sooooo happy that I dont have to go into the office today now..only good thing about a flight delay i suppose!
7/7/2008 10:45:19 AM
glad my boss decided to stay at the beach another day. i'm about to be up out of this piece
7/7/2008 10:48:44 AM
I have too much work to do to be on Tdub
7/7/2008 11:15:05 AM
i'm horny
7/7/2008 11:25:01 AM
i want it to be thursday again
7/7/2008 11:30:44 AM
uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmI already sent you my resume?Maybe this is why yall are still looking for interns in july
7/7/2008 11:39:21 AM
MOTHER FUCKING A$15K higher offer and not sure if i can accept it bc of the god damn bank fucking up
7/7/2008 11:59:33 AM
Oh noes!!!!Work that shizzle out
7/7/2008 12:08:04 PM
Yay my bathroom is clean!
7/7/2008 12:10:52 PM
Need to vacuum the mess Tonka made. Then get ready for my first day back at work since the last week of exams. But I haven't worked at this store in 6 years though.
7/7/2008 12:28:36 PM
i have actually been on hold for 15+ minutes. this is ridiculous
7/7/2008 12:32:56 PM
i wanna fucking cry
7/7/2008 12:32:57 PM
my bosom is open for your tears
7/7/2008 12:33:36 PM
7/7/2008 12:34:00 PM
I wish someone would write a "How to Dress for the Job you Want" article for scientists ><
7/7/2008 12:39:37 PM
I miss britta
7/7/2008 12:40:13 PM
bloated, crampy, and gassy. I'm so attractive today!
7/7/2008 12:40:15 PM
The fact that you only have $150 to spend on a reception hall might be, either directly or indirectly, related to the fact that you can't spell, have shitty grammar, have superglued your finger to the shift key, and are trying to find space kind of late.
7/7/2008 12:42:05 PM
i need a vacation from my vacationand, as much as i want it, i see comp time in my future
7/7/2008 1:07:47 PM
Should I let Grits out or not?
7/7/2008 1:18:05 PM
Wow I didn't think it could get worse...but it has
7/7/2008 1:20:24 PM
7/7/2008 1:20:59 PM
i only got about four hours of sleep last night due to the drive home somehow being three hours longer than it should've been. as a result, i slept in and didn't eat breakfast, and got an energy drink on the way to work. now i feel like complete shit.
7/7/2008 1:27:35 PM
this weekend went by wayyyyyyyyy too fast
7/7/2008 1:30:45 PM
Stop kill stealing my hobos!Fucking facebook.
7/7/2008 1:31:57 PM
It smells like pancakes. Now I want pancakes.
7/7/2008 1:43:07 PM
well fuck. now I'm going to be uninsured for a while. Which is the very last thing I need at the moment. I could cry right now
7/7/2008 1:52:40 PM
i'm tired
7/7/2008 1:56:20 PM
I don't even like Cheese Nips. But I am eating some, and sharing them with my dogs.
7/7/2008 1:58:46 PM
I'm having an allergic reaction to something I ate at lunch thank god for benadryl
7/7/2008 1:59:58 PM
damn cat
7/7/2008 2:21:50 PM
I gotta get off here and get ready for werk.
7/7/2008 2:40:50 PM
Boy I'm gonna have one hell of a story to tell one of these days
7/7/2008 2:42:03 PM
My computer is too slow for this shit
7/7/2008 2:43:36 PM
i like it when i re-make elementary school friendsgood times
7/7/2008 2:46:25 PM
obviously you can't read because there are two "no soliciting" signs outside our office and hanging around after i tell you that we do not deal with soliciters just pissed me off more
7/7/2008 3:14:57 PM
i feel like a total waste of life right now but anyway...what i never understood about the O.C. is that, the cohens live in like a ginormous house and ryan lives in the pool house because....clearly there are no extra bedrooms in their 9000 sq ft house. so when ryan's ex con brother some to sleep over, ryan has to share a room with seth.
7/7/2008 4:16:02 PM
if they all had their own roomsthey'd never get into wacky and/or sexy adventuresand then jason schwartzman couldn't play drumsalso, ira glass told this story about how he and his wife loved the o.c. so much they'd sing the theme song while watching it in bedand then one day seth made some joke about ira glass, and he stopped in his tracks and said, "holy shit...did they just say my name on the o.c.?"
7/7/2008 4:18:01 PM
hahahahahaoh god. daytime tv + daytime tv commercials = so awesome.
7/7/2008 4:21:23 PM
That was weird. My co-worker just walked up to my office door, I guess faster than I recognized she was there, and said something to me and scared the everloving crap out of me.
7/7/2008 4:29:59 PM
^ that happens to me even when i know that they're there.i'm easily startled to say the least.
7/7/2008 4:31:35 PM
It's never happened to me before. I know I saw her out of the corner of my eye, but it was like my brain didn't put together the fact that she was there with the fact she would be talking to me, or something. I don't know.
7/7/2008 4:33:51 PM
buying that seagate external was a good decision.
7/7/2008 4:36:45 PM
this tape smells like licorice
7/7/2008 4:37:05 PM
i don't think i put on deodorant today
7/7/2008 4:39:02 PM
i have to play two games tonight and my legs already fucking hurtand that hot mom is back in here
7/7/2008 4:49:27 PM
gym soon
7/7/2008 4:50:19 PM
^PM in a sec
7/7/2008 4:56:35 PM
what to watch...... Maury? ooooooooooooooooooooooooorrr Locked up abroad? ....
7/7/2008 4:57:48 PM
hooray food!
7/7/2008 4:57:52 PM