laulI was gonna say, "Evan is gonna be all over this." GETYOU SOME
7/9/2008 3:06:33 AM
i need coffee
7/9/2008 9:08:34 AM
scrumples,you were asking abput gd sbds in another thread. apparently theyve been allowed back on the net per this thread. it also has links to find such sbds
7/9/2008 9:12:56 AM
why the hell is my head so damn cloudy today?
7/9/2008 9:43:29 AM
I kind of want a Roomba, but I'm afraid my roommate's long hair would kill it
7/9/2008 9:45:53 AM
man today has been pretty fucking shitty so far :/
7/9/2008 9:47:11 AM
wish there was a window.
7/9/2008 9:50:17 AM
i've just realized how nice its been on here without the euphalo crew on here the past few weeks
7/9/2008 10:37:52 AM
I'd be better off not liking it, seeing as how I get it, oh...3 times a year
7/9/2008 10:44:59 AM
i hate hate HATE not being able to fall back asleep when i wake up with a headache
7/9/2008 11:25:24 AM
upset stomach ftl
7/9/2008 11:46:24 AM
alright fuckerstime to sketch ideas
7/9/2008 11:48:57 AM
highbeams...if you catch my drift...
7/9/2008 12:01:45 PM
anyone had any bad chapstick stories? funny ones?
7/9/2008 12:08:51 PM
i am currently bored shitless
7/9/2008 12:14:02 PM
I need to go to the beach!Maybe I'll go when matt goes to california...
7/9/2008 12:38:01 PM
PP presentation...
7/9/2008 12:45:39 PM
7/9/2008 12:48:34 PM
Now I'm all nauseated from thinking about eating Chapstick.
7/9/2008 12:50:37 PM
I just got really really sleepy!
7/9/2008 1:01:28 PM
ha, a friends girlfriend hit on mebut i'm not a bottomfeeder so i passed. don't know if i'll tattle yet. we're not like bestest friends. weird shit, maybe i'm being PUNKD@!!
7/9/2008 1:05:39 PM
^^ ^ dang it jackleg, I thought I could trust you! [Edited on July 9, 2008 at 1:08 PM. Reason : ]
7/9/2008 1:07:36 PM
somedays i look at my myspace and facebook and i really want to delete it and start over (ie, get rid of all the ''ppl i knew from high school'' fluff)
7/9/2008 1:07:42 PM
^^hahaha i totally do that shit, especially when i'm in my big comfy chair and its getting dark and i just ate dinner (especially when i have milk with it...zzzzzzzzz)i'll wake up and have like.. 600 m's or l's or something...sometimes i do it here in a reply box and when i wake up i just hit post cause its funny to meim narcoleptic sometimes(and omg i would never mess with a girl who has crazylol chainsaw madman for a boyfriend, ah haha)]
7/9/2008 1:10:08 PM
[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 1:15 PM. Reason : blugh]
7/9/2008 1:13:14 PM
7/9/2008 1:32:43 PM
^That's pretty fucking badass.
7/9/2008 1:40:17 PM
my girlfriend needs to get back from europe asap
7/9/2008 1:53:55 PM
just under 2 more months left with no girls.[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 1:55 PM. Reason : .]
7/9/2008 1:55:31 PM
I saw THE hottest girl on the bus todayShe looked kinda metal and like she didn't know she was hotI don't want to make out with 99.8% of the girls I meet, but damn
7/9/2008 1:56:29 PM
7/9/2008 1:57:20 PM
NoMy photo gallery is still broken as hell, even though I tried uploading the pictures again
7/9/2008 2:09:46 PM
7/9/2008 2:10:38 PM
haha did you take pics of her??
7/9/2008 2:13:48 PM
^^ did I see your name on f-book today?[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 2:14 PM. Reason : ^]
7/9/2008 2:14:02 PM
Trying to ignore the problem doesn't work.
7/9/2008 2:22:17 PM
haha, that depends on the problem
7/9/2008 2:23:20 PM
I mean, technically it should work, but now I'm just annoyed with it and keep thinking about it and it's making me
7/9/2008 2:24:13 PM
mmm. my sammich was good. And this Cheerwine! I think I missed Cheerwine more than I realized. I'm not physically ready for work... but I am ready for some fun and excitement. Who knew working at the grocery store could be a job I looked forward to!
7/9/2008 2:29:17 PM
chill- bumps
7/9/2008 2:30:42 PM
cheerwine fucking rulesas do glass bottle cokes
7/9/2008 2:31:47 PM
i thought that said i do glass coke bottles
7/9/2008 2:35:01 PM
damn it feels good to be a gangsta
7/9/2008 2:35:19 PM
I think the internet has a funny way of making unattractive women seem attractive
7/9/2008 2:39:07 PM
power point all damn day! lookin' good though
7/9/2008 2:53:36 PM
This shit is funny, but doesn't deserve its own thread.
7/9/2008 3:04:08 PM
what a crazy and eventful day today has been here at work
7/9/2008 3:22:38 PM
seems like basically to be successful at an office job you have to be able to do 4 hours of work a day...the other 4 hours are split between chatting with coworkers, lunch, bathroom breaks, and getting coffee in the break room
7/9/2008 3:34:25 PM
wtf is this retarded anteater shit on sci fi and why am i watching it
7/9/2008 3:51:31 PM
2465need to get to the gym... but I'm so tired I might fall over if I try to get up :yawn:[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 3:55 PM. Reason : tired]
7/9/2008 3:51:58 PM