damn, that's a lot of fucking going on.
7/11/2008 4:27:56 PM
I got the award!!!! Thank God
7/11/2008 4:29:35 PM
What am I gonna do for dinner?
7/11/2008 4:29:40 PM
^^ Congratulations!!
7/11/2008 4:31:30 PM
i cant wait til tonight...[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 4:37 PM. Reason : .]
7/11/2008 4:37:23 PM
what are?
7/11/2008 4:37:47 PM
nothing, just thinking outloud lol
7/11/2008 4:38:06 PM
LOL edit.[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 4:38 PM. Reason : and who's, might I ask?]
do I take it, or not?there's soooooo much to consider.
7/11/2008 4:38:42 PM
^^lol nobody you know
7/11/2008 4:39:15 PM
7/11/2008 4:39:40 PM
7/11/2008 4:40:11 PM
hell yeah. I found a half full bottle of vodka that I apparently tried to hide from myself.
7/11/2008 4:40:57 PM
Bad day, bad bad day. I'm so sad.
7/11/2008 4:41:02 PM
TWW is a blog.
7/11/2008 4:41:33 PM
life must be better than alright if u can get on the internet and talk about itthats what i always say
7/11/2008 4:41:51 PM
i haven't been ice skating in YEARSbusting my ass tonight should be fun
7/11/2008 4:53:41 PM
i've never been iceskating ever
7/11/2008 4:55:51 PM
this is not the way to go about showing someone you care about them^^heh. I've been iceskating two times, and I broke my rt wrist each time [Edited on July 11, 2008 at 5:02 PM. Reason : dgf]
7/11/2008 5:01:50 PM
got a concussion last time I went. don't plan on going again.
7/11/2008 5:17:53 PM
time to get out thereHAVE FUN TWW
7/11/2008 5:18:32 PM
me too...for a little while
7/11/2008 5:19:57 PM
7/11/2008 5:20:08 PM
there's a reasonably nice bookcase (~6' x 3') outside if anyone wants to get it before it rainses aqui: http://tinyurl.com/6gock4
7/11/2008 5:22:05 PM
YAYYYY my first issue of the economist came today best bday present!!and i'm tired. i might take a cat nap.
7/11/2008 5:40:59 PM
^^"esta aqui"grammar nazi pedro
7/11/2008 5:42:38 PM
Time to go walk the dog around lake johnson.
7/11/2008 5:42:51 PM
ben franklin wanted the symbol of our nation to be a wild turkey. not a bald eagle.
7/11/2008 5:44:38 PM
i'm watching that same show, but i already knew that anyway
7/11/2008 5:45:56 PM
Holy fuck, I'm getting raped in fees:Tickets (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) Full Price Tickets US $29.50 x 1Total Building Facility Charge(s) US $6.00 x 1Total Convenience Charge(s) US $8.80 x 1Order Processing Charge(s) US $5.15Will Call No ChargeTOTAL CHARGES US $49.45Is there anywhere else to buy these?
7/11/2008 6:04:26 PM
goddamn fucking queens on the river!!!
7/11/2008 6:15:29 PM
7/11/2008 6:19:59 PM
o sure
7/11/2008 6:20:16 PM
oh we back
7/11/2008 6:25:06 PM
7/11/2008 6:25:21 PM
it would be cool if you could come hang out tonight...and help me clean
7/11/2008 6:28:02 PM
sorry..already got plans maybe sometime in december i'll be free
7/11/2008 6:28:25 PM
7/11/2008 6:28:47 PM
7/11/2008 6:29:24 PM
and all my friends go backwards down the number line
7/11/2008 6:29:36 PM
i wanna hang out wif you tonight too....but all my furniture is in the middle of my living room and i'm puppy sitting
7/11/2008 6:30:33 PM
sounds suspicious
7/11/2008 6:32:02 PM
i think i just messed up...the girl that was living with me left a couple of leinenkugel's sunset wheat in my fridge....i just opened one...and it's delightfulbut she only left 2 i may have to go get more....but i better do some more cleaning if that's going to happen
7/11/2008 6:36:34 PM
I'm thinking about my mom. I think someone should come chill with me and keep me company
7/11/2008 6:39:18 PM
i think if i could actually do what i picture in my head life is really really going to be the shit soon
7/11/2008 6:39:50 PM
It helps to put water in the pot when you're trying to steam vegetables.
7/11/2008 6:48:57 PM
you read my mind...woahhhhhh
7/11/2008 6:49:38 PM
i need to go to the grocery store and get some more fabuloso....maybe i'll get some more beer and food while i'm there
7/11/2008 7:04:16 PM
i want some chinese food, plz to bring to me? k thks
7/11/2008 7:04:58 PM
^ wtf is that?
7/11/2008 7:05:01 PM