1911 is the cheapest way to fix this"

Mmmm sti trigger with adjustable take up and reset...

I don't pull the trigger I think shoot.

3/2/2015 7:55:28 PM

All American
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When I think of reliable 1911 I sure don't think of the cheapest solution to a problem

3/2/2015 8:30:33 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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a reliable 1911 with a decent trigger is not expensive. certainly not HK expensive.

3/2/2015 8:33:24 PM

148898 Posts
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P2000 has a horrendous trigger

3/2/2015 8:53:53 PM

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