Almost time for work. Need to make me a sandwich and grab a snack and get out of here.
7/11/2008 1:46:41 PM
I am not looking forward to next week.Or the next.And especially not the next.
7/11/2008 1:47:45 PM
3 hours left to do everything I need to do before I go ... probably not going to happen
7/11/2008 1:47:46 PM
^^ but
7/11/2008 1:52:07 PM
damn brett
7/11/2008 1:53:18 PM
^ hows the fam
7/11/2008 1:57:10 PM
I don't like this font. The g's look like p's.
7/11/2008 1:59:55 PM
who is going to make the ugliest wolf webbers ??
7/11/2008 2:12:00 PM
^don't give people ideas!!!this will not turn out well
7/11/2008 2:12:56 PM
nah its all good...i'll make it
7/11/2008 2:13:32 PM
7/11/2008 2:28:30 PM
my prayers are with you and your fam
7/11/2008 2:30:19 PM
i read that as farm
7/11/2008 2:33:26 PM
not my fault you can't read.
7/11/2008 2:35:41 PM
with all the sex talk this week someone needs to plan a tww makeout party. i'd drive in for that shit
7/11/2008 2:37:38 PM
it's at my house....8 p.m.
7/11/2008 2:38:08 PM
7/11/2008 2:38:36 PM
^^ can i catch a ride
7/11/2008 2:38:51 PM
awkward fuck no. put some names in a hat, play 7 minutes in heaven. heavy drinking and party snacks. shit would be on come midnight
7/11/2008 2:41:01 PM
herpes nothing brings the party like herpes[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 2:42 PM. Reason : .]
7/11/2008 2:42:23 PM
wtf is a makeout partysee this is where boarding school fucked meI totally missed out on these growing up
7/11/2008 2:43:06 PM
7/11/2008 2:43:12 PM
i say the two of you just drive down to garner...we don't even have to put your names in a hat and i guarantee it won't take til midnight for the cumming to begin
7/11/2008 2:43:43 PM
hmmmmmmmmI would probably have to drive out there
7/11/2008 2:43:55 PM
ahahaha how great would that be?!?!not the herpes, but the party!
7/11/2008 2:44:03 PM
just saw this rather inappropriate ad on
7/11/2008 2:44:41 PM
7/11/2008 2:45:08 PM
7/11/2008 2:52:11 PM
^^^hah, reminds me of that old life insurance commercial with the old lady putting quarters in the parking meter and talking about how she wished life was like a parking meter....keep putting quarters in and keep on living.....Damn I'm ready to get out of here and get on the road
7/11/2008 2:59:02 PM
early nov in the high rockiesI think I better fly
7/11/2008 3:02:28 PM
well i can't do anymore tests because the solution is fucked up, guess i'll go and pack for New Orleans
7/11/2008 3:21:32 PM
iPhone makes me happy
7/11/2008 3:45:42 PM
i might have my first amateur fight coming up in november it will be @205 lbs[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 3:56 PM. Reason : s]
7/11/2008 3:54:41 PM
first before schpexnel lol
7/11/2008 3:54:53 PM
rain but we need it.
7/11/2008 3:55:32 PM
is it raining?
7/11/2008 3:55:56 PM
around wilmington
7/11/2008 3:57:44 PM
^^^^she PM'd me so its ok[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 3:57 PM. Reason : ^^^^]
7/11/2008 3:57:48 PM
my pms>your pmslol
7/11/2008 3:58:21 PM
7/11/2008 3:59:29 PM
are we really talking at "pm" here?!?!?
7/11/2008 4:02:57 PM
how do you tell a friend she's dating the biggest douche you've ever met in your entire life?i guess you can't... but i know this guy from high school and wow... (and no I'm not even attracted to the girl so i know its not a jealousy thing)
7/11/2008 4:04:38 PM
just leave it alone its not your business unless he does something to herthen you make it your business until then no reason to be a SABOTEUR...SABOTEUUUUUUR!
7/11/2008 4:05:59 PM
just do what i always do...say "look...i'm not trying to be a bitch (asshole in your case) but that dude sucks....he's the biggest douche i've ever met"
7/11/2008 4:06:02 PM
plus women do a good job of ruining their own relationships
7/11/2008 4:08:12 PM
1) where/when to go do something bout the mangled mess2) what to do about my phone3) i hope that food stays down
7/11/2008 4:08:22 PM
^^^typically women are more turned on to said douche after that[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 4:08 PM. Reason : .]
7/11/2008 4:08:32 PM
i really should have updated my contacts before i just threw them in the new phone
7/11/2008 4:22:00 PM
^^well it's not going to work either way...but that's how you tell them i've done it with way more of my guy friends than my girl friends though
7/11/2008 4:23:12 PM
fuck everything...just fuck it...I'm going out tonight and getting wasted. FUCK IT ALL
7/11/2008 4:26:59 PM