7/9/2008 3:55:28 PM
I'm going to have to find some project to work on or pick up another job, cuz I think I'll go crazy if I keep up this work load for the rest of the summer.
7/9/2008 4:01:13 PM
$1,700 a month for rent is just a little steep.....
7/9/2008 4:07:14 PM
gah my brain has totally left me and i still have 90 minutes left today. really sucks.
7/9/2008 4:09:18 PM
this atomic fireball is hotttt
7/9/2008 4:10:47 PM
Damnit, they're making me wear underwear for the next three weeks
7/9/2008 4:12:25 PM
7/9/2008 4:12:51 PM
professor is off running around with other people's projects, wondering if i should just get out of here...
7/9/2008 4:25:58 PM
Strippers Wanted message_topic.aspx?topic=532925
7/9/2008 4:31:36 PM
7/9/2008 4:37:23 PM
I'm ready to wet a hook!
7/9/2008 6:37:18 PM
whats up thread i forgot about you...i was like damn i cant think of anywhere else to post
7/9/2008 6:38:33 PM
why the fuck do i keep getting tired at this hour every fucking day???
7/9/2008 6:38:43 PM
jesus christthis cat has some goddamn issues
7/9/2008 6:56:59 PM
well, I passed out. also,
7/9/2008 6:57:15 PM
man funk that...do they even have public transportation?
7/9/2008 6:57:54 PM
my mortgage is 1700 + 200 a month hoa
7/9/2008 7:15:19 PM
that's not bad for an hoa fee i dont think. mine is over twice that
7/9/2008 7:16:35 PM
my mortgage is $596/month[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 7:17 PM. Reason : no HOA]
7/9/2008 7:17:24 PM
my water bill was 22 for 1.5 months...32 gallons a day
7/9/2008 7:19:23 PM
haha...ok...my water bill was $277[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 7:19 PM. Reason : ]
7/9/2008 7:19:50 PM
haha damn woman...did u fill a pool? got shamu over there or something?? lol
7/9/2008 7:20:22 PM
no...i had a messed up toilet and a roommate that only came home to wash clothes
7/9/2008 7:21:08 PM
well all of our utilities are included, but I do have to pay for parking (which isn't bad for the area). But out apartment is in the center of everything- I can walk everywhere I need to go for the most part.
7/9/2008 7:21:52 PM
7/9/2008 7:22:00 PM
damn $277 bucks. I think I would have died on the spot.
7/9/2008 7:22:08 PM
^^i live in Garner...but i put down 20%^i had one that was over $1,000 but it was a mistake
7/9/2008 7:24:58 PM
My new kitteh!
7/9/2008 7:27:02 PM
7/9/2008 7:29:28 PM
my mom is getting one this friday...she seemed really happy about it...looks like goober except its tabby not orange
7/9/2008 7:43:36 PM
I'm gonna GO INSANE if my damn power flickers ONE MORE TIME!!!!! Damn it...now back to playing GTA!
7/9/2008 7:44:15 PM
Fuck the city and their motherfucking setbacks.Fuck Mike for being a goddamn idiot.
7/9/2008 7:45:25 PM
haha 14th image searchhttp://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.moldova.org/movie/actors/c/catherine_bell/thumbnails/tn2_catherine_bell_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.thewolfweb.com/message_topic.aspx%3Ftopic%3D529455&h=480&w=308&sz=19&hl=en&start=16&um=1&tbnid=JZGiPh_0ab7w5M:&tbnh=129&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcatherine%2Bbell%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DX
7/9/2008 7:45:44 PM
ann coulter's a deadhead
7/9/2008 7:49:00 PM
of course she isbecause vapid cunts like shitty bands
7/9/2008 7:49:53 PM
so hard
7/9/2008 7:54:10 PM
7/9/2008 7:56:20 PM
lol is your mind literally always in the gutter?
7/9/2008 7:57:09 PM
mine certainly is
7/9/2008 8:00:12 PM
poor puppy is scared to death of thunder....she's laying in my lap and still hassling and shaking
7/9/2008 8:01:28 PM
Awe puppies! I wonder what I'd look like as a blond.
7/9/2008 8:02:24 PM
awww, poor mac, she hates thunder
7/9/2008 8:02:50 PM
7/9/2008 8:03:09 PM
her heart is racing and she peed on the floor...but i can't punish her for that[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 8:09 PM. Reason : hjkhjk]
7/9/2008 8:04:34 PM
why not? you got mad at me when i peed on your floor
7/9/2008 8:08:17 PM
i only saw her once durning a thuderstom but she was all curled up by the toilet with her head down, and the thunder wasn't even bad
7/9/2008 8:08:23 PM
^^you were drunk....not scared of thunder ^poor baby is pitiful
7/9/2008 8:09:37 PM
I will be there looking for somethingComing straight out of nothing, just killing timeFacing those walls so black, so vileI really am waiting for nothingComing straight out of something, just killing timeFacing those walls so black, so vile
7/9/2008 8:10:28 PM
is it waaaaay too lame to go to bed at 9:00?
7/9/2008 8:10:56 PM
hell no...i go to bed at 8 all the time
7/9/2008 8:11:46 PM