7/10/2008 8:52:44 PM
7/10/2008 8:53:22 PM
7/10/2008 8:53:45 PM
haha...i've woken up beside her a time or two
7/10/2008 8:53:48 PM
ceres gang bang!
7/10/2008 8:54:11 PM
^^ hahaha good times! "LETS GO TO MADOOKAS!" - Lucky1[Edited on July 10, 2008 at 8:56 PM. Reason : ]
7/10/2008 8:54:33 PM
no dialtone but DSL is working 75% of the time... w t f mate
7/10/2008 8:55:55 PM
Should I go out with some friends to forget my problems or stay home and drown my sorrows while baking cupcakes?
7/10/2008 8:57:37 PM
Only if they are alcoholic cupcakes.
7/10/2008 8:57:53 PM
^^ I just decided to go out, so you should too! [Edited on July 10, 2008 at 8:58 PM. Reason : ]
7/10/2008 8:58:05 PM
Says: Wassap, my peeps?
7/10/2008 8:59:00 PM
I wish I didn't have to work in the morning I wanna go drown my sorrows in rum
7/10/2008 9:30:31 PM
I am a damn fine cook. Black eyed pea cakes with a chipotle remoulade. Yum Yum Yum
7/10/2008 9:33:59 PM
i would like 1 million doll hairs immediately
7/10/2008 9:41:13 PM
12 hours swapping apartments hath brought teh pain
7/10/2008 9:41:49 PM
this is some of the worst gas i have ever had.also about this weekend. robert plant and allison krauss. magnolia grill. sweedish massage. other exciting activities.
7/10/2008 9:46:26 PM
i need a secret boyfriend.i am too young to be sitting at home watching south park covered in baby drool while my husband plays WoW.
7/10/2008 9:51:30 PM
7/10/2008 9:52:11 PM
go fuck yourselvesall of youyou people who pissed me off today
7/10/2008 10:03:46 PM
golden boy 2: hell's army
7/10/2008 10:04:26 PM
Cupcakes are in the oven
7/10/2008 10:14:17 PM
fo what?
7/10/2008 10:16:20 PM
a horse is a horse of course of course
7/10/2008 10:16:52 PM
is that new slang for "a bun in the oven"?
7/10/2008 10:16:58 PM
No I posted a little earlier asking if I should go out or bake cupcakes. I like to bake when stressed.
7/10/2008 10:21:43 PM
i bet they thought we were some kind of sorry ass individuals that came to their wedding and didn't bring a gift for a hot minute
7/10/2008 10:26:27 PM
i am a toolbut if i had my choice i'd be a drill
7/10/2008 10:27:55 PM
no effects in poormond
7/10/2008 10:28:36 PM
dear pilgrimshoesim watching a special on china on disc channel. they just showeed a karaoke bar and at a table was about 4 chinese business men. the table itself was covered in budweisers, do the chinese really like budweiser that much? thxluvsaps
7/10/2008 10:29:22 PM
^ I'm watching that too!
7/10/2008 10:32:26 PM
omfg 1.5TB hdds
7/10/2008 10:37:29 PM
The ice cream truck didn't come by work today!
7/10/2008 10:41:51 PM
i need to pack...
7/10/2008 10:46:16 PM
7/10/2008 10:50:34 PM
damnit. I think I just broke my foot.
7/10/2008 11:11:28 PM
V [Edited on July 11, 2008 at 12:25 AM. Reason : V]
7/11/2008 12:20:49 AM
i just pooped out corn]
7/11/2008 12:21:27 AM
perfectly acceptable by mealso, that movie was pretty outstanding. I'm a big fan now- glad my roomy got me to watch it. [Edited on July 11, 2008 at 12:28 AM. Reason : movie]
7/11/2008 12:24:22 AM
7/11/2008 12:28:37 AM
miss this game:
7/11/2008 12:28:55 AM
i really really really hate adderallbut i also love it & couldn't live without it :\
7/11/2008 12:29:47 AM
the scary part... it was ONLY corn. Husks and everything. Anyway, this weekend will be very busy... cleaning and yardwork. The joys of home-ownership...
7/11/2008 12:30:03 AM
7/11/2008 1:08:35 AM
what it must be like to be an attractive girl and have an internet sausage swarm oogling over you [Edited on July 11, 2008 at 1:09 AM. Reason : .]
7/11/2008 1:09:29 AM
goddamn that living room looks good now that + kitchen = niiiiiiiiice
7/11/2008 1:24:00 AM
reading then bed. goodnight!
7/11/2008 1:27:50 AM
hehpostin from the air thailand orchard club lounge, looking out the window over the tarmac of hong kong international airportthe cloud ceiling is really low today, and the mountians jetting up righton the other side of the runways are moving in and out of the's pretty surreal.the open bar doesn't hurt.
7/11/2008 1:40:08 AM
take pictures, you rat-ass bastard.
7/11/2008 1:41:05 AM
7/11/2008 1:47:25 AM
^^ it's only not rained or been cloudy as balls one day of the 15 i've been here
7/11/2008 1:48:18 AM